
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - Health magazine. Volume 2, issue 3

Vol. 2 No. 3
June 2015
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Cover Image:
Welcome Note
All content published within The Australia
Time Health Magazine is provided for
information purposes only, and is made
available on the understanding that it does
not constitute professional or expert medical
advice. You must consult your general
practitioner before undertaking any exercise,
or exercise program we publish. If you have
any concerns about your health, consult your
general practitioner.
Health is a broad topic as it encompasses so
many different aspects from physical health,
mental health to emotional health. The TAT
Health magazine aims to provide a varied
range of opinions and perspectives on this
issue to inform, engage and motivate our
readers to lead healthy and happy lives. We
recognise that it is a personal choice that
dictates how each individual approaches
their health and general wellbeing. With this
in mind, it is our intention to offer a platform
for the Australian public to voice their
opinions on this vast subject matter.
Our writers’ vary from professionals with
years of experience in the eld of health and
tness, to members of the general public
who have a passion for health. Our monthly
magazines will bring you a range of regular
spots including top tips on health, interviews,
healthy food proles and much more. It will
offer a range of opinion pieces and research
articles as well as keep you updated on
what’s happening in health around Australia.
If you have an interest in health and want to
share your ideas, we’d love to hear from you.
At the most basic level of human existence,
it is our health that often determines our
experience in the world. In the words of
the famous Scottish philosopher, Thomas
Carlyle, “He who has health, has hope; and
he who has hope, has everything.”
Christina Braganza | Marissa Needles | Connie Allen | Krystal Mizzi
Perrie Massouras | Caitlin Plummer | Andrea Featherstone
Marissa Needles
Ginny, Citrus, Flickr copyright 2009 under an attribution licence
Editor’s Note ............................................................................ 5
What’s On ................................................................................. 6
My Favourites ....................................................................... 10
The Power of Positive Emotions ..................................... 16
Top 5 Supplements to Keep on Hand This Winter ... 18
Managing and Preventing Injuries ............................... 24
Weight Loss Supplements Part 2: Green Coee Beans .. 30
Tinder Burnt My Toast ........................................................ 35
Running to Runnez ............................................................. 40
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Editors Note
Change is a dening characteristic of life. Every living being
goes through transformative periods throughout its lifespan.
Change is constant and unavoidable. We should adjust
ourselves to not only cope, but also thrive during vicissitude,
even if chaos is part of the equation.
Often, people allow the weather outside affect their internal
dialogue and personal choices. If we, however, are at the mercy
of the external world, we can easily be blown off our feet. Take
steps toward becoming grounded physically, mentally, and
emotionally so that you have tools to use when change occurs.
Historically, cleanses are recommended at the onset of a new
season. This prepares the body for renewal and encourages
the body to adapt to its new environment. Once the initial shift
has been recognized in the physical body, it is time to nourish.
Change can be a trying time, but use the period of transition
to shed light on which of your lifestyle habits deplete you and
vitalize you.
For the mind, the rst element of change generally focuses on clearing your perception.
Trade in your fear-based and judgmental thinking for a compassionate and supportive mind.
This will allow you to embrace the positive elements of change.
The emotional body should be open to accepting all that life brings while simultaneously
choosing to work for positive change. Be courageous moving forward and trust the new life
that is unfolding for you is for the better.
This issue has numerous articles that can help you through the progression of winter. Our
Top 5
article this month covers the best supplements and herbs to help you get through cold
and u season.
The Power of Positive Emotions
shows you how your thoughts truly affect
your well-being and how to stay on the sunny side of life. If you ever feel overwhelmed
trying to keep it all together while living a healthy, happy life
Tinder Burnt My Toast
resonate with you. And nally, for easy indoor stretches, check out
My Favourites
of the top
yoga postures I love to move through at the end of the day.
I hope you transition into this winter feeling calm, collected, and strong!
In Health,
Marissa Needles
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Featured event 1-30
June: Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Where? Nationwide
Bowel Cancer Australia is the leading voice of the bowel cancer community, driving ongoing access to
evidence-based, high quality programs, services and treatments that deliver better patient outcomes.
From prevention and screening to greater accessibility of treatment options, and appropriate research
funding, Bowel Cancer Australia advocates on all aspects of the disease.
nd out more here: visit Bowel Cancer Association Website
June: CMV Awareness Month
Where? Nationwide
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) cause harmless u-like symptoms in adults. However, if a woman is newly
infected with CMV while pregnant, there is a risk that her unborn baby will also become infected
(congenital CMV). Infected babies may, but not always, be born with a disability. The highest risk to
the unborn baby occurs when a woman who has never had CMV before is infected with the virus for
the rst time during pregnancy (primary [rst] CMV infection) and when infection occurs during the
rst half of the pregnancy. CMV Australia aims to raise awareness, increase prevention, and provide
support for families affected by CMV.
nd out more here: CMV Website
June: Thyroid Awareness Week
Where? National
The Australian Thyroid Foundation Ltd (ATF) was founded in 1995 by a small group of people with
different thyroid disorders who wanted to provide support and educational services to members and
their families. The ATF’s focus is to support and educate its strong member base and promote good
thyroid health and iodine deciency awareness messages throughout the Australian community.
nd out more here: Thyroid Foundation Website
by Christina Braganza
A list of what’s happening in the health
and wellness world this month.
9 -15
June: Men’s Health Week
Where? Nationwide
Men’s Health Week explores ‘Moments in Time,’ the idea that all those little and not-so-little moments
in life can add up to make a huge difference. Registering your Men’s Health Week events can be
benecial to your organisation in many ways. By registering your event, you will receive your own
prole webpage for the event and a marker on the map on the homepage. Registering is free and
events are normally added to the website as soon as they are received.
nd out more here: Men’s Health Website
June: Red Apple Day
Where? Nationwide
A highlight of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month is Red Apple Day (the third Wednesday every June),
when Australians are encouraged to support the vital work of Bowel Cancer Australia through the
purchase of a Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbon and by participating in apple-themed fundraising
nd out more here: Bowel Cancer Australia’s Red Apple Day Website.
June: World Blood Donor Day
Where? Worldwide
The Red Cross annual Blood Donor Day signies the constant need for blood donations and how
important they are. Blood is vital to life and for many people blood donors are their lifeline. Currently,
only 1 in 30 people give blood, but 1 in 3 people will need blood in their lifetime.
Modern processing techniques mean that a single blood donation, when separated into its components,
can help at least 3 different patients and contribute to making up to 22 different products (including
potentially life-saving immunisations for chicken pox, hepatitis B and tetanus).
nd out more here: look at World Blood Donor Day Website.
June: MS Brissie to the Bay Bike Ride
Where? Nationwide
The Enerex MS Brissie to the Bay bike ride has been part of the Brisbane cycling scene for over two
decades. Not only is it beloved by families for its fun and friendly atmosphere, the 100km distance
provides a scenic route to the Bay for the more experienced riders.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
This ride is more than just a fun day out on the bike; the amazing riders raise money to help change
the lives of the thousands of Australians living with multiple sclerosis (MS).
This year, on Sunday 21 June, thousands of riders will be slipping into Lycra to take part in the
annual ride to ght MS. Now in its 25
year, the ride has denitely come a long way since its humble
beginnings, when it attracted a modest 80 riders.
nd out more here: MS Brissie to the Bay Website
June 22 – 28
: World Continence Week
Where? Nationwide
More than 4.8 million Australians experience bladder or bowel control problems. The Continence
Foundation of Australia’s vision is to have a community free of the stigma of incontinence. They
provide information on funding, professional assistance, and products. They also offer free resources
for individuals, carers and professionals to help treat weak bladder, leakage, constipation and
nd out more here: World Continence Week
June 26
: Red Nose Day
Where? Nationwide
SIDS and Kids is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth, infancy
and childhood and supporting bereaved families.
They are a not-for-prot organisation that was created in 1977 to support families who had
experienced the death of a baby from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Over the years their
services have been broadened beyond SIDS to support all families who have experienced the sudden
and unexpected death of a baby or child regardless of the cause.
nd out more here: Red Nose Day Website
June 28
: International Stay in Bed Day
Where? Nationwide
Hop into bed with on Stay in Bed Day and help raise funds to nd a cure for mitochondrial disease.
Mitochondrial disease (mito) is a debilitating, incurable genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells
of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure, and potentially death. Living with mito is
extremely difcult for sufferers and their families.
nd out more here: Stay in Bed Day
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
My Favourites
Yoga Postures After Sitting All Day
Marissa Needles
After a long day of sitting, whether at your desk or while traveling long distances
on planes, trains, and automobiles, your body can feel tight and sti. One of my
favourite activities to do after a long day of being restricted to a chair is to move
my body. Although some days I just want to come home and curl up with a glass of
wine, I force myself to do a little activity. Even if it is only for 5-10 minutes, I use this
time to connect with my body and release stress. Not only does this movement
allow me to pick up on little aches and pains that may have arisen throughout
the day, the ow helps my mental state. Taking time to be alone and decompress
helps me shed any negativity I might be holding on to and allows me to enjoy my
evening activities even more. Check out my favourite poses to do after a long day
of sitting. Once you are in the pose take 5-10 deep breaths and enjoy the benets
that accompany this sequence.
Uttanasana (Standing forward bend):
This pose just lets it all hang out. Walk your feet hip
distance apart and release your lower body toward the
ground. You can grab your elbows and allow your upper
body to sway slightly. Tightness in the hamstrings,
gluteal, and spinal muscles highlight where there is
excess eort. In this pose, gravity should do the work
for you and allow you to move deeper into the pose.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Uttanasana (Standing forward bend with an
arm variation):
If the hamstrings are tight, bending your knees allows
the spine to release. If it feels right you can go so far
as to rest your belly on your thighs. You can add in
an upper body stretch by taking your hands behind
your lower back and interlacing your ngers with the
palms touching. Straighten your elbows and take
your arms overhead toward the oor. This will give
your anterior deltoids and biceps a nice stretch.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
(Downward-facing dog):
Although downward-facing dog can be a bit of a
challenging pose when rst starting o, it is extremely
restorative. Allowing the opposing forces work on
your body can create length along the dorsal side
of the body. Raising your hips up to the sky while
extending your heels toward the ground allows
everything from the muscles on the bottom of your
feet up to your forearms to stretch and strengthen.
Personally, this pose provides the greatest release of
back tension and is my go-to anytime I start to feel
worn out.
Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard pose with a
The deep lunge activates the quadriceps on the ex-
tended back leg and allows the iliopsoas to stretch.
As you turn your front foot to its outside edge, your
knee can open out to the side. This external rotation
of the femur allows the gluteus medius muscle to
stretch. This pose feels nice and juicy and is a great
feeling to take your leg into a new plane of motion
after walking and sitting all day long.
Bitilasana (Cow pose):
The relationship between the primary (upper back)
and secondary (lower back) curves of your spine is
reciprocal. That means that the more you increase
one, the more you decrease the other. In the
cow variation of this pose the secondary curve is
featured. For this pose begin in a table-top position
with your wrists and elbows directly under your
shoulders and knees under your hips. Inhale and
look up while dropping your shoulders down your
back and tilting your pelvis up.
Marjaiasana (Cat pose):
Spinal exibility is vital to a healthy, active life. Cat
pose over exaggerates the primary curve of the
spine, and allows a deeper stretch of the core and
hips. After cow pose drop your head toward the
oor without forcing your chin into your chest.
Round your back and pull your belly into your back.
Cat and cow can relieve lower back pain, but if you
have had a recent back or knee injury, it is important
to be cautious.
Garudasana (Eagle with a seated
This pose targets your trapezius and muscles of
your shoulders. It is common to hold tension in this
area, so lengthening and relaxing these muscles can
bring instant relief. Begin by sitting in a comfortable
cross-leg position. Inhale both arms up to the sky
with palms parallel to each other. Exhale and bring
your left arm underneath your right, wrapping
your arms so the palms or back of the hands are
touching. From there, lift the ngers toward the
sky while trying to move your shoulders down your
back, away from your ears. Release your arms up
and repeat on the opposite side.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half lord of
the fishes pose):
All parts of the torso are involved in this twist.
The rotation comes from the root of the spine
and continues up through the thoracic and
cervical sections of the spine. In a seated
position tuck the right leg under and bring the
foot toward your body. Take the left leg up and
over the right knee, keeping your left foot at on
the ground. Inhale your right arm up and exhale
take the right elbow to the outside of the right
knee. Left arm walks behind you to stabilize.
With each inhale lengthen your spine and with
every exhale revolve even more. Inhale back to
center and repeat on the opposite side.
Matsyasana (Fish pose):
I love the way this pose opens up my chest
and counters the eects of hunching over
my computer all day. Lie down on your back
with your legs touching. Walk your hands
underneath your bum, palms at on the ground.
Bend your elbows deeply, supporting yourself
while squeezing your shoulder blades together
like you are pinching a pencil between your
shoulder blades. Inhale your head and chest up
o the ground and with your exhale take your
head back, resting gently on the crown of your
head. Make sure the majority of your weight is
distributed between your elbows and your legs
with very little left for your head to take. Expand
your chest and feel your heart opening and your
breathing become easier. Inhale your head back
up, looking toward your feet then lie on your
back in a comfortable supine position, releasing
your hands out from underneath you.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Positive emotions don’t just feel good. They do us good, and help us to do good for others.
Professor Barbara Fredrickson says that positive emotions such as joy, hope, and serenity change
the way we think, transform our future, and reduce negativity. Good feelings open us to a broader
range of thoughts and actions, and enable us to build new knowledge, skills and relationships.
Barbara calls this the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions.
One way to understand this theory is to think of a single event under two conditions. Imagine you
are about to sit an exam. You are worried you haven’t done enough to prepare. As your worry
turns to panic, you become lled with adrenaline and your mind goes blank. You struggle your
way through the test and feel a wave of relief when it is over. Now imagine the same exam. This
time you are condent you have done everything you can to succeed. You feel calm and a little
excited to be nearing the end of your course. You remember everything you need to know and
do your best to write it down in the time you have been assigned. You even manage to come up
with a few new epiphanies and jot them down to impress your markers. You are sure you have
gotten another great grade and can’t wait to celebrate with your friends.
by Connie Allen
Image © Andres Rodriguez, Beach Woman Feeling the Wind, Dreamstime.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
The rst scenario is a good example of our ‘ght or ight’ response. Negative emotions such
as fear and doubt prime our bodies to respond to dangerous physical environments. This is
incredibly important if someone is trying to hurt us, but not particularly helpful in an exam-type
situation. The second demonstrates Barbara’s broaden-and-build theory. Positive feelings help
us remember what we have learned and think about things in new ways. We can envisage lots of
different actions rather than being limited to a ‘ght or ight’ response. This makes us more likely
to obtain new knowledge as we are genuinely interested in the content and open to learning new
things. We build new skills from practicing things we enjoy. We get to know people we might not
have noticed if we were in a less euphoric mood. These new assets have the potential to help us
well into the future.
I try to remember the power of positive emotions as I near the end of my PhD. My old workaholic
self would literally be stressing myself stupid by now, worrying about deadlines and agonising
over each word I write. My new self is much more calm and pragmatic. I take time to do the
things that make me feel good, including walking in nature and catching up with friends. I feel
better, my writing ows and I’m able to turn challenges into opportunities.
How about you? How is your life different when you are feeling good? How do you nurture your
positive side? Feel free to share your experiences on my Wellness Waynders Facebook page.
If you have a spare 10 minutes, you might want to watch Barbara in action on her TED Talk.
More information:
Connie Allen is almost nished a three year study of high-level wellness, health and happiness
through Grith University. You can nd out more about her and her PhD at her Wellness
Waynders website. Please feel free to like her new Wellness Waynders Facebook page and
connect with her on Linked In.
Fredrickson BL. About the author. Positivity. 2009. Available at: http://www.positivityratio.
com/author.php. Accessed May 15, 2015.
Fredrickson BL. Positive emotions open our mind [Video le]. TED Ed Lessons worth sharing.
Retrieved from: http://ed.ted.com/on/MsjdksQK#watch. Accessed: May 15, 2015
Fredrickson BL. Positivity. Top-notch research reveals the 3-to-1 ratio that will change your life.
New York: Three Rivers Press; 2009.
Fredrickson BL. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Philos Trans R Soc Lond
B Biol Sci. 2004;359:1367-1378. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/
PMC1693418. Accessed May 15, 2015.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Supplements to Keep on Hand This Winter
by Perrie Massouras
Last month readers were provided with some great preventative tips to get the ball rolling
with strengthening their bodies and immune systems before winter comes around. So,
now that winter is here it’s time to present the weaponry. This article is dedicated to the
Top 5 supplements to keep handy this winter. With vitamin D, zinc, Echinacea, Astragalus,
and vitamin C close by, you will be locked and loaded, ready to re away at inuenza and
the rest of the winter onslaught.
1. Vitamin D
It is pretty common knowledge these days that vitamin D is absorbed by spending time
out in the sun. According to a 2012 study, the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated
that around one-in-four Australian adults were considered vitamin D decient. Depending
on the season, these statistics vary greatly, with the highest percentages of vitamin D
deciency seen in the winter months, where the days are much shorter and the sun isn’t
hitting the land as aggressively as it does in the warmer months.
Vitamin D plays a huge role in bone health and calcium absorption. Many people have
reported leg cramps with chills reaching through to their bones before they found out they
were decient in the vitamin. After rectifying the problem through supplementing with
vitamin D these people reported much relief and even disappearance of the symptoms.
Citrus helps to strengthen the immune system
PublicDomainPictures, Slices Citrus Fruits Orange Lemon Citron, pixabay 2014.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
As an added bonus, vitamin D also plays a role in supporting your immunity. The entire
immune network relies on vitamin D to help produce and release the most eective
amounts of immune chemicals when we are sick. The best thing you can do is to have
bloodwork done to determine your vitamin D level. Depending on the degree of deciency,
you may need to take dierent amounts of a vitamin D supplement. It is important to
remember to take your supplement with food.
2. Zinc
Inuenza in all its forms is a virus, deeming antibiotic medications completely useless in
this scenario. When your cells have been infected by a virus, your body relies on T- and
B-cell populations to help ght and recruit more immune cells until the virus has been
completely eradicated from your body.
Zinc has a role in at least three hundred functions in our bodies, and the most important to
this topic is its antiviral capabilities. You will probably remember B-cells from last months
article; the cells which help make vaccines work. While B-cells are great at destroying
pathogens in the bloodstream, once a pathogen enters our cells the B-cells can no longer
ght the virus with their chemical warfare. Zinc stimulates the production of T-cells, our
bodies’ own antiviral chemicals which will attack a virus once it has left our bloodstream
and has infected our body tissue. Zinc also helps prevent the virus from replicating and
spreading to other areas of our bodies.
If you can get your hands onto some good quality zinc lozenges or liquid, they may work
quicker toward speeding up your recovery. Taking a zinc supplement over a long period
of time can lead to toxicity, so once you are feeling better, stop taking it and maintain
your daily intakes through your diet. Zinc can be found in many meat products, seafood,
grains, nuts, seeds, and beans.
PublicDomainPictures, Pill Yellow Isolated, pixabay 2014.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
3. Echinacea
As soon as you start to notice youre getting sick, buy some Echinacea. If you can handle
the profound avour, get a good quality liquid extract as your body will respond more
positively to that form of treatment; otherwise, stick to tablets. Echinacea is a well-known
herbal medicine, and it has been proven to produce stimulating and balancing eects on
the immune system. Echinacea will stimulate the production of T-cells to help ght o an
infection, as well as elicit an anti-inammatory eect to help reduce the pain and fever
experienced when youre sick.
Some precautions before taking Echinacea: be aware that it is a “sialogogue, which
means that you will experience increased saliva production and a tingling sensation
in your mouth. This is a commonly reported eect, and you should not be alarmed if
you experience it. However, if you know you are allergic to the Daisy family of plants
(Asteraceae), AVOID Echinacea as you may very well experience an adverse reaction. If
you have an autoimmune condition (such as Crohns disease, Graves disease, Addisons
disease, Type 1 Diabetes etc.,) only take Echinacea under strict doctor surveillance as the
immune stimulating eects may potentially interfere with autoimmune reactions already
happening in your body.
Echinacea flower
Werner22brigitte, Cone Flower Echinacea purpurea, pixabay 2013
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
4. Astragalus
Astragalus has been used throughout Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for hundreds of
years and is considered an immune modulator and an adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbs
which work to help the body adapt to stress, a major contributor to falling sick. While
research regarding its adaptogenic activity is quite limited, the concept of qi and a vital/
life force driving each person is emphasised throughout TCM texts, and the herb aims to
restore our bodies’ life force – so often beaten down by day-to-day stress.
Astragalus has also been one of the most researched herbs for its replenishing eects on
the immune system. Astragalus has been repeatedly clinically proven to stimulate the
populations of various immune chemicals such as T-cells, natural killer cells, macrophages,
and tumour-necrosis factor cells – all released when a pathogen invades your body.
However, Astragalus is a very stimulating herb, and using it during the acute phase of
sickness may make you feel worse. Astragalus is best used during convalescence, when
you aren’t in the acute phase but youre still recovering. Since your immune system has
been working really hard, it needs replenishing, and this is the perfect time to aid it with
5. Vitamin C
Last but certainly not least on the list is vitamin C. While it hasn’t exactly been proven to
aggressively ght o inuenza, vitamin C is the backbone for immune support. Certain
organs in our body have an anity for vitamin C, such as our adrenal glands – the energy
centres of our body. Our skin also uses vitamin C to ensure that healthy quantities of
collagen are being produced so the skin can maintain its integrity. After all, our skin is
another mechanism of defence against pathogens, creating a seal around our body to
shield us from unwanted intruders.
It is also important to remember vitamin C is primarily an antioxidant, and preventing
oxidative damage is a great way to prevent sickness in many forms, not just inuenza.
Using vitamin C in this scenario supports our energy and stamina. Keep in mind though
that as vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, it is excreted mainly through our kidneys and if
you have a kidney condition it is best to avoid supplementing with vitamin C unless it has
been recommended to you by a health professional.
Do not consume any of these supplements within at least a two-hour window of other
medications. That way both the medications and the supplements have a chance to absorb
completely and without any interruptions. All of these tips can be used together, or you can
pick and choose depending on if you can remember to take everything, what your budget
is, and if you are potentially sensitive to any of the supplements.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Always go and see a medical professional in the event you have any concerns. However,
when it comes to herbal and nutritional supplements I recommend visiting a naturopath.
These trained professionals have spent years studying the scientic details of natural
interventions, how they work alongside medications, and how they target specic diseases.
Now that you are locked and loaded with some powerful natural weaponry, you’re ready
to go out and face winter head on. Vitamin D will help you feel more motivated to get
yourself up and about, zinc, Echinacea, and Astragalus will help ght o any infection, and
vitamin C will help support your endurance while you continue to go about your day-to-
day activities.
Aranow, C. Vitamin D and the Immune System. Journal of Investigative Medicine.
2011,59:6:881 – 886.A
Australian Bureau of Statistics. 4364.0.55.006 - Australian Health Survey: Biomedical Results
for Nutrients, 2011-12 - Feature Article: Vitamin D. Available at: http://www.abs.gov.au/
ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/4364.0.55.006Chapter2002011-12. Accessed: 24th March 2015.
Fisher, C. Materia Medica of Western Herbs. New Zealand: Vitex Medica; 2009.
Gropper, S-S, Smith, J-L, Gro, J-L. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 5th Edition.
Belmont, USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning; 2009.
Health Status. The Eects of Zinc Deciency on Human Health. Stewart Hare. Available at:
human-health/. Accessed: 13th May 2015.
Monograph. Astragalus Membranaceus. Alternative Medicine Review. 2003;8:1:72 - 77.
Available at: http://www.altmedrev.com/publications/8/1/72.pdf. Accessed: 13th May
National Health and Medical Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values: Zinc. Available
at: https://www.nrv.gov.au/nutrients/zinc Accessed: 16th March 2015.
Patak, P, Willenberg, H-S, Bornstein, S-R. Vitamin C Is an Important Cofactor for Both Adrenal
Cortex and Adrenal Medulla. Endocrine Research. 2004;30:4:871 – 875.
Patient.co.uk. Zinc Deciency, Excess and Supplementation. Available at: http://www.
patient.co.uk/doctor/zinc-deciency-excess-and-supplementation Accessed: 17th March
Rolfes, S-R, Pinna, K, Whitney, E. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 9th Edition.
Belmont USA: Cengage Learning; 2012.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Managing and
by Caitlin Plummer
With more and more ‘Get Fit Quick schemes out there it is so important to be aware
of your body and any aches and pains that you may feel along the way. For those who
are involved in regular training, injuries can be a real setback for your progress and
condence. This article will explain the main things you need to know about preventing
injuries and managing them as they arise.
If stretching is painful, you may have an injury
Image © Nicolas A Tonnelli, Stretched, Flickr, copyright 2011under an attribution licence
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
How to determine if there is an injury.
How can you tell if there is an injury or if you are just experiencing DOMS?
The term DOMS is short for Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness. This refers to the pain or
sensation that you feel after an intense exercise session, it is usually most present between
24 – 72 hours post exercise. DOMS is generally described as a dull achy sensation that is felt
when the muscle is contracted the day after exercise. It is usually felt in the muscle belly rather
than close to joints and shouldn’t affect the individuals’ range of motion.
There are many things that can contribute to an injury and not all injuries are as a result
of trauma. Many injuries can occur due to wear-and-tear of an area and may have been
developing over a number of weeks or even months. This can often make an injury hard to
There are a few simple indications that will help to determine whether or not you may
have an injury.
Onset of Pain
If the pain is from an injury you will usually feel it come on during or straight after exercise.
Pain from chronic injuries can also develop as the body cools down after exercise.
Is there Heat or Redness in the area?
If the area that is sore is also hot or red to touch this will generally indicate inammation in the
area. This is a sure sign that there is an injury. If heat or redness is present you should apply ice
to the area periodically (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off) for the next 24-48 hours.
Is there Swelling in the area?
If the area is swollen or puffy after exercise this is another indicator that the area could be
inamed. Again, ice should be applied (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off) to prevent blood
pooling in the area that will prevent the healing process.
Is there Pain and Stiffness around the joints?
If there is inammation or swelling around a joint there will usually also be a restriction in the
range of motion in the area. These are all signs of an injury.
Is Stretching Painful?
Clients often describe the sensation when stretching with DOMS as good sensation. However,
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Take preventative care
Image © Durrah03, Sports Injuries & Physiotherapy, Flickr,
copyright 2013 under an attribution licence
if there is an injury the client is likely
to feel very uncomfortable and there
will also be a degree of pain.
What to do if you suspect an
The way that an injury is managed
in the rst 24hours (the acute
phase) can have a huge affect on
the success of the injury healing.
Immediately following the checklist
above you should take the following
steps to prevent the injury from
You should avoid all aggravating
factors immediately after the injury.
Over the following days make a list
of anything that makes the pain
worse and try to avoid these things.
It may also help to make a note of what things (if any) improve your pain. For example: your pain
might be better after a hot shower or when waking in the morning.
Ice should be applied periodically 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off for up to 48 hours after the
injury. When applying ice to an injured area always make sure your ice pack is properly covered with
a piece of fabric or towel between ice and skin.
Compression clothing or bandages may be applied to the area following an injury. This will help
prevent blood pooling and swelling around the injured area.
The injured area should be elevated whenever possible. This doesn’t mean you have to walk around
with the injured area in the air but you should keep the area ‘higher than your heart’ when sitting
or sleeping.
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These steps should be repeated up to 48 hours post injury, even if your pain has
The next important step that many clients fail to do is to tell someone!
You should always inform your personal trainer or coach about any injury not matter how
insignicant you may think it is. That way they can modify exercises to suit you and can pay
extra attention to your technique during exercise.
In addition to this you should make an appointment with an experienced therapist who can
assess the injury to make sure that the issue can be resolved and that it is not likely to reoccur.
A good therapist will be able to perform techniques to assist the body healing and also give
you some strengthening and stretching activities to do at home to improve your recovery rate.
Your best defense against chronic or long-term injuries is taking action early. So, if in
doubt always follow these guidelines.
To contact Caitlin or her team of therapists head to http://www.inbalancesportstherapy.com/
This information rst appeared on the Inbalance Sports Therapy blog on May 11 and May 18, 2015.
Image © Zaphodsotherhead, Massage, Flickr, copyright 2006 under an attribution licence
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Weight Loss Supplements:
Green Coffee Beans
by Perrie Massouras
In the race to be the most requested weight loss supplement in health food stores there is a
erce competition between Garcinia cambogia and Green coee bean extract supplements.
Ironically, however, the only information in-store naturopaths are going on is what the
manufacturers are telling them. Part two of this three-part series looks at Green coee
bean extract and refers to evidence-based research about the supplements weight loss
Before research articles are published there is a hierarchy of evidence to consider. Articles
which are more vigorous in their research, stemming from trials set up to meet the fairest
and most ethical possible outcomes, are the most highly regarded. They also form useful
tools in measuring a products’ success. Therefore, it’s only fair that such a sensitive subject,
using supplements for weight loss, should be supported with valid, scientic claims when
new products such as green coee bean extract, come on the market.
Green coee beans are the unroasted form of the
coee bean, a word familiar with
Tavnir Alam, The best weight loss tips for you!, © Flickr
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many coee drinkers alike. This is where the confusion begins, as most health practitioners
discourage regular coee consumption for several reasons. The strongest argument against
the product is because caeine interferes with cortisol. Labelled the “stress hormone,
cortisol is released by our metabolic centres – the adrenal glands. When cortisol levels are
unnaturally raised they have a nasty habit of interfering with important functions, the most
relevant one to this topic being insulin. Insulin plays a pivotal role in controlling blood sugar
and once cortisol intervenes your body forgets it has sugar available for fuel and instead
signals you to eat more and more… thus come the kilos.
So how could there possibly be any benet from supplementing with green coee bean
extracts? Meet chlorogenic acid, a component of the green coee bean piquing interest
in many researchers and providing very interesting results. One trial published in 2012
reported signicant reductions in body weight, body mass index, percentage of body fat,
and even a small decrease in heart rate with no signicant changes to the individuals’ diet
over the duration of the trial. If this sounds too good to be true, it is, as the article was
retracted in October 2014.
Readers should note that several companies selling this green coee bean extract cite the
retracted article as their sole justication behind using the product. So lets put this into
perspective. If a scholar used one article (and a retracted one at that) as a reference in order
to prove a point they would be laughed out of the world of academia and labelled as lazy,
or worse, a quack.
Green Coffee Beans
Image © Jessica Spengler, Green Coee Beans, Flickr, copyright 2012 under an attribution licence
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In another study, two groups were trialled with either high chlorogenic acid-containing green
coee bean extract or regular coee to measure weight loss results between one another. It
is exciting to note that green coee bean consumers were signicantly more eective than
regular coee drinkers in losing weight with an average of 5.4kg and 1.7kg lost respectively
over a twelve-week period. The article states that chlorogenic acid prevents the absorption of
glucose from our intestines after a meal.
A study which sifted through thousands of research articles and trials regarding green
coee bean extracts for weight loss found that no adverse reactions had been reported at
all, however, they didn’t consider the weight loss results relevant enough to use in clinical
practice. The only safety recommendations (as with all herbal medicines) is to avoid using it
during pregnancy and lactation unless supervised by a health professional.
It would be wise to err on the side of caution with green coee bean extracts if you suer
from any inammatory bowel condition (IBS, Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease, etc.) as the
absorption of nutrients may already be compromised in these conditions – a product that is
reported to stop absorption in the intestines may theoretically make symptoms worse for you.
Considering the results were only from short-term studies it would be safer to supplement
for a twelve week period as a kick-start’ and then take a break. While green coee bean
supplements have been supercharged with chlorogenic acids, there is still a slight caeine
content and this must be taken into consideration as some individuals feel the eects of
caeine much stronger than others and certain diets restrict caeine intake.
Encouraging and integrating healthy life changes alongside supplementation is vital so you
aren’t forever relying on a pill to help you see results, which may not even come. So the ball is
in your court as to whether or not to use this supplement for weight loss. The third and nal
instalment of this series will be looking at L-Carnitine, and concluding with limitations which
may aect seeing any weight loss results at all.
Aronson D. Cortisol - Its Role in Stress, Inammation, and Indications for Diet Therapy.Todays Dietitian,
Onkapoya I, Terry R, Ernst E. The Use of Green Coee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. 2010;1 – 6.
Thom E. The Eect of Chlorogenic Acid Enriched Coee on Glucose Absorption in Healthy Volunteers and Its
Eect on Body Mass When Used Long-term in Overweight and Obese People. The Journal of International
Medical Research. 2007;35:900 – 908.
Vinson JA, Burnham BR, Nagendran MV. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover
study to evaluate the ecacy and safety of a green coee bean extract in overweight subjects. Diabetes,
Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 2012;5:21 – 27.
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Tinder Burnt My Toast
by Andrea Featherstone
You’re inging washing into the machine while poaching an egg, burning the toast while
responding to Tinder messages, opening 15 million tabs and trying to attend to them all at
once until your browser crashes and you can’t remember why any of them were important
anyway? You’re cramming the weekend with breakfasts, brunches, coffees, and dates all
before lunch, then afternoon missions to buy a bed and some hand soap for your new
Airbnb listing, only to nd your washing still in the machine three days later.
Since the beginning of the year, I have been capital letters OVERWHELMED with things to
I thought my life was busy before I started a business!?
I was rushing around telling
people that I was overwhelmed and busy and that I didn’t have much time to catch up, up to
my eyeballs in adrenaline, feeling as though I didn’t have time for yoga or meditation. It all
culminated into me bursting into tears at an electronics store because there were just TOO
MANY ROUTERS to choose from. I just didn’t have a single decision left in me. I’ve learnt
this lesson before, and like everything in life I’ll continue to have to learn it until I’ve learnt
it. Which might possibly take forever.You see, I’ve noticed a pattern I follow; I wonder if you
might do the same?
Image © Sheep Purple, Toast, Flickr, copyright 2009 under an attribution licence
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I start off on top of the world, feeling great, doing lots of exercise and yoga, meditating most
days, making the time to do all the things that I know are necessary for me to stay on top of
my bloody good life. I wake up bursting with energy and inspiration; it feels like life is too good
to be true. I feel invincible and fearless, so I ll my life with more life. I start new projects for
Project Self, write a million blog posts, start building things, writing cards, and doing a lot of
I start dating up a Tinder storm, with my newfound energy and zest for life attracting loads of
eligible babes into my life. So I try to date them all. I start listening to new music, experimenting
in the kitchen, and trying to catch up with every friend I know. I move heaven and earth to
cram as much life into my life as possible...and then, at the peak of the wave, I realise I have
massively, massively overcommitted myself. Too many dates, too many catch ups, too many
tabs open, too many projects. There is a ne line between living at the edge of your limits
(where the magic happens,) and falling over the edge into overwhelm and panic.
When this happens, I let go of all the things that got me to the high point in the rst place.
Yoga, exercise, meditation and getting outside fall by the wayside. I cancel on friends and dates
and retreat into my cave. I try to get on top of all the work I’ve created for myself, but since
I’ve locked myself away from everything that lights me up, I no longer feel inspired. This means
I can’t write the content I need to create for the projects I’m working on, so I procrastinate. I
start eating more sugar and chocolate, and I stop cooking healthy food (who has time for that).
The procrastination then causes me more guilt, and before I know it the most productive week
of the year has crashed into the least productive week of the century, all the while I continue
to feel overwhelmed, panicked, and guilty. I recognise the pattern, yet I keep doing it over
and over again. I still haven’t learnt. Eventually I reach the bottom of the wave and realise that
things have gotten dire.
Ever Feel Overwhelmed?
Image © Evil Erin, Aaahhhh!!!, Flickr, copyright 2009 under an attribution licence
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I realise I need to pick myself up again and start going all the things I know I need to to keep
myself stable, balanced, and inspired:
Meditating at least once a day.
Yoga a few times a week.
Getting outside and going for a run.
Taking time to rest, read (away from screens), and do things I love.
Eating proper food – lots of vegetables and not lots of sugar.
Writing a few things that I’m grateful for each day.
Seeing friends in manageable timeframes.
Cutting down on erratic dating.
Focusing on the most important projects and accepting that everything else can wait.
Working on becoming more mindful again so that my laundry doesn’t go mouldy in the
washing machine.
Life goes in cycles, this is the way it works. You can’t appreciate the highs without the lows.
So remember, if you’re at the peak of the wave packing your life full of Things and Stuff, calm
it down before it gets out of hand. Don’t forget to do the things you need to keep yourself
in balance. If you’re at the trough of the wave, feeling uninspired or overwhelmed, remind
yourself that it’s just a wave. A peak always follows a trough; you’ll be on the up as soon as
you decide to be. Focus on the activities that keep you balanced and make sure to incorporate
them regularly into your life, even when you feel like resisting.
*Originally published at http://projectself.com.au/
Write down what you are grateful for daily.
Image © Loren Kerns, 215/5: Journaling, copyright 2015 under an attribution licence
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Running to Runnez
by Krystal Mizzi
What if I told you there was the possibility of loving cardio? Too far-fetched? Impossible? Couldn’t think
of anything worse? Well think again.
There is a form of group tness out there, which will be sure to change your whole tness regime for
the better. When I say group tness I am not talking about a Zumba or a Body Attack class, which might
have you feeling awkward or uncoordinated. This great new class is Runnez.
Rick Mirbella, founder of Runnez
Image © Krystal Mizzi, 2015
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Runnez is taking Australia by storm, providing athletes and every day gym-goers with structured,
indoor track sessions. The classes are created by tness professionals based on elite programs for
track runners, but designed for any tness level.
Runnez gives anyone the chance to conquer their goals in running long and short distances, and
strive for personal progression in both aerobic and anaerobic tness, all whilst reaping incredible
health benets.
Rick Mirbella and Shelly Tims created the program in 2007. Rick is a professional distance running
and strength and conditioning coach and together with his partner Shelly came up with the Runnez
concept. “We wanted to bring back track programs with a team element and remove the stigma of
distance running being solely an individual act,” said Rick.
So what is it? Runnez is an indoor structured track session performed on treadmills. The classes are
45 minutes in length and allow participants of any tness level to partake and perform at their own
pace. The main focus is introducing or improving running technique, improving VO2 max, increasing
tness, and helping all athletes reach their goals whilst having fun.
Runnez is a growing phenomenon in the world of health and tness; professionals from around the
state of Victoria are completing courses through Fitness Australia to learn about the sessions.
A group class at Runnez
Image © Krystal Mizzi, 2015
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There are 20 qualied trainers in over 10 gyms across Victoria and Rick aspires to inltrate more gym
and recreational centers nationally.
Runnez gives the “general population and gym-goers the opportunity to train like they would on a
track with a personal coach, to their own pace and ability,” said Rick.
Rick and the team at Runnez strongly believe in personal progression at each individuals’ own pace.
“We narrow in on each individuals’ ability to progress at their own rate so there is no pressure or
expectation for them to run above their means, and we incrementally increase the stimulus,” explains
Rick. He added that clients often nd themselves entering into fun runs and marathons within the
rst few months of training at Runnez.
Runnez is a form of high intensity interval training or better known as HIIT. HIIT training has been
shown to improve:
Aerobic and anaerobic tness
Blood pressure
Cholesterol proles
Cardiovascular health
Insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles more readily use glucose for fuel)
Abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle mass.
One-on-One support from the Runnez team
Image © Krystal Mizzi, 2015
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The benets of this form of training are limitless and there is room for growth and most importantly
personal improvement. “First thing is performance and second thing is aesthetics,” said Rick.
Rick has seen great success in hundreds of clients from 12 – 75 years of age and has also been involved
in training AFL draft picks such as Michael Hibberd (2010) and Sam Lloyd (2013).
Rick is a big advocate for moving every day, balancing strength and interval training, and especially
changing your workout stimulus day-to-day by “including aerobic and lower intensity training to give
your body a chance to recover and regenerate, ready to smash another session of Runnez and set you
up for the day and the week ahead.”
“If you continue to tick the boxes and be consistent and get your self moving every day, you’re doing
well – it’s the only way to keep moving forward,” said Rick.
The team at Runnez along with Fitness Australia are in the process of creating an app, which will be
available on iPhone and android for people all around the globe to get in on this form of cardio.
For more information check out Runnez online on Facebook and Instagram.
Sessions are held in Melbourne at Armadale, Chelsea Heights, Healesville, Karingal, Point Cook and
Sandringham for $10 per person.
Image © Krystal Mizzi, 2015