
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - Health magazine. Volume 1, issue 2

Vol. 1 No. 2
June 2014
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Chloe Leah
Editors note
More often than not, it is our perspective that
shapes the way we see the world and how
we experience it. Sometimes even the smallest
change in our attitude can alter how we see a
situation. It might be the 25th time that you go for
your bi-weekly 5km run but it’s this run that pushes
you to your first 7km instead. Was it the way the
light shone on the running track that lifted your
spirits and inspired you to run further? Or perhaps
it was that person who just sprinted past you with
seemingly greater ease that made you push that
little bit harder? Whatever your motivation, this
month’s issue is packed with real life examples of
how a change in perspective can change your
life. You might glean inspiration from Bronwyn
Jackson’s experience that by helping others you
end up up helping yourself. Similarly, you could
learn a few things from Aussie nutritionist, Lola
Berry, who went in search of the best version of
herself and wrote a successful book as a result.
Otherwise take a time-out and use a few of Dr.
Michie’s pointers on how to meditate effectively
or find restorative enjoyment in Emily Thomas’
guide to dehydrating yummy fruit snacks for the
Keep smiling :)
Chloe Leah’
Editor’s Note ................................................................................ 3
Welcome Note ............................................................................ 5
Top 5 Exercises to work those bums, hips and thighs ..... 6
Inspiring stories from real’ people: Walk in her shoes ... 8
Yoga in the Park ....................................................................... 12
Superfood of the Month: Walnuts ..................................... 26
Meditation: Take a mental time out .................................. 32
’Healthy’ Healthy Person Prole: Lola Berry .................... 36
Book Review: Lola Berrys 20/20 Diet Cookbook ......... 40
Oops, I dehydrated my fruit! ............................................... 44
From Vegemite to Vinaigrette Veggies ............................ 46
Changing your oil, changing your health ....................... 50
Food for thought: Inspiring quote of the month .......... 54
Eleanor Tabone, Bronwyn Jackson, Allly McManus,
Rebecca Shepherd, Alex Hill, Katie Benson, Siobhan
Kenna, Emily Thomas, Ingrid Pich, Amy Maddison
Cover Image:
Mihhailov, “Girl with pare © Flickr
June HEALTH Edition
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Welcome note
Health is a broad topic as it encompasses so
many dierent aspects from physical health,
mental health to emotional health. The TAT
Health magazine aims to provide a varied range
of opinions and perspectives on this issue to
inform, engage and motivate our readers to lead
healthy and happy lives. We recognise that it is a
personal choice that dictates how each individual
approaches their health and general wellbeing.
With this in mind, it is our intention to oer a
platform for the Australian public to voice their
opinions on this vast subject matter.
Our writers’ vary from professionals with years
of experience in the eld of health and tness,
to members of the general public who have a
passion for health. Our monthly magazines will
bring you a range of regular spots including top
tips on health, interviews, healthy food proles
and much more. It will oer a range of opinion
pieces and research articles as well as keep you
updated on what’s happening in health around
If you have an interest in health and want to
share your ideas, we’d love to hear from you. At
the most basic level of human existence, it is our
health that often determines our experience in
the world. In the words of the famous Scottish
philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, “He who has health,
has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Top 5 Exercises
to work those bums, hips and thighs
By Eleanor Tabone
Chances are, you are sitting at a desk questioning whether if all your meals are going straight to your hips,
thighs and bum.
Everyone woman aspires to a shredded booty, toned thighs and slim-line hips. Statistics show that hip,
bum and thigh region is amongst the biggest problem areas for women. This does not need to be the case!
Following these ve simple exercise routines will ensure you become bootilicious like Beyonce.
1. Squats With Weights:
Hold a squat position and bring a dumbbell down between your legs. Squats are a great work out for your
glutes, hamstrings, quads and even your core. Feel the burn by pushing up and bringing all your weight
onto your heels.
2. Curtsy Lunges:
Curtsy lunges (also known as skater lunges) are similar to regular lunges, but add a little more intensity. For
these lunges, step back with one leg and cross it behind your opposite leg. The curtsy lunge will work your
legs, glutes and thighs. Remember to always keep your torso and shoulders as straight as possible.
3. Weighted Glute Bridge:
Lay at on your back with your feet rmly on the oor. Place a 5kg weight across your stomach, holding it
with both hands. Squeeze your bum tightly and you raise your body upward, contracting your bottom as
you hold your body straight. Hold for two seconds, then release back down.
4. Dumbbell Step-Ups:
For this exercise, hold dumbbells in both hands (remember to go at your own pace, using a comfortable
weight) and use a step-up box or even the rst step in a ight of stairs, and step up and down, focusing on
one leg at a time.
5. Side Leg Lifts:
Designed specically to focus on the thighs, lay on your side and lift one leg up and down, keeping your
body balanced with your elbows and hands. For more control, move your eyes with the leg that is moving.
In order to achieve the best results, complete between 15-20 repetitions of each exercise for three or four
rounds. Note: If you do not own a set of weights, visit any good sporting store to purchase your own set.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Top 5 Exercises
to work those bums, hips and thighs
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
from everyday
Walk in her shoes
by Bronwyn Jackson
I woke up from New Years celebrations only to nd out it was now March. Where had all
those goals and good intentions for 2014 gone? I started the year with my usual list of goals
to get healthy, lose weight, exercise more and I had achieved nothing.
While wondering aimlessly around the shopping mall one Sunday afternoon in search of a
latte and something delicious to go with it I noticed a poster on the wall which read,
Walk in
her shoes
. These words struck a chord with me. They were part of a famous quote my friend
you to say with gusto, “I have walked in your shoes mate you have yet to walk in mine. I
chuckled to myself and went up for a closer inspection of the poster to see what it was all
Walk in her shoes
turned out to be a charity walk to raise money for women and children
living in poverty. It required you to walk so many kilometres and get friends and family to
sponsor you to raise money. Unlike other charity fundraising events involving exercise this
seemed very doable. The minimum commitment was just 25kms, surely I could do that. So
I spent the $10 for the registration and got my pedometer. I had to walk the 25kms over a
period of a week.
The Sunday before I was due to start I felt less than inspired and considered that by
even registering I had made a donation so I didn’t really have to walk (confessions of a
procrastinator coming out here.) Then Monday morning came, and with it a ood of emails
thanking me for signing up and encouraging me to complete the walk. My conscience
nally came out of hiding and with a bit of a struggle I found my walking shoes, put them
on and hit the roads.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Day one (morning) was just an easy 3km but then I walked again in the evening, my reward
being dinner out for St Patricks Day once I reached the venue some 3.1 km away. Tuesday
I pushed further to do 4.6km. By day three, I was in the zone and committed. By day ve, I
was up for a bigger challenge and walked 9km into the city. The most I had walked in years.
I returned home a cripple unable to move fast enough to pick up the home phone when
it rang. Exhausted with aching feet, I collapsed and spent the evening soaking them in the
foot spa. As tired as I was, I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. I had reached my
target of 25km, who would’ve thought? I surprised myself.
For the record, exercise does make you tter but not until the body recovers from this
sudden excessive use of sedentary muscles that have been trained for other activities likes
sitting on the couch and watching
Real Housewives of Melbourne
Throughout the week I would get an email every time someone sponsored me. Watching
the dollars grow was such an incentive to keep going. By day seven, I had walked 35km and
beaten my target by 10km. My sense of achievement and shock at the transformation from
no activity to a women walking for a cause was surreal. I had a glimpse of the lives of those
other women’- you know the ones you see walking and jogging past you at some ungodly
hour of the morning reserved for sleep. I had not only had a glimpse at their world but I
began to feel like one of them.
I have struggled with my weight and exercise over the years as a result of depression.
Now well and truly recovered from depression there is a new obstacle heading my way
menopause and all the joys it brings with it.
For me, motivation and willpower have been absent for awhile. But I accidentally discovered
that tapping into something that makes you feel good about yourself like empowering
others in their lives can be just the fuel you need to restart your motivation and take the rst
step in achieving your goals. Taking the focus o yourself and focus on achieving something
for the benet of others.
This story has more than one good ending. Not only did I complete the walk and fundraising
goals, but a miracle happened and the dust on those dormant scales in my bathroom nally
moved to reveal I had lost 1.8kgs in just a week.
The charity walk is over now but this story isn’t. Its only just beginning. I am now walking
daily and setting new goals. It may be the end of March but it’s still the New Year for me.
Thomas Leth-Olsen, “Going for Goal” © Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
I practice Iyengar Yoga at the Balwyn Yoga Centre (www.balwynyoga.com.au) where the lovely Mrs Lang
teaches us. She studied with Mr B.K.S. Iyengar in India for over ten years and her qualications shine
through in each class. This type of yoga is incredibly physical on the body but also really relaxing for
the mind. In her classes we are pushed to work to the best of our ability, which is determined by a
combination of our physical and psychological strength. When I’m not in class, I’m doing yoga on my
own. I’ve put together a sequence I like to do in one of my favourite parks down the road and I’ve also
added a few of my favourite poses after the sequence.
Prayer Position
This is how lots of yoga sequences begin, spreading your legs shoulder-width
apart. Breathe in and out, with your hands in prayer position by your chest. This
is a great way to ease into the sequence, getting your mind and body prepared
for what is to come.
Yoga in the Park
By Ally McManus
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Stretching back
This feels really exhilarating. Taking a deep breath in from Prayer Position, raise
your hands up and lean back, (but not too far or you could strain your back). As
you exhale, stretch down and forwards, easing into the next position.
Yoga in the Park
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Stretching down
This does wonders for your back and legs. I actually feel like this pose removes
the bad toxins from my body. There are a few variations to this pose but I like it
best with my hands behind my calves.
Its also nice to put your hands on opposite elbows; elongating the body. Another
variation is putting your hands under your feet, pulling against them while trying
to look forward. This feels amazing through your legs, back and arms.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Downward Facing Dog
If youre coming from the stretching down position, move one leg backwards,
look forwards, and then move the other one backwards too. Push down on your
hands, keeping your tailbone up and try to atten your heels onto the mat. Make
sure your hands are shoulder-width apart with your index ngers pointing up
and your thumbs facing each other, (if they can). This pose really refreshes the
A great way to make this pose even better is to bend in one knee at a time, holding
each one for at least few seconds. Its also great to lift one leg up at a time, as far
as you can, while pushing down on your hands just as hard.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Plank can be a tough pose so remember to keep your hands shoulder-width
apart. You feel this stretch in nearly every part of your body, but mostly the
core. Its imperative to keep your arms and back straight, no matter how tough.
Alternatively, you can do this pose learning on your forearms instead.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
This is one of the more dicult poses, but a great one to transition into after the
Plank or the Dog. Slowly move the body down, as if to do a push up, but hover
just above the ground. Make sure your elbows are tucked in and your body is as
straight as possible.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
The Cobra is a nice stretch after something strenuous like the Crocodile. Keep
your pelvis on the mat but lift your upper body. Squeeze your legs together and
look upwards.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Releasing the back
This pose simply releases the back after the Cobra. It is one of the funnier looking
poses, but it feels really nice for your lower back. Move the lower part of the body
up, instead of moving the upper part of the body back. After releasing the back,
its easy to slip back into the Dog and then jump the legs up to the top of the mat,
beginning the sequence again.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Triangular Pose
I love this pose because it really stretches the body. Stand up with the front foot
facing ahead and back foot pointed slightly o centre toes pointing outwards.
Breathe in, elongating the arms and stretching down to the front foot, facing
the other arm up to the roof. For those with bad knees, try not to completely
straighten the knee and if you do, try not to put too much pressure on the leg as
this may hurt the knee.
Ally’s Favourite Yoga Poses
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Warrior Pose 2
Keep your body in the same position as Triangular Pose, but face the hips forwards.
Breathe in, raise the arms, elongate the body forward and bend the front knee
down so it sits in an ‘L shape. Mrs Lang always tells us you should be able to rest
a hot cup of tea on your knee. When you feel that immense lactic acid build-up
in your legs, its hard to imagine that imaginary cup not spilling all over your leg!
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
This pose is great for exibility. Sit down; bring the heels together and move the
legs in towards your body as much as possible. Then put the hands on the knees,
pushing the knees to the ground, uttering the legs like buttery wings. If youre
reasonably exible they should be able to hit the ground, just remember to keep
your hands on your knees.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Floor pose to release the back
This is a nice pose to unwind with and you’re essentially acting as a chiropractor
for your own body. Lie down, bend one knee up and then bend it over the other
knee. Use the opposite arm to push down on the leg while putting the other
hand behind the neck, looking the opposite way.
These poses are done in Iyengar Yoga classes but you can easily do them at home, the local park or
even down by the beach. Just remember to take care with the postures if youre a beginner and it’s
always best to do a few classes to learn the correct technique. After that, a nice yoga mat and a suit-
able pair of leggings are all you need.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Superfood of the Month : Walnuts
By Alex Hill
Superfood for June: Walnuts
What are they?
For the majority of the year, walnuts are the bland-
tasting garnish adorning Grandmas carrot cakes and
apple buns. But during the months of May till around
August, walnuts are transformed into a delicious and
healthy snack.
The reason behind this is that walnuts are a very
seasonal nut variety. Unlike local almonds, peanuts
and macadamias that are available year-round,
Aussie-grown walnuts are only available from late
autumn to early winter. The rest of the year we
are supplied by predominantly Californian grown
produce. These imported nuts are soft, bland and
a little bitter. Aussie grown walnuts such as Wilson
Wonders and Franquette varieties are crunchy, sweet
and buttery. There really is no comparison.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Superfood of the Month : Walnuts
Stijn Nieuwendijk, “Salad with pear, walnut and blue cheese” © Flickr
Where can I get them?
During their season you can get locally grown walnuts
almost anywhere. Supermarkets and markets should
sell walnuts both in their shell and straight kernels.
Varieties will chop and change frequently as some
bloom early in the season, and some late. Therefore,
if you nd a variety you particularly enjoy make sure
you stock up, as it may not be around for long.
The Wilson Wonder is one of the most popular
varieties. Not only are they generally large and rich in
avour, but the shell can also be twisted open rather
than requiring a nutcracker. Convenient if you are
taking them to work for a snack.
So what’s in it for me?
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Many nut varieties are categorised as superfoods. However, walnuts are at
the top of the tree when it comes to nutrition. Recent studies have shown
that walnuts are a great source of antioxidants, protein, dietary bre
and a range of other vitamins and minerals. In fact, they were shown to
have more powerful and more quantities of antioxidants than any other
common nut variety. Regular consumption of walnuts was found to help
counter the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and type-two diabetes.
A common misconception with walnuts that may have put people o
eating them is the belief that they are highly fattening. Scientists behind
recent studies on walnuts point out that while these nuts do contain
higher levels of fat, the majority of this is healthy polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fat rather than the artery-clogging saturated fat. In fact,
they believe that walnuts could actually aid in weight loss owing to the
high levels of dietary bre present making people feel fuller quicker.
Another reason for walnuts nutritional superiority when compared to
other nuts is that they are generally consumed raw rather than roasted.
The roasting process can lessen the eectiveness of the antioxidants in
the body.
So what do I do with it?
Just eat them! Simple as that. They are a perfect oce snack item, made
ready to take in their own protective casing. Of course, you can also add
them to a huge range of dishes for a avour, texture or nutritional boost.
They are great in salads – pear, walnut, roquette and blue cheese being
a classic combo. They also make brilliant cakes for a special treat. Or my
personal favourite after-gym snack, walnut and banana smoothie made
with a frozen over-ripe banana, walnuts, low-fat yoghurt and a little Agave
syrup to sweeten.
American Chemical Society, (2011, March 28),Walnuts are top nut for
heart-healthy antioxidants. ScienceDaily, Retrieved May 15, 2014, from
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Michael B. Keller, Walnuts for sale © Wikimedia Commons
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Meditation: Take a mental time out
Last year, stress cost the Australian economy $10 billion in worker's compensation.
It's a shocking statistic, but not surprising. Stress, anxiety and depression are aecting
more and more of us as we battle longer work days, higher expectations of ourselves
and the drain of always being connected to our smart phones, emails and social
So how do we take a mental time-out?
Increasingly, meditation is being prescribed by GP’s as part of stress management
plans, but for some Australians, meditation remains something only hippies do,
while for others the thought of quietening their mind for more than a few seconds
seems like an unachievable feat.
David Michie, Australian author and meditation coach, says that the most common
excuse he hears from people as to why they don’t try meditation is that they don’t
have time. This actually translates as, ‘I’m just not that motivated’, says Mr Michie, “If
you knew youd be paid a million dollars to meditate for ten minutes every day for a
year, would you do it? As little as ten minutes a day of meditation is all that someone
needs to begin a meditation practice that will deliver observable benets within a
couple of months.
According to Mr Michie, meditation gives us the mental resources to better handle
life's challenges and stronger emotional resilience to deal with dicult people and
situations more eectively. Essentially, he believes meditation is not about changing
the world around you, but rather giving you the mental tools to change the way you
experience it.
For those who think that their mind is too active for meditation, Mr Michie’s advice
is to dive in there and keep trying, We all have minds that are like mad monkeys.
Training them takes time and eort, he says, “But the multiplicity of benets that
ow from meditation, whether physical, psychological, professional or in terms of
personal development are so powerful, that giving up on meditation is like denying
ourselves access to the equivalent of the world's greatest wonder-drug. Why would
you do that?”
By Katie Benson
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Nadir Hashmi, “Meditate © Flickr
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
You can start your own meditation practice in five easy steps:
1. Find a quiet space and allow yourself ten uninterrupted minutes.
2. Sit with your feet placed rmly on the ground, back straight, eyes
lightly closed, and try to keep a soft smile on your face.
3. Focus your mind on the tip of your nose and observe the breath
owing in and out.
4. Don't give up if other thoughts pop up! This is normal for everyone.
Just observe the thought, let it go and gently bring your attention
back to the tip of your nose.
5. Gently open your eyes when you are nished and try again
If you need a bit more help getting started, David Michie has free guided meditations on
his website, or head to Radio National's page of guided audio meditations here -
David Michie is an internationally published writer and meditation coach. His new book
Why Mindfulness is Better than Chocolate will be published by Allen & Unwin, RRP
$26.99, on sale 28th May 2014.
Relaxing Music, “Meditate, MeditateMusic.next ©
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
The ’Healthy’ Healthy Person Profile:
Lola Berry:
Being the best version of yourself
By Chloe Leah
Lola Berry is a leading Australian nutritionist, food writer and host to her own online cooking
series. The bubbly 28 year old health expert has just released her much anticipated,
20/20 Diet
. Based on her book,
The 20/20 diet: Lose 20 kilos in 20 weeks and feel great
, this
cookbook provides a range of recipes that follow a paleo inspired diet. The palaeolithic diet
is also known as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet, and hunter-gatherer diet. Essentially, its
about eating real, whole unprocessed foods like pastured meat and eggs, wild caught seafood
and organic vegetables, while staying away from grains, legumes, sugar and anything highly
processed. Ms Berry began to follow this diet when she decided that she needed to make a
positive healthy lifestyle change. I had the privilege of attending Ms Berrys Melbourne
Diet Cookbook book
talk hosted by Lulemon, Highpoint and held at Hot Bikram Yoga, Ascot Vale
(http://www.bikramyogaav.com.au) owned by proprietor and yoga instructor, Amy King.
I arrived at the Yoga studio to be greeted with a Lulemon goodie bag and presented with a variety
of healthy yummy snacks made by the girls at Health Lab (http://healthlab.com.au) whose food
philosophy is to provide organic, rened sugar free, gluten-free, unprocessed, clean, nourishing
fuel. I sampled some of the snacks from their ‘Bite range; my personal favourite was the ‘Fit bite.
Fruity, zingy goodness! After slipping my shoes o (strictly no shoe policy), I padded into the
studios oce area and found a chair amidst the crowd. As I sat down, I was oered a delicious
chamomile inspired juice from the Tanka Juice girls (http://www.tanka.com.au). It was a great
start to the talk and it hadn’t even begun.
Once the audience was settled, Ms Berry came out and introduced herself, dressed in matching
yoga top and pants duo, both varying shades of mint, courtesy of Lulemon, Highpoint. Berry
noted to the audience that she asked the girls to make her look like a mermaid and, to their credit,
she really did. In the minty mermaid outt, her long golden hair framed her smiling face and
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Lola Berry & her delicious zucchini pasta with pesto
Courtesy of HMMG Media © www.harrymmiller.com.au
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
glowing sun kissed skin; she looked the epitome of health. As this tiny mermaidesque blonde
bombshell began her talk, her looks were soon forgotten as what she had to say grabbed our
attention. Berry did not speak primarily of her book and the recipes within but her journey
towards its creation. In a frank speech, she spoke of various challenges that she faced along the
way, how she lost focus on what was most important to her and how she learned from these
experiences to become what she calls, the best version of yourself.
Ms Berry broke down life into ve categories: health, love, nances, family/friends and career.
She preluded her example by stating that in life, we strive to have the best of all of these things.
Inevitably though, our success or happiness in each of these areas is variable and can change
in an instant. At the start of 2013, she reminisced that she was happy in all aspects of these ve
areas. Her career was going better than ever and her nances were also thriving, she was in a
great relationship, she felt healthy and she was surrounded by good friends and family. Then to
her surprise, her relationship suddenly ended in the most hurtful of ways. Ms Berry explains that
as her condence diminished, so too did her health. In turn, her career began to suer and in
time, her contracts began to dry up and so did her source of income. Now, four of the ve areas
of her life were falling apart so it didn’t take long for the last area to be aected as she withdrew
from various social engagements, further isolating herself from family and friends.
At the time, Berry felt unable to cope, saying, Things fell apart and I fell into an emotional
hole. After months of deterioration, Berry decided one morning to just get up and go for a
run along the beach near her South Yarra residence. As she ran it occurred to her, “I need to
honour me. In that moment, she realised that in order to do that, she had to regain balance
in her life and the one area that she knew she could turn around was her health. She knew
that with a healthy body, comes a healthy mind and clarity to deal with the other areas in her
life. Berry sought help from friends, family and various health professionals, eventually working
her way out of the mire and building towards the person that stood before us. She found her
way back through her passion for health and her desire to be the healthiest version of herself
therefore the best version of herself. By following her own, ‘20/20 diet’, she found balance in
health thereby allowing her to nd balance in the other areas of her life.
Berrys book talk took an unexpected turn toward the philosophical and inspiring. Berry
encouraged the audience to pursue their passions and dreams, explaining that if you are in
your dharma or what she calls your ‘heart space, time stops because you are in your element.
For Berry, being in her dharma means being as healthy as she can and sharing her passion and
knowledge for health with the public. She encouraged us create a manifesto or dream book in
which to visualise our dreams and goals. By exploring these dreams in your manifesto, she says,
it will allow them to become an achievable reality. Berry said its not always easy to follow your
dreams as life can get in the way, but if you are willing to work hard for it, not care what other
people think of you and most importantly maintain your health; you will be working towards
being the best version of yourself and that’s - what really matters.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Book Review:
Lola Berrys 20/20 Diet
Cookbook: Transform your life
with High-Energy Wholefoods
By Siobhan Kenna
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
The rough textured pages and rustic photography in Lola Berry’s
The 20/20 Diet Cookbook
sets a
perfect arena for the organic, wholesome and creative recipes that detail the pages.
Lola Berry is an Australian nutritionist who lives a mantra of eating organic, unprocessed, low-GI foods
to simulate positive physical, mental and spiritual health. Taking this as inspiration she created the 20/20
Diet, which is built on the concept of listening to the bodys needs and catering to them.
The book’s simple style makes the science and nutrition behind Ms Berrys diet easy to understand. The
list of ‘Essential Ingredients gives common sense reasons to utilise simple fresh fruit and vegetables
and more exotic ingredients like Medjool dates and stevia in cooking. The combination of the basic
and the bizarre means each recipe is individual, whether it be a twist on an old-favourite or something
completely new. The focus on seasonal produce means the recipe ingredients are generally aordable
and easy to unearth. Essentially, the book makes healthy eating appear eortless.
Everything from breakfast through lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks and desserts are covered between the
cookbooks covers. With over 150 pages of recipes and food suggestions, dieters haven’t the slightest
excuse to slack-o. There is a big focus on super foods including quinoa, kale and chia seeds that are
used in extremely creative ways. A favourite quinoa recipe is the ‘Quinoa Wraps. Think sushi rolls stued
with quinoa, avocado, chilli, onion, tomato, spinach, pepper and lime instead of rice and sh. Messy to
make, but very pretty to look at and tasty to eat. Totally worth it in the end.
Recipes using only raw ingredients are frequently found on the pages of Ms Berrys book. The same ‘Key
Ingredients are cleverly combined to create unique dishes that fascinate and intrigue. The vibrantly
green ‘Sweet Treat’ Raw Lime and Avocado Pie for example, utilises only raw ingredients. A dessert made
from predominantly savoury ingredients that tastes delicious, acts as a healthy treat and doesn’t need
to be cooked? That’s a winner.
If there is a single reason
The 20/20 Diet Cookbook
is a success, it would be Ms Berrys superb ability to
eliminate the monotonous stigma associated with diet foods in her recipes. Her food is fresh, relevant
and exciting. Her ne simplicity and accessibility creates condence in readers and inspires healthy
Lola Berrys beliefs revolve around listening to the body’s needs and this is reected in her cookbook. Her
practical simplicity combined with innovative food combinations makes the book unique and engaging.
The common sense approach to unusual ingredients and fresh new recipes prove healthy eating can
be more exciting than just water and ‘rabbit food. Ms Berrys recipes create diet food we all want to eat.
For more on Ms Berrys journey, health tips and yummy recipes check out the following links:
Lola Berry’s Website : http://lolaberry.com/
Ms Berry’s Quinoa Wraps Recipe : http://lolaberry.com/quinoa-nori-metabolism-boosting-wraps/
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
At a party the other day I was asked by a stranger what I had been up to over the weekend. In
a truly honest answer, my Grandma-esque response was, Well actually, I spent my weekend
dehydrating fruit!” Luckily, this did not turn deter my listener, who probed further, curious
about the process.
Happily, I explained that fruit drying is essentially cutting overripe fruit into neat slices
(in my case, homegrown fruit that was in such excess that all was destined for mush) and
placing them in a fruit dehydrator.
The greatest thing about dehydrating your own fruit is not only can you dry any fruit or
vegetable that you like, you can also make fruit straps. Remember those things that health-
wise mums gave kidsin their lunch boxes in place of a roll up? They are a super quick and
guilt-free snack; perfect for those cravings whilst on-the-go. In my fruit strap recipe, I used
plums, peaches, grapes, blueberries and strawberries mixed together into a pulp with a
Barmix and then poured over the especially designed dehydration plate.
By dehydrating your own fruit, you are escaping all of those unnecessary chemicals such
as Sulphur dioxide that manufacturers sneak into the commercial drying process. If you
keep your dehydrated delights in the freezer in an airtight container, surprisingly, they can
last for up to one year depending on the ingredients. Fruits and herbs can be preserved for
longer periods, while vegetables can last up to six weeks. Use your dehydrated fruit and veg
on, or in absolutely anything- cakes, on top of your cereal, with yoghurt, on top of pizza for
punches of avour or simply enjoy them by themselves.
A good dehydrator like the one pictured will cost around $30. Despite the price, the amount
of money saved on garnishes, snacks and fruit that would have otherwise perished, makes
this little machine worth every penny.
I am not sure whether drying fruit will ever become cool, let alone make good party
conversation, but it certainly is a lot of fun and an easy way to keep yourself that extra bit
I dehydrated my fruit!
By Emily Thomas
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Emily Thomas,“Fruit ready for dehydration, copyright 2014
Fruit strap mix, plums and peaches ready for dehydration.
Fruit strap mix ready to be pulverised
Emily Thomas,“Fruit Strap Mix”, copyright 2014
Cosmo54901, drying basil in the food dehydrator” © Flickr
Basil ready to be dehydrated
I dehydrated my fruit!
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
From Vegemite to Vinaigrette Veggies
Raising healthy eaters
By Rebecca Shepherd
Picture this dining scenario; little ve year old
Madeleine sits at her beautifully set dining table,
napkin on her lap as she begins the rst of a typical
four course lunch. Comprised of salad with vinaigrette,
salmon lasagna with organic spinach, a small pot
of cheese fondue and to nish o a fruit compote,
little Madeleine nishes all four courses! Would you
believe me if I told you this is how nearly all ve year
olds eat at school in France?
Compared to little Johnnys typical Australian lunch
comprised of a vegemite white bread sandwich, some
sort of packaged snack and fruit drink, the French are
ahead of us in leaps and bounds when it comes to
adventurous little eaters. Don’t get me wrong it is
not that a vegemite sandwich is dangerous in its own
right. When highly processed, less nutritious foods
form the bulk of a child’s diet, little room is left for the
variety of healthy foods essential for optimal health.
Vegetables and fruits oer many protective health
benets but often fall short in the Australian diet.
One notable dierence between the French and
Australians is that the French really prioritise food
education and teaching children to learn to like and
respect all foods, starting from a very young age. So
how can we take a leaf from the French book of taste
training and get our little ones more excited about
foods that we know are better for them? Here are
some tips to get your little ones on the path from
vegemite sandwiches to vinaigrette veggies.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Willem Vethoven,Amun and Abital shelling peas” © Flickr
From Vegemite to Vinaigrette Veggies
Raising healthy eaters
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Firstly, rather than accepting that little Johnny doesn’t like veggies, change perspective
and consider that Johnny hasn’t learnt to like them yet. Research has shown time and again
that children often need ten or more exposures to a new food before they will even try it.
So oer a piece of broccoli alongside the dinner meal then oer it again and again and
again and wait, eventually that foreign green-tree-like thing won’t seem so odd and they
may even take a bite.
Make food and eating exciting. Get children involved in the shopping and preparing of
meals, let them have some say in what type of healthy foods they would like to try and
frequently talk about foods in a positive way for example when at the shops point out how
colourful the veggies are and play a little game for example say, “Can you touch something
red?” and direct them in the area of the capsicums.
A word on punishment
Meal times shouldn’t have to be a battle ground. Do not force children to eat and avoid
power struggles. If little Johnny refuses his lunch then take it away and let him know there
are no substitutes until the next meal, it won’t harm him to skip a meal and with some
consistency he will soon learn that the kitchen is not a restaurant.
It is not advisable to bribe children with other foods especially dessert or treat foods.
Depending on the age of your child it can be useful to use positive food messages as
incentive such as, ‘Did you know that our bones love milk so we can play really well and be
really strong like a super hero?’ These messages should be woven into general conversation
throughout the day and not during a meal battle.
Role modelling
Like the French do, prioritise meal times and enjoy them with your child. If they see you
enthusiastically munching your greens (with a smile) they will be more likely to follow suit.
Good luck and Bon Appetite!
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Changing your oil
& Improve your health
Never before have we seen such a selection of oils on the supermarket
shelf and still the selection is growing. Many labels praise to be healthy
and rich in Omega 3, but how good are they really for our health?
Which one is better? I remember the days of cooking and baking with
animal fat – hmmm… we were much healthier then!
In truth though, it is a fact that our body needs fat in order to stay
healthy. The “fat free fad” has been most detrimental to our health.
Over the past 60 years, since the beginning of industrialisation after
WW2, our food has changed by means of equipment and processing.
It has given the corporations higher prots and yields, however not
improved the quality of food.
Oil is one of the industries which benetted handsomely by use of
machinery due to the invention of heat extracting the oil from the
seeds instead of the cumbersome manual process. Unfortunately,
this heating method destroys the highly fragile Omega 3 essential
fatty acid enzymes (EFA). However, it gives the oil an almost endless
shelf life. Omega 6 is the other EFA our body cannot produce and
must therefore be consumed in our diet. Unfortunately, there is an
imbalance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 in our food intake. Most of the
Omega 6 in our diet is from these hydrogenated oils and fats, which
are a major contributor to our inammatory related diseases. For
optimal health, we need to increase our Omega 3 levels and decrease
Omega 6. For healthy Omega 6 we should eat nuts, seeds, wild sh,
fresh fruit and vegetables.
Another factor to deal with is the genetically modication of many
plants used for oil production. Eating healthy is confusing – animal
fats are supposedly no good for us and the oils depleted of nutrition?
Here comes the good news – the best oil is cold pressed Flaxseed oil,
also known as Linseed. It has the highest content of Omega 3, 58 per
cent more than sh oil! It also contains Omega 6 to a lesser degree.
This oil must not be heated, it has to be totally shielded from light
and kept under refrigeration. The lifespan is limited and it should
be consumed ideally within three months of production. I only use
Stoney Creek from Victoria and Barleans, imported from Canada, but
it is not always available.
by Ingrid Pich
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
You will not nd quality cold pressed Flaxseed oil on the
supermarket shelf, but at the health food stores in the
refrigerated section. Cold pressed oil, such as olive oil, should
be stored in dark place. It is best to buy oil in small bottles for
quick consumption. Refrain from purchasing cold pressed
axseed oil from the supermarket, as it can become rancid
and taste bitter.
For heating I can only recommend organic Virgin Coconut oil,
also called Coconut butter. It comes in a glass jar in various
sizes. Some supermarkets now also stock it, but you will not
nd it in the oil section. Coconut butter solidies when cold
and it is liquid when temperatures high. It does not become
toxic when heated, withstanding high temperatures. It has
many health benets outside cooking and baking. Coconut
oil does not require refrigeration and does not become
A word on Olive oil, be aware – most olive oils in the
supermarket listed as cold pressed are not cold pressed! I
would also only purchase this oil in an organic health food
store and currently I can only recommend “Grampians organic
cold pressed extra virgin, unltered olive oil. It should not
be used for heating.Please remember that the terminology
cold pressed” is one of the most over-used descriptions in
this industry! Cold pressed means extracting the oil at below
40 degrees heat! Anything above this temperature destroys
the essential fatty acids so necessary for our health.
Hence, I stick to the brands which give guarantee of being
cold pressed”. Quality axseed oil is a healthy option. It is
worth noting that you can store axseed oil in the freezer to
retain freshness. Any quality cold pressed oils come at a cost
nowhere near supermarket pricing.
2 tbsp axseed oil
3 tbsp Apple cider vinegar unltered
Add a pinch of pure sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
Put into a glass jar and shake well. Add some water if it tastes too strong.
Vary by adding garlic or other fresh herbs to suit your palate.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Meal Makeover Moms, “04 12 12_Coconut Oil Biscuits_0217” © Flickr
Ingrid Pich - Health & Fitness Advocate for the 40plus
Ingrid helps people regain and maintain their health & vitality, especially after illness, by
improving their diet, exercise routine and mindset.
Email: ingrid@livelifewithenergy.com
Websites: www.livelifewithenergy.com, www.exerciseeasy.com.au, www.ingrior.com.au
UNDERSTANDING FATS & OILS, Michael T. Murray, N.D. and Jade Beutler, R..R.T., R.C.P.
Try my favourite salad dressing recipe using Flaxseed oil on any salad.
Flaxseed Oil Salad Dressing
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
I still remember the rst time I encountered Edouard Boubat.
I was nishing o a lush piece of cake at a Berkelouw’s Cafe
and Bookshop after my last university exam, which would also
mean the end of my degree. I had nowhere to be for once, no plans
made, or expectations of study and had taken the rest of the week
o work just to breathe; to be. As I wandered dreamily up the stairs
to the photography section, it occurred to me that to give myself
this time was such an extraordinary gift.
I have always been a visual person, and loved taking photos of
moments I was experiencing. As I perused the titles on the spines
of the books, I came across a huge hard covered book, with Mr
Boubats name bolded on the spine. Sitting on a nearby couch, I
opened the book and as I did so I had this surreal epiphany of sorts:
a sensation that I was a part of Mr Boubat’s moment on the page,
I was a part of the picture that fell open before me. As I turned the
page, I read the words, You cannot love when you are untouchable.
Life is vulnerability.
Life is vulnerability. Butteries ittered around my tummy as I read
these three raw, honest words. His words inspired me to start writing
that day, and they got me to my rst play. Even now they remind
me to let myself experience life, and not be worried about making
mistakes, having regrets, or letting people down.
So with Mr Boubat’s words in mind, do not be afraid of the whatifs
- embrace the unknown, have adventures and make memories that
you’ll be able to cherish the rest of your days. Life is vulnerability,
Yes, but how lucky we are to experience it!
Food for thought:
Inspiring quote of the month
Amy Maddison, Autumn-Winter, Copyright 2014 under an attribution licence.
By Amy Maddison
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Amy Maddison, Autumn-Winter, Copyright 2014 under an attribution licence.