
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - Health magazine. Volume 1, issue 1

Vol. 1 No. 1
May 2014
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
We aim to inform, entertain, teach, encourage, educate and support the community
at large by facilitating communication between all Australians. By providing the
opportunity for all opinions to be shared on a single website.
Chloe Leah
Chloe Leah
Editors note
As we head into autumn, the weather is
changing. With the change of season, often our
diet, exercise and general attitude towards our
health changes as well. So for our rst health
issue, the health team has put together a range
of articles to keep you motivated to stay healthy
or perhaps provide that little extra push you
need to get back on track.
Over the past few months, the health team has
grown dramatically to include a diverse array of
writers. It has been an exciting journey to this
point and I feel honoured to work with a group
of writers whose fervour for health is inspiring
to say the least. If you have the same passion for
health and want to share your ideas, wed love to
hear from you too. So without further ado, I am
privileged to bring you our rst ever health issue.
Keep smiling,
Chloe Leah
Editor’s Note ................................................................................ 3
Welcome Note ............................................................................ 5
Top 3 Tips to improve health and tness ........................... 6
Superfood of the Month: Pomegranates ......................... 8
Lost that Summer Feeling: Time for a detox .................. 12
How to wake up happy ......................................................... 16
What’s on in Sport: A Winter Sport Guide ....................... 18
Vegie Bar Review ..................................................................... 22
Nutrient Boost Bolognaise ................................................... 24
Food for thought: Inspiring quote of the month ....... 28
Leanne Sklavenitis , Alex Hill , Emma Kirk ,
Amy Maddison , Ally McManus , Rebecca Shepherd
Cover Image:
© Jacqueline
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Welcome note
Health is a broad topic encompassing many
dierent aspects of health; from physical health,
mental health to emotional health and much
more. With this in mind, the TAT Health magazine
aims to provide a varied range of opinions and
perspectives on this extensive issue in the hope to
inform, engage and motivate our readers to lead
healthy and happy lives. We recognise that it is a
personal choice that dictates how each individual
approaches their health and general wellbeing
and it is our intention to oer a platform for the
Australian public to voice their opinions on this
vast subject matter.
Our writers’ vary from professionals with years
of experience in the eld of health and tness,
to members of the general public who have a
passion for health. Our monthly magazines will
bring you a range of regular spots including top
tips on health, interviews, healthy food proles
and much more. It will oer a range of opinion
pieces and research articles as well as keep you
updated on what’s happening in health around
If you have an interest in health and want to
share your ideas, wed love to hear from you. At
the most basic level of human existence, it is our
health that often determines our experience in
the world. In the words of the famous Scottish
philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, “He who has health,
has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Top 3 Food Tips:
Reclaim your health and fitness goals for the New Year
By Leanne Sklavenitis
So by this time of year you’re either on a good path
towards achieving your health and tness goals or
perhaps you’ve hit a roadblock? If you are the in the
latter group, don’t worry. Here are some quick and
easy tips to help you feel better straight away.
1.Cut Out Sugar
What foods are you eating that contain sugar? If you
are starting o your day with jam or honey on your
toast you are already kicking o the sugar habit. If
you want more energy, or if weight loss is your goal,
start by reducing your daily sugar intake. If you are
game, try cutting it out completely; start with seven
days. This means cutting out cakes, biscuits, and
other sweets that you may eat on a daily basis. If
you are having sugar with your tea and coee, that
is ok, but try and reduce it. Why not have a piece of
fruit instead? Have two or three pieces per day and
preferably eat them early in the day.
2.Drink Water not soft drink or diet drinks
Soft drinks and diet drinks are unfortunately of no
nutritional value and cause more harm than good.
Some possible negative outcomes of excessive or
continued consumption of soft drinks include a
higher risk of heart attack and stroke. The aspartame
in these drinks is linked to high blood pressure,
dizziness, fatigue and sleep disorders. The other
big factor is that you stop associating sweetness
with calories and fullness, whichcan lead to weight
concerns. If that hasn’t put you o already the acid
in these drinks wears down your tooth enamel. Keep
these drinks for cleaning your driveway – it really
does work!
Drink water instead. Our bodies need to hydrate and
ush out toxins. More often, we are thirsty rather
than hungry. Build up to drinking one litre per 30kg
of your body weight. Yes, it is a lot of water but once
you get into a habit of drinking regularly your body
really will thank you. Get into the habit of taking your
water bottle with you everywhere!
3. Eat Protein
My nal quick tip is to increase your intake of foods
rich in protein. Generally, most people are not eating
enough of it. Protein-rich foods include eggs (whites
only), red meats, chicken, sh such as canned tuna
W.J Pilsak, “StillesMineralwasser” © Wikipedia
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Top 3 Food Tips:
Reclaim your health and fitness goals for the New Year
and sardines. Yoghurt and nuts are also high in protein
- almonds and cashews are best. It is important to eat
some form of protein at varying intervals throughout
the day as it alleviates sugar highs that you may
experience and stop hunger pangs.
So take action. Try sticking to one, two or all of
these tips and see how much better you feel in a small
amount of time. You and your body are worth it!
Leanne Sklavenitis is an award winning online health
& tness expert, international speaker & author
Email: leanne@tnesstipsmembership.com
Matthew Packer, “Cashew Pork Stirfy © Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
May’s Superfood: POMEGRANATES
By Alex Hill
What are they?
Pomegranates are a large, red middle-eastern fruit with pink seeds (or arils) inside. The local Australian
season is in full swing with the best produce coming out of Mildura in north-western Victoria.
The seeds are crunchy and sweet and full of zing. The trick, however, is getting them out of their skin.
Pomegranates are notoriously ddley to prepare. There are all sorts of tricks and tips available to help you
remove the arils from the esh, but the best way is the underwater method. Simply open up the Pomegranate
in a bowl of cold water and the seeds should sink while the pith oats to the surface for you to strain out
easily. Alternatively, many good food stores will sell fresh pomegranate seeds in packets, which is the easiest
method of all.
Where can I get them?
Pretty much anywhere these days. Pomegranates have had an explosion in popularity in recent years and
are now a staple of supermarkets and green grocers alike. You may need to look for more specialised shops
if you are after the pre-prepared seed packs.
So what’s in it for me?
The Pomegranates ‘Superfood’ credentials are solid. They are high in dietary bre, antioxidants, vitamin C
and essential minerals whilst containing no cholesterol or saturated fat.
Woop de doo you say, but what does this all mean? Well pomegranates, in particular, pomegranate juice,
have been shown to aid in weight-loss, cholesterol reduction and even helps ght against diabetes and
certain cancers. The vitamins and minerals found in the fruit help boost immunity and improve circulation.
So in eect, pomegranates can help you fend o the winter blues as well as last longer on the treadmill
which youre only running on because its pouring rain outside. The perfect wintertime fruit wouldn’t you
So what do I do with it?
Pomegranate juice is awesome in the mornings. Sweet and rich, but with a good zesty kick to wake you up.
Its also great when added to smoothies in place of berries, which can be expensive at this time of year.
You can also make great salads with pomegranate arils. Add them to a standard fruit salad to bring it to life
a little or use them in savoury salads to add crunch and freshness. My personal favourite is pomegranate,
fennel and mint salad, made with Farro grain (a variety of wheat which is cooked like rice). Alternatively, you
can make it with quinoa if you are gluten-intolerant.
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Augustus Binu, “Pomegranate DSW” © Wikimedia Commons
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The dabblist, “Liver Cleanse Juice © Flickr
Lost that summer feeling? Time for a detox
by Emma Kirk
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Now summers gone and the cooler months approach, it is a time of year when many of us lack
energy and feel drained. A detox is one way to reenergize and bounce back from feeling weighed
down and sluggish. Detoxing helps revitalise the body and eliminate waste that contributes
to bloating, tiredness, muscle pain, headaches, mood swings, anxiety, depression and poor
Jan Purser, a Naturopathic Nutritionist and coauthor of
The Detox Cookbook
, says that following
a detox plan improves the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Eliminating many of the irritants to
the body, gut and liver and avoiding chemicals in the home are likely to increase energy levels
and improve digestion and mood.
“During the detox phase, heavy metals and other toxic elements that are stored in body
tissues might begin to release and be transformed into molecules that can then be excreted or
eliminated”, says Ms Purser, “I feel as though the body takes a big sigh of relief because it can at
last function at a better level rather than be constantly trying to deal with irritants daily. Your
energy improves, your skin looks healthier, body fat tends to reduce, your brain functions better,
digestion improves, as well as your mood”.
Lost that summer feeling? Time for a detox
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Nutrition plays an important role during a detox and
lays the foundations to make better food choices
long-term by recognising how food aects your day-
to-day wellbeing. Joanne Moore, a detox advocate,
made changes to her diet after her rst detox, which
she completed when she had left a stressful job and
wanted to fall pregnant. “I have learnt more about
food and nutrition and have an all round good eating
regime I don’t need to cut much out”, says Mrs Moore,
“I detox every now and then if I am feeling a bit run
down or if I have a indulgent few meals I might spend
half a day on the juices.
Samantha Williams, a detox enthusiast, agrees and
says, “Detoxing always makes me want to eat healthier
afterwards too, which is good for you in the long run.
Ms Williams rst detoxed after hearing from friends
about the benets they felt and now detoxes every
few months after a big night out or when feeling
bloated and tired. “I always feel and look healthier
after a detox, as well as, feel a lot more energized,
says Williams.
Purser recommends sticking to a detox diet
that eliminates gluten, cows dairy, hormone
Lynn D. Rosentrater, “Detox Cleanse © Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
treated animal products, alcohol, caeine, sugar,
preservatives, additives and processed foods.
She recommends to, “Eat good quality protein free
from hormones and antibiotics: sh, organic chicken
and meat, legumes, free range eggs, goat’s cheese
if not dairy intolerant, nuts and seeds. Have gluten
free grains preferably unprocessed such as quinoa,
buckwheat, brown rice, and fresh organic fruit and
vegetables per day. Use organic extra virgin olive
oil and coconut oil. Have lots of water, you can have
one green tea per day and include roasted dandelion
beverage to improve liver function and reduce uid
During a detox Purser says, “Nutrition is hugely
important because amino acids from proteins play
a big role in the detoxication process along with
zinc, selenium, vitamin C and other nutrients . Amino
acids act to develop proteins in the body that repair
tissue, prevent disease and keep the body healthy.
During a detox the body uses more amino acids to
build proteins that help in the detoxication process.
Consuming the right nutrients during a detox
replenishes the supply of amino acids and proteins
that are being used by the body.
“For the rst ve days people may not feel sparky
and if they haven’t cut down gradually on caeine
beforehand, they may suer with headaches, she
explains. After that the majority of people begin
to notice better sleep, improved energy, a feeling
of wanting to exercise, easier digestion with less
symptoms and clearer skin. This all improves as the
month goes on. I recommend at least 4 weeks.
Although there is no clinical evidence to support
claims that detoxing rids the body of toxins with some
experts arguing that the body already performs this
process, taking a break from bad dietary habits and
substances that irritate the digestive system will have
overall benets on the body, mind and spirit.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
We know its about to happen, it has to happen.
And yet, as creatures of habit, we nd ourselves
waking exactly thirty seconds before we have
to face our fear of the dreaded beeps of the
obnoxious sounds of the morning alarm.
Mornings can be soul crushing for those least
rested, and with good reason. Willing your
body to get through another long day when
youre already exhausted, it can be hard to
wake up happy. With the mornings getting
colder, adventures seems less likely between
nine and ve and a warm bed appears the
better option. It might feel unlikely but waking
up happy is possible. Here are a few helpful
hints towards waking up with the same energy
as a kid on Christmas morning.
Here’s to a Good Night.
It is essential to unwind properly to have a
good night sleep. What we do before sleep can
directly impact how well we sleep, and how
we feel when we wake up. A deciding factor
in the quality of our sleep is the aects of the
hormone, melatonin.
Melatonin is a naturally occurring ‘light-
controlled’ hormone that helps regulate
how sleepy we feel. Generally speaking, less
melatonin is secreted during the light of day to
keep us alert and awake, whereas at night, our
levels of melatonin are higher as our bodies
prepare for sleep.
How To Wake Up Happy
By Amy Maddison
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
In this technological world, evenings are spent in
front of a bright screen (TV, computer, phones,
even bright lights or lamps have an impact.) This
suppresses how much melatonin is secreted thus
we have less rejuvenating and more disjointed
sleeps, followed by even rougher mornings.
Instead, turn o the distracting technologies, turn
down the dimmer on the lights and settle down
to read a good book.
Switch yourself o. A cup of herbal tea or water,
a good stretch, and some relaxing background
music will prepare you for a restful sleep. It
might not sound as enticing as the various techy
distractions were used to, but it is a routine you
will quickly come to enjoy.
You will nd that within a few days you’ll be
waking up more alive and alert than ever before.
Remember, that same rebel within us that refuses
to go to sleep at a sensible hour, sleeps in the next
An Even Better Morning
Try un-alarming’ that alarm. Instead of feeling
violated by those unnatural sounding beeps,
change your alarm to a song that makes you
happy. Get yourself up, dancing and stretching
out that body that’s been dormant overnight. Use
one, or all, of these tips to wake up happy with
more energy and make the most of the day to
come .
© Joe St.Pierre
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
So you’ve been good throughout the summer. You’ve
been running, you’ve been playing lots of tennis and
you’ve been riding to and from work. But now the
weather’s turning, the daylights fading and the bus
is looking like your best friend in the mornings.
It happens to all of us. The sudden loss of tness
motivation associated with the onset of winter.
The rain and the hail are not quite so inviting to go
running in as a still summers night.
But fear not! For even as the weather deteriorates,
there are still many dierent ways to keep active
throughout winter.
As if by design, many winter sports are team sports.
Getting involved in a team sport presents a great
opportunity to force yourself to keep active through
the colder months. In summer, its easy to convince
yourself to go running or take yourself on a walk,
whereas in winter, the threat of letting down your
teammates might be that extra boot up the backside
you needed to get yourself o the couch.
With the AFL and NRL seasons in full swing, now
is a great time to get involved. There are literally
thousands of leagues for men and women of all ages
and abilities. Both the AFL and NRL have a club nder
service on their website. Drop in your postcode and
it will put you in contact with any club in your local
For parents with young kids, AFL
and Rugby
League Mini Footy are also up and running across
Australia. These programs are great for kids and
parents alike to learn the sport and meet new friends.
While your kids will be keeping t chasing the ball,
you can keep t by chasing your kids when they run
o with it.
Winter motivation: Team Sports
By Alex Hill
Football Federation Australia also has a club-nder
service on their website. The A-League may have
just about wrapped up, but the season is only just
warming up for the rest of us. Jump on the Brazil
bandwagon and keep t at the same time.
If the added motivation of teammates still isn’t
enough to convince you to get outside, then take
your sport indoors instead. There are countless
options for indoor sporting pursuits during winter
with squash, swimming, volleyball, indoor soccer
and futsal just to name a few.
Mixed netball has seen a spike in popularity in recent
years with leagues popping up all over the place.
There are dierent grades available for beginners,
experienced players and fanatics. So don’t be afraid
to grab a few of your mates and get a team together.
If you do not have a team to enter, you can register
your interest through the “Play Netball” site.
If you are not a person who needs a weekly sporting
commitment or teammates to keep you motivated in
winter, maybe you just need a goal to work towards.
The Mothers Day Classic Fun Run is on Sunday the
11th of May in all capital cities and a host of regional
locations. The event raises money for Breast Cancer
research, oering the option between a 4km or
8km course. There are also weekly training sessions
organized for the weeks leading up to the event in
most locations.
As the weather cools, a lot of sports are only just
now heating up. While the AFL and NRL seasons may
make for extra TV viewing, they are also a great time
to get out there and get involved. Any person of any
ability is catered for, so have a go!
AFL Club Finder:
AFL Club Finder:
http://acommunityclub.com.au/index.AFL Club
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Winter motivation: Team Sports
AFL Club Finder:
NRL Club Finder:
Soccer Club Finder:
Netball Club Finder:
Mothers day classic registration:
Quick Links for Winter Sports
Helen K, What is with the drink bottles © Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Vegie Bar Review
By Ally McManus
We greet
Vegie Bar
with its chilled and relaxed vibes at 6pm, knowing it won’t stay this quiet for long. By the time were
admiring the dessert cabinet, customers are queuing up for a table. With a no booking policy (except for 8 people or
more), it seems our early arrival was the right move.
The restaurants philosophy is to provide food for the mind, body and soul. Its name says it all, with the restaurant
serving an entirely vegetarian menu. To their credit, the original and creative use of non-animal produce combined
with a myriad of herbs, spices and sauces is enough to please even the most carnivorous of diners.
For those into green smoothies, you’ll nd goodness of every kind. Those wanting something fresh can’t go past their
raw food options such as their living stack, a mix of raw vegies on a marinated mushroom. Another popular choice is
the raw taco, which teamed with a freshly squeezed juice is a delicious healthy choice.
There are four of us donning our vego hat for the evening and our decided meals are the haloumi and caramelised
onion pizza, Mee Goreng noodle special, Mexican burrito and nachos. The meals don’t disappoint either. The pizza is
light and full of avour, the haloumi isn’t as salty as I expected, but is amazing when teamed with the sweet caramelised
onion and roasted capsicum. Washed down with a Granny Smith apple cider, we nish the meal truly satised.
Even so, this doesn’t stop us salivating over the sweets cabinet and we have a tough time choosing between the
chocolate ourless cake and the apple and rhubarb crumble. After much deliberation, the chocolate cake wins. Its
gooey, rich texture is heavenly and we are all licking our spoons (and practically the plate) - It’s nished within minutes
of arrival.
Considering the cost of fresh fruit and veg, the meals are good value. My only criticism was the inability to split the bill,
but considering how busy the restaurant is, especially for a Monday night, I don’t really blame them. I will denitely
return to
Vegie Bar
. Its variety, relative cheapness and creative dishes make for a healthy and inspired dining experience.
Naoko, Vegie Bar” © Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Location: 380 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia, 3065
Contact: 03 9417 6935
Email: info@vegiebar.com.au
Website: http://vegiebar.com.au
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday: 11am-10pm (Friday 10:30pm)
Saturday-Sunday: 9am-10pm (Saturday 10:30pm)
Booking Policy: No bookings accepted except for groups of 8 or larger
Vegie Bar Info
Flourless Chocolate Cake
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Are you getting enough fruit or veg? Why not boost the nutritional power of some staple recipes by adding
extra fruit and veggies to them. This bolognaise recipe is simple and budget friendly but the wow factor
lies in how many vegetables you can pack into this dish. The beauty of this recipe is that almost any kind of
veggies can be used and it’s still delicious. Using a food processor to prepare ingredients is a great way to
cram loads of veggies, nutrients and avour into dishes such as pasta sauces and soups without too much
For parents out there, an added benet is that most kiddies love spaghetti and this recipe is no exception.
I have made this using all sorts of veggies; even cauliower or cabbage and my girls still gobbled it up. This
recipe will make enough to feed a family of four for two nights.
Recipe - Nutrient Boost Bolognaise
By Rebecca Shepherd
• Using a food processor, process all vegetables until very nely chopped
Heat oil in a large pan over medium-high heat, add veggies and cook until they begin to
soften (approx. 10 mins)
Add meat to vegetable mix and continue to cook until mince is cooked and veggies are
soft(approx. 10 mins)
Add tomatoes, water and dried herbs and simmer until sauce thickens to desired consistency
• Serve with pasta and enjoy.
2 Tbsp Olive oil
1 small brown onion
1 celery stick
1 small zucchini
1 carrot
6 mushrooms
3 yellow squash
500g lean beef mince
2 tins chopped tomatoes (Ardmona Duo: tomatoes and paste with herbs are
available at Woolworths supermarkets)
1/3 cup water
1 tsp dried oregano
Pasta to serve – Use wholemeal varieties for added bre
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Flavours of Autumn - What’s best in April and May?
Capsicums, beans, pumpkin, broccoli, leeks, mushrooms, spinach, silverbeet, turnips, cabbage, cauliower,
potatoes, apples, pear, nashi, kiwi fruit, imperial mandarins.
1 leek
1 small red capsicum
1 stick celery
5 mushrooms
½ cup pumpkin
½ cup silverbeet or spinach
Autumnal bolognaise - Make the most of delicious produce in season.
Substitute veggies in the Nutrient Boost Bolognaise with autumn favourites:
Eric Hunt, “Capsicum Annum © Wikimedia Commons
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Food for Thought
Inspiring quote of the
By Chloe Leah
‘I know I shouldn’t but I’ll just have another sliver
of chocolate cake, just a sliver...That platter looks
delicious, maybe I’ll have just one more cracker and
brie. I mean it’s a party, right? You can’t be worrying
about what you eat at a party...
Does this sound familiar? At times, this is the internal
diatribe that goes through my head and I’m sure some
of you have had similar thoughts. Well, this month,
instead of focusing on these negative thoughts, I’ve
taken some of Jim Rohns advice. Rather than wasting
time feeling guilty about what I know I shouldn’t put
into my body, I’ve spent time thinking about all the
things that will make my body feel great.
So instead I’ve tried to alter my internal monologue to,
‘I really enjoyed that piece of chocolate cake because
it was a special treat and I feel good because I went for
a 5km run this morning … Do I want that cracker and
brie? Am I even hungry? No, not really. I think I’ll wait
for dinner - I don’t want to spoil my appetite.
May you be equally inspired by Mr Rohn’swise advice.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Celestina Chua, “Your Body © Flickr