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From the Editor

Welcome to January


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year for that. If you haven’t read
and are well rested enough to face the year ahead. Past the S hallows, do so, soon.
If you received some books or book vouchers as gifts It’s terrifc.
maybe you have fnished them already. Holidays
are always a good time to get stuck into a big book Even though I am constantly surrounded by books,
and there were plenty of those around in the last and have been involved with them all of my profes-
few months of 2013. If you read previous editions of sional life, I still get excited when talking about them.
BOOKS you would know that in my view, those big There are so many ways to tell a story, and those clev-
books were thoroughly worth the effort needed to er authors keep thinking of new ways. I never tire of
read them. Narrow Road to the Deep North wasn’t it, and if you are reading this, maybe you don’t either.
the biggest in size, and remains my pick of the novels So, to January.
I read last year. I fully expect it to sweep all of the
awards it is eligible for this year, and if it doesn’t, it We have some new fction as always, and a crime
will be a travesty. Now I’ve got that off my chest, let’s novel and the latest buzz book for teens These
look at some books for this year! Broken Stars with a reveiw written by specialst chil-
dren’s bookseller Jess Speight. We have some in-
2013 saw a lot of the big Aussie writer’s produce teresting non-fction too this month and I also look
books and 2014 is looking good for some big in- at a picture book.
ternational names. Sue Monk Kidd is frst of the grid
with The Invention of Wings which is already out. An Our author in the Meet the author column is Carole
author I’m excited about with a new book in April is Wilkinson, best known for here Dragonkeeper se-
Siri Hustvedt. It’s called The Blazing World. I’m lucky ries, though she has many other titles to her name,
enought to have a pre release copy of it and it’s on top including the non-fction book, The Night we Made
of my reading pile so I’ll talk about it in another issue. the Flag, which is about the Eureka Stockade. Carole
Others to look forward to are Marilynne Robinson can tell a good story and has been writing for a long
who wrote the wonderful Gilead some years ago, time, so it’s interesting to read her thoughts.
Hanif Kureishi, DBC Pierre, Haruki Murakami and As always, I hope you have a happy month of read-
Emma Donoghue who wrote the hugely successful ing, whatever takes your fancy.
Room in 2010 will bring out Frog Music in April. An
Australian whose book Past the Shallows I loved in

2012, Favel Parrett is bringing out When the Night Heather Dyer
Comes, though we will have to wait until September TAT BOOK Magazine Editor

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