Page 11 - BOOKS
P. 11
Crime Fiction
A few books ago, Rankin retired summons from a dying member
Rebus and created another threatens to bring it all back,
character, Malcolm Fox who and not in a good way. A new
worked in the police complaints Solicitor General who wants to
division, and was naturally, make a mark is opening an old
loathed by all of his colleagues. case and some dirty laundry
A subsequent book had them is about to be exposed. Rebus
meeting and in this new book and Fox strike an uneasy
Fox is back in detective mode alliance to solve a current case
and Rebus, after a brief sojourn and Fox, against his better
in a cold case unit has become judgement, becomes involved
a detective again, albeit at a in proving whether Rebus
lower rank than he was when has his own dirty laundry or
he left. This provides the story not. Siobhan meanwhile is
with the interesting situation of struggling with her own history
Siobhan Clarke who was for so with Rebus and whether that is
long subordinate to Rebus as clouding her judgement.
Ian Rankin now being his boss. Not that The city of Edinburgh is less of a
The Saints of the that that means Rebus won’t still character than usual in this book
do his own thing. Not at all.
Shadow Bible and I miss that but Saints of the
The title of the book, Saints of Shadow Bible is still a good
Ian Rankin has been writing the Shadow Bible refers to the installment in the continuing
books featuring the detective self named team Rebus joined story of John Rebus. And
John Rebus for almost as long as as a young, green detective probably of Malcolm Fox.
I’ve been reading crime fction, many years previously. Rebus
which, ahem, is quite a while. had left them all behind but a Paperback $33
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11
Crime Fiction
A few books ago, Rankin retired summons from a dying member
Rebus and created another threatens to bring it all back,
character, Malcolm Fox who and not in a good way. A new
worked in the police complaints Solicitor General who wants to
division, and was naturally, make a mark is opening an old
loathed by all of his colleagues. case and some dirty laundry
A subsequent book had them is about to be exposed. Rebus
meeting and in this new book and Fox strike an uneasy
Fox is back in detective mode alliance to solve a current case
and Rebus, after a brief sojourn and Fox, against his better
in a cold case unit has become judgement, becomes involved
a detective again, albeit at a in proving whether Rebus
lower rank than he was when has his own dirty laundry or
he left. This provides the story not. Siobhan meanwhile is
with the interesting situation of struggling with her own history
Siobhan Clarke who was for so with Rebus and whether that is
long subordinate to Rebus as clouding her judgement.
Ian Rankin now being his boss. Not that The city of Edinburgh is less of a
The Saints of the that that means Rebus won’t still character than usual in this book
do his own thing. Not at all.
Shadow Bible and I miss that but Saints of the
The title of the book, Saints of Shadow Bible is still a good
Ian Rankin has been writing the Shadow Bible refers to the installment in the continuing
books featuring the detective self named team Rebus joined story of John Rebus. And
John Rebus for almost as long as as a young, green detective probably of Malcolm Fox.
I’ve been reading crime fction, many years previously. Rebus
which, ahem, is quite a while. had left them all behind but a Paperback $33
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11