
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - TAT Girl magazine. Volume 1, issue 1

Photography Culture Poetry Art Food Music Fashion Life
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
VOL.1 No. 1
October 2013
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Amy Freund
E di tor
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Amy Freund
E d i tor
Rachel Plank
Creative Editor
Hello lovely readers! Whether you have stumbled
upon this magazine by accident or are just check-
ing out what it has to offer, welcome to TATGIRL.
TATgirl is basically a young, fun magazine that
incorporates art, culture, food and creative and
factual writings that are interesting and exciting.
Whether you love travel, music, love struck poetry
or just flicking through pages of pretty pictures,
TATgirl’s got you covered.
In case you were wondering, this is our very first
issue, and we are incredibly excited to see what
you think. We love to get insight from fresh, young
writers who are eager to get their voice heard out
there in the big world of journalism, so if you’ve
got something to say or just want to draw a pic-
ture, feel free to contribute to our next issue.
A huge thank-you to all of the contributors that
made this issue happen – you are all amazeballs!
A brief description of yourself and all submissions can
be emailed to amy.freund@theaustraliatimes.com.au
We offer both veteran and undiscovered writers the opportunity to get published.
Have something to communicate, or an opinion to state, we are your voice!
Want to join a like minded community in a great project?
Click here to join us.
Life as a Brunchilly girl / Life
A Hyper Heart / Poetry
What Be A Hipster? / Life
Spring into Fashion / Fashion
Spring Essentials / Photography
Avocado & Me / Food
Arte e fisicità d’Italia / Art
Redefining the F word / Culture
Groovin’ / Music
Behind the brands / Culture
Sandy Marie Bauer
Eilish Gilligan
Ying Wang
Amy Johnston
Zoe Kimpton
Kara Blakeley
Alexandra Saltis
Jeyda Erdogan
Sophie Boyd
Front Cover: Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Hi! My name is Sandy Marie Bauer and I am officially
15 years old. My everyday life is almost exactly like
yours except for the fact that I live in the middle of
nowhere and that I am surrounded by animals and
the same people 24/7.
I live on a cattl e station called ‘Brunchilly,’ which is 5,136 square
kilometers and holds 22,000 head of cattle. Brunchilly Station
is in the middle of the Northern Territory, which is located
smack bang 13 hours south of Darwin and 1 ½ hours north
of Tennant Creek which is our nearest small town. Brunchilly
is one of fifteen properties owned by Sir Sidne y Kidman & Co.
(Look him up!)
My family and I came here in 2004, when I had just
turned six. Originally my Nan and Grandad were
managing the property and we were just doing the
family trip up to visit them for a couple of weeks.
During this time my dad got offered a job as a ma-
chinery operator, so he accepted and we moved all
the way from ‘Emu Creek’ QLD, to ‘Brunchilly Sta-
tion, NT. I didn’t think it was anything to worry about
until we got back to QLD and we had to say good-
bye to our school friends!
We had moved into our new house over two weeks.
I didn’t find it too hard to be in such a remote place
after I saw all of the things that we could do out
here. We were allowed to help with the weaner
branding and we got to rear the poddy calves. Not
to mention in the first year I was loaned a white
Albino mare called Mystery, who I later bought off
my aunty. During the first year dad went from the
‘Machinery Operator’ to the ‘Bore Mechanic.
We had a completely new way of doing school
work; it was a thing called ‘Distance Education’ and
our mum was to be our teacher.
As part of our distance education, we did all of our
classes that we once did face to face over the radio.
This was a lot harder than I first thought it would be,
you were forever trying to hear what your teacher
wanted you to do!
Not to mention the only friend about my age on the
Life as a
Brunchilly girl
“I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
station was my older sister!
I appreciate living remotely because I appreciate
what I have. Everything that I have, I have bought
myself through birthday money and pocket mon-
ey. The biggest things that I own, that I have paid
for myself, are my two horses and my camera and
In January last year I bought a Pentax K-r DSLR, I
learnt how to use it and then I decided to start up
my photography page with the goal to show every-
one, the place where I live and why I like it so much.
At the age of 14 it seemed like a pretty big goal to
take photos of a rural place in an interesting way so
that people actually liked the photos. My business
A Little Piece of Heart Photography’ (Check out my
Facebook page!) has grown so much over a year, I
have bought myself 3 different lenses, a tripod and I
have been gifted a bigger camera bag and heaps of
props for my 15th birthday!
Photography went from a hobby to one of my favourite things,
and gives me the opportunity to sh are my life with others.
I am in year 10 now and currently doing school
through NTOEC (Northern Territory Open Educa-
tion Centre) which is located in Darwin, I am doing
a VET course in Photography to further my skills in
that area. At the start of term one and term three
we have a Residential school where we travel on
the bus for 14 hours to participate in classes for a
week. Next year I will be completing Year 11 pho-
tography and focusing on building my portfolio, I
will also be taking business courses to help with my
The only downside to living remotely is when you
go to town to go shopping the shop assistants al-
ways wonder why you are buying 10 pairs of shorts
in one go!
But I wouldn’t change it for the world, I love the
rural life.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Sandy Marie Bauer
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
A well-loved poem of mine is this one by Shane Koy-
czan. No one, to my knowledge, has expressed morn-
ing sentiment better. I’ve been told that people in
the army do more by 7:00 am than I do in an entire
day But if I wake at 6:59 am and turn to you to
trace the outline of your lips with mine I will have
done enough and killed no one in the process.
I always wake up before he does. Always, and I wish
I could kiss his perfect sleeping body up and down
and all over without disturbing him. But I can’t, so I lie
patiently as the sun rises, watching as he glows in his
sleep. His eyelids flutter as he dreams and he shud-
ders with some mad thought that will be gone when
his day begins. I wonder what it was. Quietly I slip
out from under his arms and pull some clothes on, the
thin fabric barriers that separate our bodies during
the day. I barely brush his cheekbone with the side
of my hand with as much tenderness as I can muster,
then leave the room.
I eat my breakfast alone. I like the routine of it; open-
ing the little portion-controlled sachet of oats, mea-
suring the milk, heating it up, mixing, then heating
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Eilish Giligan
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
again. Pour coffee. Strong, milky. Add cinnamon to
porridge, burn tongue, read yesterday’s newspaper. I
like knowing how much food I have put in my body at
that time, and I like the push into consciousness that
the strong coffee gives me. I’m suddenly capable of
beginning the day. Next is his breakfast. Everything
fried, everything buttery, everything delicious. I love
to cook food for him that I would never eat; eggs
over easy, greasy bacon, loads of Turkish bread and
fried tomatoes and mushrooms and baked beans, all
stacked ma jestically and precariously onto one plate.
My lover is impossibly thin, tall, and humble. He eats
everything I cook for him, no matter what it is or if it’s
burnt or cold or in silly excess. I love him madly when
he eats the mountainous breakfasts I have brought
to him; he does it because I am so afraid to. He lets
me pick fussily at single beans off of the side of his
plate, and kisses me with his bacon mouth when he’s
For more visit:
Eilish Gilligan
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
They thrive in Melbourne’s hid-
den laneways and grungy under-
ground venues, sipping soy caps
with listless eyes and fingers that
tousle scraggly hair. Everyone has
a personal definition of what a
hipster aims to be, but what does
calling something hipster or being
called hipster actually mean?
If you sit on the lush flowing green
of the State Library’s lawn, prime
examples of the social phenome-
non trot past. They graze in grun-
gy packs with trademark paisley
collars and rolled up jeans in deep
jewel tones.
Hipsters are largely constructed
through fashionable knowhow
with clear visual calling cards to
yell out: “Name’s River. And I’m
hip.” But there’s a distinct cast
that River must fit to meet ex-
pectations of what has become
stereotypically ‘alternative.
They bear shirts with loud off-
beat prints, sweeping fringes that
What Be
a Hipster?
dangle precariously across di-
shevelled eyes, skinny jeans rolled
up at the ankles and Aztec print
rucksacks. Rolled up sleeves re-
veal thin bodies and an unofficial
colour palette of mustard, burgun-
dy, bottle green, navy and black
cover their limbs.
Branching off from old sister term
‘indie’, hipster has become a new
lingo that differentiates from the
original definition of true inde-
pendence that ‘indie’ offers. ‘Indie’
derived from the independent
music genre attributed to individ-
uals truly alternative and far, far
away from the bright green city of
‘Hipster’ counters this like the
pesky younger brother of 14 years.
They aspire to construct an image
of what they believe to be alter-
native, like a teenager wanting to
retaliate against the rigid Sunday
school shoes their mother leaves
by their door.
By Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
This need to break away from
conventional collared shirts and
calf length plaid skirts is a com-
munal desire; so collectively the
hipster was born. It’s a new age
sense of style that speaks visually
of a desire to break away from
regulation without so much as a
word spoken.
Ironically, there’s a clear hipster
code to abide by, caressed by a
book jacket of paisley print can-
vas. There’s a level of conformity
that underscores the surface of
dressing in the particular hipster
Hipster has become what is in
vogue – a contradiction with the
innocent beginnings of trying to
construct something alternative.
If you window shop past youth
clothing stores you’ll see perfect
examples of traditional hipster
garb. Hanging off gangly man-
nequins you’ll see loud vintage
inspired prints and burgundy
jeans. Retailers have responded to
this hipster code of dress and are
creating exactly what consumers
want, without them even realising
The hipster phenomenon be-
comes something deeper than a
dress code now. It’s a contradic-
tion of trying to rebel from what’s
considered conventional and a
search for acceptance amongst
like minded peers, to fit into the
social convention.
Hipsters can be considered ‘indie’
– but in fashion. Bound by the dic-
tatorial fashion police who speak
from an elusive gospel of vogue.
It becomes a materialistic matter
underpinned by a search for iden-
tity as River is still trying to look
cool. And the commercial cats
are smart enough to cash in on
the fad, fishing away River’s hard
earned student earning wage.
Deep down it’s the need for ac-
ceptance and approval that still
governs the hipster cast.
Artwork by Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Spring is well and truly here and
what better way to celebrate than
giving your wardrobe that much
needed pre-summer re-vamp. It’s
necessary right? With all of the par-
ties and end of year events coming
up, the wardrobe may be starting
to look a little drab. Why not zhuzz
it up a little, add in some colour and
get away from those depressing win-
ter blues. It’s time to shine and what
better way to do it than with some of
this spring’s hottest designer pieces
just shown at Melbourne Fashion
There are so many styles and colour
palette’s to choose from this season,
so get out there and discover what’s
in store. Neon hasn’t really stuck
around, but don’t stress, if you have
a lot in your wardrobe just add to a
few new pieces – grab a neon crop
and team with a girly A-line skirt,
cap and high tops and voila, you’ll be
looking fab in no time.
Spring into
Whether you are a tomboy or a
super primp girly girl, there’s some-
thing for everyone this season, and
everything in between. Aussie brand
Honour Among Thieves are bringing
back the 90’s this season, which is
great because there were some hot
pieces during this super pop era. It’s
casual and fun with a tomboy edge
and the outfits can easily be dressed
up for the next house party at the
crush’s place. Honour Among Thieves
are all about denim, and what better
way to get on board with the blue
trend this season than grabbing
yourself a pair of dungarees and
teaming it with an old band t-shirt.
Slap on some converse, or heels if
you want to dress it up, and you’ll
be one gorgeous gal – and not to
mention you’ll look amazing without
looking like you tried too hard!
If you’re more of a girly girl, Lime-
drop is taking it under their wing
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Amy Johnston
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
this season to supply you with the
most gorgeous collection of femi-
nine pieces. It’s floaty, full of patterns
and floral in every pastel shade you
can imagine. And who doesn’t love
the backpack craze right now? They
have it covered with some of the
cutest backpacks to hit the runway
this year. Its all about fun, free and
flirty, so make use of some of those
loose white and pink t’s you have
in the closet, team with a Limedrop
A-line skirt and backpack and you’ll
be ready for the beach, or that fun
night out with the girls.
If you’re somewhere in between,
Aussie brand Kings of Carnaby have
a beautiful collection this season,
sporting a must have dress with a
brown leather bodice and cream
skirt. Divine! If you haven’t quite
worked out how to rock the leath-
er (or faux leather) this season, but
want to, the greatest investment to
be made is with a simple black A-line
or mini skirt. These are great be-
cause they can be dressed up with a
cute blouse and heels, or dressed for
casual with a T and sandals. Versatile
and gorgeous with just a little bit of
And remember, it’s not always about
having the best and newest of every-
thing this season, it’s smart to take
existing pieces from your wardrobe
and team with just a couple of new
items. It’s great to recycle clothing,
so organise a clothing swap with
your friends, it’s a great way of get-
ting some new pieces, but at no cost.
Often outfits that your friend doesn’t
fit or like anymore, will be something
that really suits your body type and
Happy Spring!
Photographed and writen by:
Amy Johnston
Photo: Amy Johnston Photo: Amy Johnston
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Spring Essentials
Flower Crowns
- The best thing to happen since sliced bread.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Zoe Kimpton
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
People say that they have the
best day of their life, take the best
flight of their life, the best trip of
their life. Well, today, I took the
best bite of my life! You may scoff,
taunt, or even laugh at my strange
excitement for what I’m about to
tell you; but believe me, it’s pretty
darn amazing. I’m talking about
Avocado, that small green vege-
table that sort of just sits in the
back of your fridge until it grows
a beard. But once you hear my
concoction of avocadoey great-
ness, you will soon be brushing
off their half-formed moustaches
and taking a giant scoop out of its
little green bod.
I’m using separate sentences for
this next part to exemplify the
sheer quantum of greatness this
meal really is:
Sautéed mushrooms.
Wilted Spinach.
Danish Fetta.
And avocado.
All on a focaccia roll, with some
Dijon mustard… even as I write
this I am salivating so badly I may
cause a technical fire as my key-
board is covered in excitement! It
is simply amazing!
Where did this strange obsession
come from you may ask? From
those government funded “add an
Avo” adds? Barely. From those diet
adds you see that have avocado
extract as their main super food?
Not even close. My obsession
started with my dad’s hair-brain
scheme to take us to “Avocado
World” in the NSW border be-
tween Tumbulgum and the very
bottom of Queensland. Don’t ask
me why this appealed to my dad
to take 3 unenthused teens to an
avocado theme park; but he knew
us better than we knew ourselves,
as it was one of the best days of-
dare I say it- my life! Now known
as “Tropical Fruit World” (their at-
tempt to appeal to a broader mar-
ket,) we had a private tour on the
back of a golf buggy, as we, being
the fools we are, got confused
& Me
- A true love story.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
with daylight saving times and
turned up half an hour before the
park closed rather than an hour
and a half before it closed. Kindly,
the guide whizzed us around the
park for the last half hour of being
open in his little buggy, showing
us all types of weird and wonder-
ful fruits. Fruits that tingle your
tastebuds and even sometimes
numb them; fruits that taste like
chocolate, fruits that have every
single different fruit in them to
create a super fruit, and last but
not least, their reigning glory; the
avocado. This was the part I was
not looking forward to. I’d never
liked avocado. I thought the tex-
ture was -well- weird.
The guide enthusiastically ex-
plained how great the avocado
was, the antioxidants it contains,
and how it can be put on “practi-
cally anything.
“Bet you couldn’t put it on ice-
cream,” I mumbled to my sister
next to me who exploded in a fit
of laughter. The guide then made
a guacamole salsa dip with avoca-
do and their own blend of sauces
and handed me a corn chip, say-
ing: “80 per cent of people who
hate avocado love this.
I grumbled and took a chip, con-
vinced that that wouldn’t be me,
partly because I knew that noth-
ing could stifle my hate for avoca-
do, and mostly because after he
said that, the pigheaded teenag-
er I was, I wanted to prove him
wrong. But after one corn chip of
that avocado magic dip, as much
as I tried not to, I had to hand it to
him. It was amazing. And not only
did I take another scoop, I took
the whole bowl and then bought 7
avocados and the sauces he used
so I could make it every day in the
hotel room until we went home.
And after that, I bought 4 more
bottles of the sauces so I would be
stocked up at home until we went
back to Queensland, and I would
convince my dad to go there
So everybody, don’t let your
avocado grow a beard that even
Santa would be proud of - get it
out of the back of your fridge and
take a scoop – believe me, your
taste buds will thank you!
By Amy Freund
Photo: Amy Freund
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Arte e fisicità d'Italia
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Rachel Plank
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
For the duration of the Prato program I consistently
found difficulty in avoiding comparisons between the
ancient sculptures, paintings and frescoes we experi-
enced throughout Tuscan Italy to the contemporary
artworks of the world that we witnessed within the
various sites at the 55th Venice Biennale. It wasn’t an
inbuilt and ongoing agenda of analysing the formal
and aesthetic qualities of an artwork, which stemmed
from Greek visual culture thousands of years ago
(although that may very well continue to shape the
way we perceive contemporary art and culture in the
world today), nor was it a case of one era in prefer-
ence over the other. I was actually captivated by this
subconscious necessity I felt to project a sense of
myself upon the artworks so as to create personal as-
sociations to that something, which I would otherwise
feel quite detached from. I was increasingly fascinat-
ed by the ways in which my mind would conjure up
various pathways to travel to and from my physical
presence in the here and now and my psychological
whereabouts that were often led back home or else-
where creating links to past experiences, memories,
and knowledge.
As far as I’m aware this psychological way of seeing,
or perhaps not seeing but rather feeling, or experi-
encing, is not covered as one of the four major quali-
ties of the way we artists perceive the world through
visual aesthetics. Balance, harmony, symmetry and
proportion are four of the main properties of analysis
that we umbrella under the term ‘aesthetic’ when in-
terpreting visual culture, and these qualities, although
Kara Blakeley recently travelled to
Italy on a student study program, and
speaks of her experience exploring the
relationships between the past and
present in physicality and psychology.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
abstract, are mostly to do with physicality and the
actuality of visual evidence of them existing within an
artwork. Yes, since Duchamp’s “Fountain” we are now
also taking into account the context of the artwork,
which does extend beyond the boundaries of the
frame or the plinth or the projector screen on which
it exists, and considers the environment in which
the artwork is displayed and the influence this has
on our perception of it. We are also interested in the
conceptual, theoretical and historical frameworks on
which the art is made, which does take into account
psychology as well as physicality, but overall, when I
look at these outlines on visual perception, I see a set
of rules governing how we are to look, how we are to
think and how we are to judge what it is that’s ‘visu-
ally pleasing’ a term in which has no one definition,
and so cannot possibly be found by following a set of
basic instructions on how to identify it. I must admit,
I have always stood by these rules and used them
to my advantage when approaching an artwork and
wanting to create a strong personal connection with
it by understanding the artists intent, his methods,
his techniques and his materials, but never have I felt
more connected to an artwork than when I witnessed
a piece in the Venice Biennale and honestly felt like I
wasn’t even looking at the work at all.
What I experienced for the first time at the Venice
Biennale this year, was the way in which I can be
physically standing in a room, surrounded by people,
completely engulfed by the amazing artworks that fill
the space, to then be virtually detached from my own
physical self and allow my mind to take me elsewhere
and disappear from that space in a moment. I don’t
know what it was, but the site-specific multi-channel
video and sound installation of Gilad Ratman at the
Israeli Pavilion was above all, the most enlightening
and moving artwork I experienced as I found myself
creating endless numbers of mental collaborations
between the artwork and myself, between what I
was seeing in front of me and what I have seen, and
between the physical present, the psychological past
and the imaginative future.
I suppose whilst on the Prato program I was most
interested in thinking of ideas, links and connections
and interrelationships between old and new, past
and present, and the known and the unknown. I often
found myself overwhelmed by the captivating an-
cientness of the country with its medieval buildings,
its extensive artistic history, and an undoubtedly
strong sense of tradition and culture, very different
to that of my own. I felt myself attempting to cre-
ate links from my own experiences, memories, and
knowledge of home to assist in coming to understand
this new environment I was temporarily a part of and
what will now be a temporal part of myself. These
links, regardless of whether I am aware of them or
not, will constantly attempt to form in my mind as I
approach anything new or unfamiliar, it is a coping
mechanism used to come to terms with and accept
the fear of the unknown.
Photo: Amy Freund
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
F Word
By Alexandra Saltis
I want to write about the dirti-
est ‘F word’ there is. Oh yes, the
one you roll your eyes at. And
oh yes, the one that you hope
your daughter never uses. FEM-
INISM. Isn’t it disgusting? Isn’t
it the foulest thing you have
ever heard? In my encounters
with feminism, and as a self
proclaimed feminist, there have
been some questionable stereo-
types, generalisations and per-
haps even some misplaced un-
comfortableness associated with
feminism and advocates of it.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Zoe Kimpton
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
My experiences have been clouded with unsavoury
reactions and pursed lips upon declaring “I am
a feminist”; the dangerous words that prompt
judgement and images of bra burning lesbians.
However, feminism could take a turn for the best; a
turn to praxis that requires a global commitment.
This will not only afford feminism a practical and
real-world humanitarian role, but also a change in
the way that feminists are perceived.
I care about women’s issues and gender issues.
I believe that there is good reason to care about
them or at least be aware of them. In my classes,
there are the token couple of students who are,
shall we say, the fundamentalists of the feminist
genre. They’re the classic outspoken and difficult
to shush ‘man haters’. They have become the
face of popular feminism, and, it must be ad-
mitted, seem to take a relatively unspecific and
uninformed view of the whole ontology. Views of
feminism have unfortunately been based upon
encounters with these individuals. Society has
begun to associate those individuals with feminists
at large, which renders feminists reluctant to as-
sociate themselves with feminism. Even in classes
about feminist theories, there is some wariness
shown towards raising your own hand when the
lecturer boldly asks “who here is a feminist?”. I
observed that others around me had slowly put up
their hand, glancing to either side, and retracting
it immediately upon seeing others glancing back
at them. I have also experienced admitting that
I am a feminist in social spaces, met with smirks
and a “get back into the kitchen and make me a
sandwich” joke. The crux of all this talk is really
about one thing: what type of world are we creat-
ing if we allow such ashamedness and judgement
to continue?
Many of the current international issues are gen-
der based if we look through glasses fitted firmly
with gender lenses. Female genital mutilation, men
implicated in endless war as soldiers, little sup-
port for victims of rape of both genders and child
marriages still continue. It is simple to dismiss
these as merely ‘feminist issues’. But these issues
shouldn’t be dismissed as ideas that have come
from a fanatical bunch of unfeminine women who
have stopped wearing girdles. In my eyes, feminist
concerns are humanitarian concerns. By looking
at the prominent and in many cases disturbingin-
ternational issues, feminism is an anti-exclusionary
paradigm of justice, equality, dignity and respect
that can be employed to address the problems
that so many families and individuals face, espe-
cially in underdeveloped nations. After all, feminism
is based on anti-exclusionary framework and this
can be applied to any plight of any origin.
What is particularly difficult for feminist human-
itarians now is practicality. After having watched
the documentary entitled ‘I am a girl’, I was in-
spired, angry and frustrated. Particularly, I was
fixated with three things. Firstly, how inherently
unjust the world is. Why are some people blessed
infinitely with education, food and peace whilst
others have none of the above? Secondly, I was
so glad that someone was publicising the sto-
ries of six girls who each had different struggles
within their own contexts and lives, many of them
suffering at the hands of social entrenched val-
ues and economic struggles. The multiplicity of
different female experiences was uncovered. And
then the third concern came floating in. It just isn’t
enough. This thought plagued my mind for almost
the whole screening time. It just isn’t enough. The
film was commendable in so many ways; it raises
awareness about women’s issues, it gives some-
what silenced girls a voice, it makes us re-examine
ourselves as women and men. However, it does
very little to help the whole situation. There will still
be women and girls after the production of the film
who have not been helped. It almost makes such
projects seem arbitrary because those six girls,
randomly chosen, now have some help and guid-
ance but others do not. Ultimately, it isn’t enough
that the feminist community raises awareness.
Harking back to the protests of the suffragette
movement, something real must be done for femi-
nists to truly practice what we preach.
Ma ybe, instead of viewing feminism as a theoretica l some-
thing that has no real place in the modern world where
women can do everything a man can, it will take on a new
humanitarian identity th at can be cel ebrated as the catalyst
behind less maternal and infant deaths, fewer adol escents
prostituting themselves to feed their families and fewer
young men feeling like they are emasculated because the y
don’t believe in wars. With any luck, one da y parents will
encourage their children to raise their h and to the ques tion
of “who here is a feminist?”
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
4 MAY 2013
Groovin’ the Moo Bendigo
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photo: Jeyda Erdogan
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Ever picked up a 50 cent choco-
late bar or fair trade peppermint
tea bag without knowing what
you are buying? Ethical eating can
often seem an unobtainable ideal
for struggling students, but it’s
important to know what you are
supporting when you spend your
money. Oxfam’s Behind the Brands
initiative focuses on connecting
consumers with the origins of their
food and clothing. By highlight-
ing the ethical shortcomings of
the ten highest earning compa-
nies, Oxfam anticipates to show
consumers how influential their
choices are.
Oxfam hopes the initiative will
raise awareness of how consumer
choice and brand infrastructure
affects workers in developing
countries. “No company is big
enough not to listen to their con-
sumers,” believes Oxfam’s Clancy
Moore. “The Behind the Brands
initiative is really asking people to
change the way the big food com-
panies do business.
On a local level the initiative
hopes to improve the conditions
of workers – especially wom-
en – who don’t have access to
training allowing them to earn
above minimum wage. Mr Moore
says the project has the potential
to “improve lives of millions of
women and their families. Some
of these women are earning less
than two dollars a day”. Globally
the project aims to tackle hun-
ger and food insecurity through
improved sustainability and fair
conditions for workers across the
supply chain.
The initiative relies on consum-
ers taking the time to understand
the impact of their choices and
demanding change through their
purchases. “I think the success of
Behind the Brands comes down to
consumers and young people and
students who really care about
the food they eat, and really want
to see these companies use their
power for good and actually make
a difference by their operations,
Clancy Moore from oxfam stated
when speaking of the “Behind the
brands” initiative.
It’s hard to always have a so-
cial conscience when browsing
through your favourite brands, but
if you want to learn more about
Behind the brands or the ethics of
your food visit:
By Sophie Boyd
- an Oxfam initiative
Image: http://www.fairtraderesource.org/wftd/toolkit/
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Artwork by Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Artwork by Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds