Page 5 - Fiction Vol 1 No 2
P. 5
from Deputy Editor Meg Hellyer
Welcome to the second edition of TAT Fiction Our first piece, Charlette Barry's The Last Supper,
Magazine. takes us to mysterious Paragange, while R.J
Hackett's Harold takes us to the goldfields of
It's been an exciting time here at The Australia Ballarat and a bit beyond. Our third story, from
Times - especially in the world of stories and TAT Poetry Editor Maureen Clifford (also known as
literature. Since our last issue, we have welcomed the Scribbly Bark Poet), takes a look at life in the
both the TAT Poetry and TAT Books magazines to Australian bush, and our fascination with rain.
our ranks. Be sure to check
them out, as there are some Finally, Purnima Nandy's
fantastic pieces there “We aim to publish quality poem The Artist looks at
waiting to be discovered. fiction which reflects the val- what it is to be a creator
of art, and explores the
We are also launching a ues and creative inspiration of love of the craft.
second fiction magazine, to
be titled TAT Unearthed modern Australia. “ As always we welcome
Fiction. It is our vision that new submissions, and
Unearthed Fiction will have look forward to reading
a focus on nurturing new, emerging writers, and your comments and contributions.
provide a place in which to showcase their work.
We hope you enjoy this issue of TAT Fiction
For now, this month we have some great stories Magazine. Sit back, relax, and happy reading!
for you to read.
Deputy Editor,
Meg Hellyer.
5 Independent Media Inspiring Minds Independent Media Inspiring Minds 5
from Deputy Editor Meg Hellyer
Welcome to the second edition of TAT Fiction Our first piece, Charlette Barry's The Last Supper,
Magazine. takes us to mysterious Paragange, while R.J
Hackett's Harold takes us to the goldfields of
It's been an exciting time here at The Australia Ballarat and a bit beyond. Our third story, from
Times - especially in the world of stories and TAT Poetry Editor Maureen Clifford (also known as
literature. Since our last issue, we have welcomed the Scribbly Bark Poet), takes a look at life in the
both the TAT Poetry and TAT Books magazines to Australian bush, and our fascination with rain.
our ranks. Be sure to check
them out, as there are some Finally, Purnima Nandy's
fantastic pieces there “We aim to publish quality poem The Artist looks at
waiting to be discovered. fiction which reflects the val- what it is to be a creator
of art, and explores the
We are also launching a ues and creative inspiration of love of the craft.
second fiction magazine, to
be titled TAT Unearthed modern Australia. “ As always we welcome
Fiction. It is our vision that new submissions, and
Unearthed Fiction will have look forward to reading
a focus on nurturing new, emerging writers, and your comments and contributions.
provide a place in which to showcase their work.
We hope you enjoy this issue of TAT Fiction
For now, this month we have some great stories Magazine. Sit back, relax, and happy reading!
for you to read.
Deputy Editor,
Meg Hellyer.
5 Independent Media Inspiring Minds Independent Media Inspiring Minds 5