Stephen was a really fat kid. Who became an even fatter adult. And is now a slightly less fat adult. But still a little bit fat. Join him as he shares stories and songs of his ‘weight loss journey’ from a chubby childhood to his tubby teen years and beyond. Fat Boy Slimm…er offers a little something for the food lovers and fitness fanatics alike. This show is served up with the lot – extra fun, a double scoop of laughs, a side serving of sadness, a drizzle of hope …and more fat jokes than you can poke a hot dog at!
Created and Performed by Stephen Valeri
Produced and Directed by Sara Grenfell
Check out our competition on Facebook for your chance to win tickets!
Wed 17 – Sun 21
Wed 24 – Fri 26
9pm (6pm Sun)
Downstairs at The Noble Experiment
284 Smith Street