
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - TAT Girl magazine. Volume 2, issue 1

Independent Media Inspiring Minds
VOL. 2 No. 1
February 2014
Photography Culture Poetry Art Food Music Fashion Life
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Amy Freund
E d i tor
Rachel Plank
Creative Editor
Hello there fellow readers!
It’s a new year! And you know what that
means post new years resolution regret!
If one of your resolutions is to start writing
for something other than school/uni/ work,
its time to get published! TATGiRL is always
looking for fresh new ideas and passionate
writers, just send us an email and wipe away
the new year regret with some inspirational
Love, the TATGiRL team xx
A brief description of yourself and all submissions can
be emailed to amy.freund@theaustraliatimes.com.au
Tis the season to be...Jolly?
Leadbeaters possum will not be beaten
LAMB - Look At Me Bitches
How to be a smarter shopper
A Royal Celebration
Summer, Sun and Pimm’s
Passing Moments
To each their own
Understanding Acne
Eilish Gilligan
Ying Wang
Janet Galbraith
Zoe Kimpton
Madonna Melrose
Hannah Patchett
Brittany Stewart
Celeste Juliano
Tina Afshar
Fiona Campbell
Alexandra Saltis
Tis the season
to be
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Christmas. We love it, right? We
love the festivities, the presents
and, perhaps to a lesser ex-
tent, the family get togethers
at which painstaking general
questions like “hows school?”
must be endured. To an even
lesser extent, we kind of like
shopping for Christmas pre-
sents, trudging through crowds
of painful people who are well
and truly sick of the repetitive
nature of every Christmas pe-
riod. Make a list, check it twice
and go shopping at least thrice.
Surely we’ve lost something
in translation? Consumerism
seems to have taken over,
and we no longer appreciate
the presents we get, let alone
what the whole ‘festive’ season
means. Indeed, calling it festive
now seems to be a cruel joke.
Although there may be more
red, green and gold decorations
hanging than ever, Christmas
seems to have become a time
to dread rather than celebrate
due to the financial burden
and the annoyingly persis-
tent Christmas carols that are
obligatorily played everywhere.
Even the shopping centre Santa
Clauses’ are looking worn out
and, in many cases, downright
creepy. So where is the merri-
ment to which Christmas carols
refer? And where is the religious
element? And where is the joy?
If you asked a three year old
what Christmas is all about,
they would refer to Santa and
perhaps some elves or a toy
workshop. Even these ideas
seem to be wearing thin in their
credibility for some children,
who already realise that there
is no one authentic Santa, only
to be disturbed years later by
the fact that there is no San-
ta at all. After this discovery,
children and then adults seem
to continue searching for the
magic and meaning of Christ-
mas which does, undoubtedly,
disappear upon the vaporisa-
tion of the Santa myth. Then
those children become adults
and have their own children
and presumably the myth
begins again, and brings some
smidgeon of glory back into
the whole holiday. But without
children, what do adults really
understand of Christmas? We
understand buying presents
and, especially for those of us
who are unfortunate enough to
work in retail during Christmas
time, we understand the anx-
iousness that comes with the
above ‘responsibility’. We worry
about finances, about how to
top the presents we bought last
year, and we worry about who
has the burden of cooking the
ridiculously oversized turkey.
The meaning seems to have
disappeared and we are no
longer interested in giving, but
rather fulfilling the expecta-
tion that shopping centres and
advertising campaigns place
on us- buy, buy and...yes, thats
right, buy.
I too am guilty of the above.
And perhaps I am more ex-
posed to it as a result of work-
ing in the Gloom Capital at
Christmas time. After all, no
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
* * * * * * * * * *
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
one, least of all me, wants to be
there. So I’ve searched for some
Christmas meaning- something
that actually makes this sea-
son dierent from all the other
days of the year on which we
spend money unnecessarily.
Perhaps the meaning should be
a religious one, but this has its
boundaries. Only people who
are part of a religious group or
those who actually care about
Jesus being born (which is
probably now the minority) will
be able to find this meaning.
But what about the atheists
out there that celebrate Christ-
mas? Albeit contradictory, they
seem to be perfectly happy
getting gifts on Christmas
morning, opening crackers and
stung themselves to the point
of nausea and coma. So where
is their meaning? And where
is the meaning for everyone
in between? The people who
have only been at church on
Christmas and Easter for the
last ten years? Or the people
who see a manger and a baby
in the Myer store windows and
recall vaguely a story about an
inn and a stable and three wise
This is what I can find the
meaning in- the giving part of
what has become the Christ-
mas performance and ritual.
Perhaps if we didn’t give peo-
ple gifts out of obligation, but
because we believed that they
would be truly appreciated but
not expected. Perhaps if we
wrote something more heart-
felt in Christmas cards than
just “Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year, the holiday
would lose some of its artificial-
ity. And perhaps if we stopped
worrying about how many peo-
ple we had to cook or provide
for, and appreciate that those
people want to spend Christ-
mas day with us, we might
forget that the cranberry sauce
developed some strange lumps
in it. And perhaps if we thought
about how to give something
special to others, not in the
form of a present, but in the
spirit of giving, then maybe we
would begin to understand and
appreciate what it is to receive
presents too, and what a bless-
ing it is.
So perhaps this year when I
receive another crappy Kris
Kringle present or another
strange and somewhat un-
welcome artefact from a
well-meaning relative, I’ll try
and find meaning in the actual
act of handing over the pres-
ent and not just what is un-
derneath the wrapping paper.
Discarding Santa, and his rein-
deer but perhaps not the candy
canes, maybe this Christmas
will have a little more magic
and a little less pomp.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Toolangi Forests fight for freedom.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
By Amy Freund
Photography by Amy Freund
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Is the old saying really true? If
a tree falls in the forest and no
one is around to hear it, does it
make a sound? Whatever the
outcome, the wilderness so-
ciety are determined that the
government will hear it, tak-
ing protesting to new heights.
Braving the loggers and the
potential for arrest, Wilderness
society member and activist
Hannah Patchett is embarking
on the endeavour of a lifetime,
by doing the most unexpected
thing possible, nothing. Noth-
ing but inhabit one of Toolangi
forests highest trees in a bid
to stop the clear fell of Tool-
angi national park, and save
the critically endangered Lead
beaters Possum.
“My main drive for going up is
because there is a little possum
called the leadbeaters possum,
which is almost extinct, there’s
only a thousand left in the wild
And they only live in this area.
And This little guy is fighting for
his life at the Toolangi front, his
400 metre high home loom-
ing dangerously closer to the
ground, with logging compa-
nies such as Australian made
clear felling his home to make
woodchips and paper, all of
which are sent overseas.
Hannah isn’t the only one.
Joining her at the front are the
knitting nannas.
Recent winners of the Envi-
ronmental Champions Award
from Environment Victoria, the
knitting nanas are dedicated
to outing the logging compa-
nies who clear fell one of our
most precious resources, and
have taken to social media,
posting live updates and pic-
tures of exactly what is hap-
pening in Toolangi.
As elderly women we peacefully
protest against the violence of
what’s been happening in the
forest with the logging and the
damage they’re doing to the
environment, and the breaches
they’re making with the lead
beater possum habitat. So we
knit outside of forests, we have
knitted once in a logging coup,
which were going to court over
but will continue to knit to
And in their newest plight, the
nanas are knitting a 120 meter
scarf in honor of their sepina,
the scarf marking the exact
distance they have to stay
away from the logging trucks.
Hopefully, more individuals
like Hannah and the knitting
nannas help stop the exter-
mination of our national park.
But for now, the fight contin-
ues for Toolangi residents, big
and small.
...there’s only a thousand
left in the wild.
- Hannah Patchett
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
My niece tells me -
after spending a month living
up a tree in Toolangi -
that there is too much silence
in the city.
In the old growth forest birds
call constantly
branches swish and crack
the wind and rain hurtle
hitting forest floor
ancient trunks
and the little red tree house.
As for the possums
I imagine them
busily sharpening their claws.
- Janet Galbraith
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
– for people who don’t mind a bit of attention!
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
– for people who don’t mind a bit of attention!
Whoever said being the centre o
attention was a bad thing!
Australia has a culture of dressing
modestly; not too bright, not too
dark, and certainly not to unique,
or else god forbid the glances
from strangers! But now there is
a whole new trend arising from
the depths of Fitzroy, free expres-
sion and “the bigger the better
attitude of crazy headwear and
colourful get ups is infiltrating the
fashion scene, and it’s about time!
In the past, headwear was the go
to option for showcasing individ-
uality and style, (need we look
past Marie Antoinette!) Hitting
its heights in the 1800s and early
20th century, anyone who was
anyone expressed themselves
through headdress, but as of the
1950’s headress has since declined,
the only appropriate time to
adorn your cranium with anything
remotely outlandish is saved for
spring racing and dance concerts.
But in the past two years, head-
wear has since come back into the
spotlight, the ‘indie’ craze reintro-
ducing the flower crown as a fun
and individual way to show our
heads o to their best, and have
since then found a wide reaching
audience, many young crafters
now taking full advantage of the
trend and starting their own lines
of couture creations that even the
biggest sceptic would feel privi-
leged to wear.
Stacey Townsend is another tal-
ented craftie who has taken up
the opportunity to design some
amazing pieces; her new couture
headwear line allowing you to
show oyour noodle in the best
way. In her First year out of a
Fashion diploma, Her headwear
line; coined after a conversation
with her boyfriend, LAMB, (Look
at me Bitches,) has been in high
demand, her made to order head-
pieces ranging from flower crowns
to the all out absurd.
Combining her two loves of the-
atre and costume design, Stacey
began wearing and creating her
own headpieces, starting with
simple floral and pom pom de-
signs and progressing to her all
out whacky designs with pieces
including xylophones, troll dolls
and horse jumping figurines!
Sourcing her materials from eBay
and opp-shops, Staceys creations
are each unique and individual
to the customer, and her own
As well as her headwear line, Sta-
cey part owns a theatre company,
and her ultimate goal to become
a costume designer.
The goal is to become a
costumer designer, but for now
I’m just working my way up to it
as a business owner of the thea-
tre I’m working my way up to the
fun stu!”
Stacey also hopes to have a stall
at Camberwell market soon,
selling her wild creations to a
mass market.
Check out LAMB on Facebook and
order your custom headpiece to
stand out against the ever-inten-
sifying summer sun!
Written by Amy Freund
Photographed by Stacey Townswend
“My inspiration for each headpiece is dierent, I
normally go straight to the toy section of a second
hand store and see if I can find something quirky and
unique thats small enough to fit onto someone’s
head and I’ll work my design around it.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photography by Zoe Kimpton
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
With the start of a new
year comes the inevitable
list of resolutions. Oh yes,
that all too familiar list of
elusive goals and changes
we promise ourselves we
will (finally!) stick to and
achieve this year join
gym, get fit, save money,
quit gym, travel, learn to
cook etc…
But what about your fash-
ion resolutions? In a world
of fast fashion, hunger for
the latest shiny things and
the hazy delights of pay
day, one can often find
themselves with a ward-
robe cluttered with the
labels you don’t want to
see ‘Expensive Mistake’,
‘I Already Have One Of
These’, ‘Still Yet To Be Worn’
and of course, the good old
What Was I Thinking!?”.
To prevent 2014 from be-
ing a similar year, add the
fashion resolution ‘ To be a
smarter shopper’ to your
list and actually achieve it
with our four easy rules. We
guarantee you (and your
bank account) will feel all
the better for it!
By Brittany Stewart
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Know what you’ve got.
The first and foundation
step to being a smart
shopper is knowing
exactly what you’ve already
got, and as a result, any gaps
that need to be filled. Do a
spring clean and go through
your wardrobe to familiarise
yourself with your clothes, do-
nating or recycling anything
that no longer fits your or you
haven’t worn in more than
a year (with the exception
of special event wear!) Once
you’ve done that, rearrange
your wardrobe so everything
is neatly organised and ac-
cessible. Having everything
clearly visible should hopefully
by Brittany Stewart
result in less “I haven’t got
anything to wear” moments
that are often followed by
emergency shopping excur-
sions. How you organise your
wardrobe is up to you look to
sites like Pinterest for storage
inspiration before heading to
Kmart or Ikea for inexpensive
organising solutions.
Do you really need
that? The golden rule
of 3.
I’m a sucker for a sale.
Show me a reduced or two
for one sale sign and I lose all
decorum and go crazy, often
purchasing things I dont re-
ally need. Rather than adding
lots of cheaper pieces from
the high street that you know
you’ll see lots of people wear-
ing too, think about investing
in fewer, better quality piec-
es. Closet staples like a good
pair of jeans, leather jacket,
a dress you feel amazing in,
stylish sunnies and quality
basics are always going to
be worth your money and
are extremely versatile. This
can be achieved on a budget
too keep an eye out for
outlets and sample sales to
snap up pieces at a fraction
of the cost, or spend a day
having a good rummage in
op-shops. When in doubt,
apply the golden rule of 3
that my mum always taught
me - Can you work it into
three outfits with pieces you
already own? If not, put it
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
by Brittany Stewart
Style not Fashion.
Yes, we all love to have
the latest and greatest
fashion item, but if you
have a style that works for
you, don’t be afraid to stick
with it! The best-dressed peo-
ple are the ones who always
dress for themselves, not for
passing trends and fads. They
consistently look good be-
cause they accentuate their
best assets in clothes that
suit them, rather than whats
‘fashionable’ at the time.
Choosing the season’s colours
in your favourite style or opt-
ing for the must-have acces-
sories is an easy way to stay
looking stylish and on trend.
Never underesti-
mate the power of
accessories, a fresh
manicure and well-
styled hair.
A cheap, simple and easy
way to dress up or update
an outfit without spending
lots of money on clothes is
through accessories. Cocktail
rings, statement necklaces,
earrings, big cus and colour-
ed and textured clutches are
great ways to revitalise your
wardrobe with current trends.
Build up your costume jew-
ellery collection by buying a
few pieces each season, and
it will look like you never wear
the same outfit again! As
well as accessories, looking
well groomed is another easy
trick to ensuring you look your
best, even if that dress you’re
wearing is from a few sea-
sons ago. Wearing your hair
or makeup dierently com-
pletely changes the look of
an outfit, so don’t be afraid
to experiment with dierent
hairstyles and make-up looks.
And the number one rule of
always looking well-groomed?
Always, always sport perfectly
painted nails!
Ultimately, being a smart
shopper is all about having
restraint, a discerning eye and
confidence in your own per-
sonal style. Whether this
is a resolution you achieve
straight away, or just keep
in the back of your mind, TAT
Girl wishes you a fabulous and
stylish 2014!
Photography: Google images
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
It’s a growing trend for socie-
ty to discard the youth of to-
day, branding them as mind-
less teenagers who slump
around on the couch all day,
conducting their useless ritual
of tv, fridge, computer, bed,
sleep. But little do they know,
there is a whole new breed
of young individuals stepping
up to the plate and showing
the community what they’re
made of, reaching all new
heights of fitness, community
involvement and technical
skill through the Duke of Ed-
inburgh award.
The Duke of Edinburgh is an
experience that encourag-
es young people to go out
there and get involved in the
world outside the classroom,
oering dierent levels of
achievement by completing
adventurous journeys, com-
munity service and acquiring
or improving on a technical
skill; be it driving, learning an
instrument, playing a sport,
or anything else their heart
A Royal Celebration
In victoria alone, there are
250 licensed operators that
run the Duke of Ed, with over
9000 participants last year.
The Gold award is the highest
award achieved within the
Duke of Edinburgh challenge,
and I had the privilege of at-
tending the ceremony on the
11th December last year. The
pride in the awardees eyes as
they received their accolade
showed just how important
the experience was to them;
their strength and commit-
ment to both their academic
and co-curricular lives is truly
something to be commend-
Speaking on behalf of the
Gold awardees, Bareetu Aba
Bulgu, a year 11 student,
spoke highly of the Duke of
Edinburgh as being an un-
forgettable experience that
encouraged resilience, an
adventurous spirit and a will-
ingness to be involved within
the community in all of the
The duke of Edinburgh
gold awards
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
...we both learnt
from each other; I
learnt about their
culture, and they
in turn learnt
about us.
My favourite ex-
perience was my
800km bike ride
from Canberra to
Melbourne’s Fed
square. It took 6
days of riding, and I
rode about 130 kms
each day.
We all have our highlights of
the experience. I really en-
joyed going to canteen creek
indigenous community cultur-
al exchange program. I really
liked how we both learnt from
each other; I learnt about
their culture, and they in turn
learnt about us.
Sophie Weston is another
enthusiastic ambassador of
the Duke of Ed, the award
enabling her to do things that
she would never have done
before, such as volunteering
in an aged care home and
completing a mammoth jour-
ney, cycling all the way from
Canberra to Melbourne.
“My favourite experience was
my 800km bike ride from
Canberra to Melbourne’s Fed
square. It took 6 days of rid-
ing, and I rode about 130 km’s
each day.
Sophie completed her solo
ride by cycling into fed square
with her squad team from
school, and managed to raise
over 7,000 dollars to help bet-
ter breast cancer awareness
and research.
As exciting and honorary
the award is for the young
individuals whose blood
sweat and tears went into
their Duke of Ed, the award
will never be what it was all
about. The friends they’ve
made and the achievements
they’ve accomplished will
be what they forever hold in
their minds as the true Duke
of Edinburgh experience.
By Amy Freund
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Find out more about
The Duke of Ed:
W: awardsvic.org.au
P: 03 8412 9333
E: info@awardsvic.org.au
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
image courtesy of Awards Victoria, Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards.
Above: Sophie weston
Below: Bareetu Aba-Bulgu. His Excellency The Honourable Alex Chernov
AC QC, Governor of Victoria. Bareetu receives the Gold Duke of Edinburghs
Award from the Governor of Victoria.
Summer has finally arrived
hooray! Time for my translu-
cent skin to resemble that of
a lobster, while the rest of the
sun-kissed community sport
roasting tans and beach hair
even a supermodel would be
jealous of!
And while I’m tucked away
in my bedroom with the air
con on 18 and a doona on my
English routes; with a giant jug
of Pimms! Pimms, lemonade,
cucumber, strawberries and
orange, all dancing merrily
in my cup; just what the
queen ordered!
However did I become so ob-
sessed with a drink my grand-
ma would be proud of? Glad
you asked!
Amy Freund
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photography by Amy Freund
It was last June. My friend and
I had decided on a whim that
the best way to spend our Aus-
tralian winter would be in an
even colder English summer, so
o we set to the magical coun-
try of England, Top deck tour
in one hand and fake British
accent in the other!
The first thing we did when we
got onto English soil was to
scope out the wonders of duty
free, and being the ridiculous
tourists we were, ran straight
to the only alcoholic bottle that
had the coveted union jack
splashed on its label Pimms.
Curious as to what this drink
actually was, we had a trial of
the taster, and the rest is histo-
ry. The fizz, the smooth texture
of the drink, the refreshing
slices of cucumber as you made
your way through the half
meal- half punch was probably
the best thing I’d ever tasted a
meal and drink in one? Genius!
Our tour started on the fourth
day, and once more we were
tempted by the on deck duty
free as we left the English coast
for those of Calais France, the
taste of Pimms still fresh in my
mind as the white clis of Do-
ver receded into the distance.
And after one ridiculously
long line and several testers of
golden vodka,there I was,
proudly holding my first bottle
of Pimms, beaming as I waited
for the barman to pour me an
icy lemonade so I could relive
the magic of that first taste,
my excitement peaking as he
sliced up the fresh cucumber
and plunged it into the drink.
Just as he passed me the
lemonade, my dreams of one
perfectly poured drink were
shut down in an instant by the
sound of a rip, tear, and crash
as the duty free bag cradling
the coveted Pimms bottle split
and smashed to the floor.
So heres to summer, the way
I like it rugged up in my room
with the aircon blasting artic
winds and Pimms by my side!
Tally ho!
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
i sit in subway and think
how silly it is of me to order
black coee that burns my
tongue when all i really want
is a milky cappuccino with two
sugars and the little chocolate
sprinkles on top like my nana
used to get. i wander past the
wine shelves in the bottleshop
pretending to browse when
i know i'm heading straight
towards the clean skins ($3.99
ea) and i know i'll put it in a
drink bottle in lewis' back-
pack and refill my cup in the
bar when the bouncer isn't
Passing Moments
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Passing Moments
looking. i stand in front of the
mirror at the pub at 6.30pm
drawing eyeliner thicker and
thicker to cover the mistakes
i make cause my hands are
always shaking and i don't
know if i'm not eating enough
meat or if i'm just nervous. i
walk with henry to the donut
shop on brunswick st and he
orders some custard million
calorie concoction and i want
to smash my arm right through
the burning glass underneath
the register and pick up every
single donut on display and
throw them all as far away
from me as possible (i used to
be pretty good at first base in
softball you know). i want to
read the harry potters again
because it's so familiar and
so warm and so 2004 when
i didn't care about anything
except harry and horses and
delta goodrem. i want to rest
my head against a horse's
neck and be a little girl and be
looked after and be worried
about and just be.
Because now i'm 20 years old
and two decades should've
taught me more than it has
and i'm happy and i'm sad and
i'm hot and cold and sitting
alone in my bedroom watching
dr. phil on a weekday and i wish
it was as simple as it is in his
40 minute sessions with mental
cases in front of an audience
of housewives because in case
you didn't realise life is not
like tv or the internet or even
books. life is in confessions at
3am when i've finished the wine
in my love's backpack and we
step out of the cab with our
legs unsteady and who's turn
is it to pay this time? oh yeah
it's mine. life is there when he
walks in front of me flicking
snails o the path with his feet
and it's there when we skulk
past his little sisters restless in
bunk beds and it's there when
all i want to do is sleep and
know that his little living body
is resting next to me.
(And in the morning i'll be
hungry when i wake up near
to lunchtime again and i'll ask
for black coee even though i
know what i want).
By Eilish Gilligan
Photography by Eilish Gilligan
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Photography: Google images
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
In 2012 American cosmetics
brand Lime Crime created con-
troversy with the release of the
Chinadoll eye shadow palette. The
company was understandably
criticised for its perpetuation of
oriental stereotypes in the promo-
tional materials, and for confus-
ing aspects of Japanese and Chi-
nese culture. However, the most
interesting cause for the outcry
was the use of a Caucasian model
in the advert. When I first saw the
image, I actually considered this
to be the release’s only redeeming
factor. To me this choice made a
statement about the accessibility
of the product which would have
been the same had the model
been African or Latin American
– it demonstrated that although
inspiration for the product was
drawn from Asian culture, it could
be used by any person. In stark
contrast, many critics claimed
that by using a Caucasian model
Lime Crime was committing cul-
tural appropriation.
If you keep up with international
news and developments on the
web, this is unlikely to be the first
time you’ve heard that term. In
world increasingly preoccupied
with political correctness and the
protection of fundamental rights,
many are ready to cry "cultural
appropriation" when respect for
a people’s tradition is compro-
mised. While these defenders are
understandably aiming to put
an end to the insensitive use of
cultural symbols, they are slowly
becoming less and less selective
about what should be consid-
ered an appropriation. It seems
as though cultural appropriation
is now popularly considered the
adoption of any characteristic
cultural aspect by an ‘outsider.’
This attitude is clearly problem-
atic for several reasons; not the
least of which is the fact that it is
shaping a new form of racism.
At a time when every country is
home to immigrants and several
people come from mixed cultur-
al backgrounds, it is ridiculous
to start drawing definitive lines
which decide who can participate
in a culture and to what extent.
It is also concerning to see that
seemingly inane events are creat-
ing widespread scandal amongst
cultural defenders. A good exam-
ple is the backlash against Miley
Cyrus who has been accused
of culturally appropriating the
African-American dance style
"twerking". Regulating the ways
in which people dance and dress
according to one’s race, does not
seem productive. When compared
to the misuse of sacred symbols
and traditions, the thought that
twerking has been ‘tainted’ by
an enthusiastic Miley is of little
concern. Not only is it a relatively
new phenomenon, but I’m sure
that few African-Americans would
attach great cultural significance
to the dance.
To prevent the spread of this
attitude of exclusivity, we need to
clearly distinguish between cul-
tural appropriation, and cultural
acceptance and exchange. Cultur-
al appropriation should be un-
derstood as any use of a cultural
aspect in a way which disrespects
its origins and or meaning. Yes,
that means even someone with-
in a culture can commit cultural
appropriation. Appropriation by
this definition has occurred in
recent years with the popular-
isation of the Native American
feather headdress as a fashion
accessory. Accusations are here
justified, because the headdress
carries special significance as
something to be earned. Aside
from situations such as these,
we should do our best to embrace
cultural exchange. We are particu-
larly fortunate to live in a country
like Australia where we are af-
forded the opportunity to explore
a myriad of cultures on a daily
basis. Little harm is done when
we respectfully indulge in foreign
food, film, literature, music and
dress. In fact, the ability to enjoy
and share aspects of another
culture enriches our understand-
ing of others, and adds variety to
our lives. Let’s stop the hysteria
that prevents us from becoming
global citizens, and replace cul-
tural appropriation with cultural
By Celeste Luliano
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Illustration by Ying Wang
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Illustration by Ying Wang Illustration of Victoria Beckham by Rachel Plank
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Illustrations by Tina Afshar
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds