
BOOK TITLE: The Australia Times - Health magazine. Volume 2, issue 4

Vol. 2 No. 4 July 2015
How Does That
Make You Feel?
of Self-
for Our
Gut Reactions
Editor's Picks
Editor's Note 05
What's On 08
My Favourite 10
Top 5 14
How Does That Make You Feel? 24
Don't Suffer In Silence 28
Refresh Your Health 33
Benefits of Self-Massage 38
Yoga for Our Youth's Mental Health 43
Gut Reactions 49
Christina Braganza
Marissa Needles
Perrie Massouras
Sarana Renzella
Shalee Moschetti
Belinda Wilson-Chartres
Robyn Palmer
Caitlin Plummer
Elke Avis
Anna George
Take Back Your Health
Conference 2015 Los Angeles
Flickr, copyright 2015
DISCLAIMER:All content published within The Australia Time Health Magazine is provided for information
purposes only, and is made available on the understanding that it does not constitute professional or expert
medical advice. You must consult your general practitioner before undertaking any exercise, or exercise program
we publish. If you have any concerns about your health, consult your general practitioner.
Health is a broad topic as it encompasses
so many different aspects from physical
health, mental health to emotional
health. The TAT Health magazine aims
to provide a varied range of opinions
and perspectives on this issue to inform,
engage and motivate our readers to lead
healthy and happy lives. We recognise that
it is a personal choice that dictates how
each individual approaches their health
and general wellbeing. With this in mind, it
is our intention to offer a platform for the
Australian public to voice their opinions on
this vast subject matter.
Our writers' vary from professionals with
years of experience in the field of health
and fitness, to members of the general
public who have a passion for health. Our
monthly magazines will bring you a range
of regular spots including top tips on health,
interviews, healthy food profiles and much
more. It will offer a range of opinion pieces
and research articles as well as keep you
updated on what’s happening in health
around Australia.
If you have an interest in health and
want to share your ideas, we’d love to
hear from you. At the most basic level
of human existence, it is our health that
often determines our experience in the
world. In the words of the famous Scottish
philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, “He who has
health, has hope; and he who has hope,
has everything.
We offer both veteran and undiscovered writers the opportunity to get published.
Have something to
COMMUNICATE, or an OPINION to state, we are your voice!
Want to
join a like-minded community in a great project?
Equation for Success:
Healthy Mind
Healthy Body
What composes a healthy
mind? Do you instantly
think of meditation,
Tibetan singing bowls,
and not losing your cool
when someone cuts you
off in traffic? How about a
healthy body? A body run
on green smoothies with
the ability to lift and squat
heavy weights? Although
meditation and exercise
are vital to thriving in
life, I believe there are so
many other aspects to a
happy life.
Here are elements of what I
believe creates a happy life:
Living a life that is
regularly filled with joy,
play, and laughter.
Editor's Note
Surrounding yourself
with people who
appreciate both
your strengths and
weaknesses and value
your contribution.
Possessing mental
clarity during
unexpected crises,
knowing when to take
charge and when to
relinquish control.
Cultivating a curiosity
of the mind in order to
encourage growth and
What are your ideals for a
healthy body and healthy
mind? If this isn’t a topic that
you have spent much time
mulling over, I suggest you
do. Take some time to sit
down and write out goals,
feelings, or desires, for a
happy life and consider if
you need to alter anything in
your current life to help you
get there.
This month’s issue is
filled with suggestions to
help you create a happy
life. Learn techniques to
connect with your intuition
in How Does That Make You
Feel and see how food can
change your outlook on life
with My Favourite: Mood
Boosting Foods. Check
out this month’s Top 5 and
Benefits of Self Massage
for exercises to increase
muscular strength and
flexibility while connecting
with your breath. Don't
forget to flip to the back
of the magazine for our
new Families Section. This
month we feature two
articles on children and
youth health.
I encourage you to use
these articles as tools to
improve you and your
families’ health in new and
wonderful ways.
In Health,
Taking a look
at ma jor health
and wellbeing
event’s around
What's on
The RANZCO Eye Foundation is the
medical eye specialists’ foundation,
dedicated to restoring sight and
preventing vision loss throughout
The RANZCO Eye Foundation is a not-
for-profit eye health organisation. They
represent more than 890 Australian and
New Zealand medical eye specialists
(ophthalmologists) who are passionate
about giving future generations the best
vision possible. The Foundation was
founded in 2002 as the fundraising arm
of The Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)
and The Ophthalmic Research Institute of
Australia (ORIA).
Each year, 10,000 Australians go blind.
About 200,000 Australians have visual
impairment that cannot be corrected by
To find out more visit: JulEYE
Diabetes Awareness Week
Diabetes Australia was established in
1984, and is the national body for people
affected by all types of diabetes as well
as those at risk. We are committed to
reducing the impact of diabetes.
Core focus areas are people affected
by all types of diabetes, this includes
people with type 1 diabetes, people with
type 2 diabetes, women with gestational
diabetes, people with other forms of
diabetes, their families and carers, and
people at risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes Australia works in partnership
with consumers, health professionals and
To find out more visit:
Diabetes Awareness Week
Featured Event
Inspiring MindsIndependent Media
5 - 12
NAIDOC stands for National
Aborigines and Islanders Day
Observance Committee. Its origins
can be traced to the emergence of
Aboriginal groups in the 1920's which
sought to increase awareness in the
wider community of the status and
treatment of Indigenous Australians.
NAIDOC Week is held in the first
full week of July. It is a time to
celebrate Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander history, culture and
achievements and is an opportunity
to recognise the contributions that
Indigenous Australians make to our
country and our society.
To find out more visit: NAIDOC Week.
Stress Down Day
Lifeline is a national charity
providing all Australians
experiencing a personal crisis with
access to 24 hour crisis support
and suicide prevention services.
Somewhere in Australia there is a
new call to Lifeline every minute.
Stress Down Day encourages
everyone to take a break or to make
sure that they are coping with their
everyday lives.
To find out more visit:
Stress Down Day
July – 3
Cerebral Palsy Week
CPL (formerly known as the
Cerebral Palsy League) stands
for Choice, Passion and Life. CPL
is a non-profit organisation that
provides vital support and services
to more than 8,000 children and
adults with disabilities in Queensland
and Northern NSW.
CPL gives freedom of choice, the
opportunity to chase a passion and
the support to live the life they choose.
They provide services every day,
at every stage of life and have
been doing so for over 65 years
in thousands of homes, schools,
communities and workplaces.
To find out more visit:
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week
World Hepatitis Day
Hepatitis Australia helps by
providing national leadership and
advocacy on viral hepatitis and
support partnerships. The outcomes
expected from this are:
to decrease new infections of
viral hepatitis
to increase the community
understanding of viral hepatitis
to eliminate the barriers to
to provide accessible quality
to provide support networks
to eradicate stigma and
World Hepatitis Day is a reminder
about their cause and that it is still
a ma jor problem in certain parts of
the population.
To find out more visit: World
Hepatitis Day
Inspiring MindsIndependent Media
o you find yourself stress eating? Craving everything creamy,
rich, and refined during periods of work overload or upheaval
at home? You are not alone! Studies have shown that up to 1 in
3 people alter their diets when the pressure is on. This activity
creates a viscous cycle with your hormones and blood sugar causing
greater stresses and feelings of instability during the come down (or
crash depending on how many cupcakes you had.)
When your blood sugar dips
the stress hormone epinephrine
(adrenaline) surges to high levels.
Being ‘hangry’ is a real thing as
the body shunts toward survival
mode. When food intake has
decreased you feel amped up
and the regions of your brain that
helped your ancestors survive by
being fierce hunters are activated.
Food and mood are not just
regulated by blood sugar cycles,
but also by the quality and
quantity of nutrients in consumed
food. Even if you lose control
during acute phases, you can aid
your body by consistently eating
well-balanced meals packed with
nutritional goodies. The foundation
for our bodies, minds, and lives lies
in the wealth of vitamins, minerals,
protein, and fats.
I have listed out the best nutrients
to consume to keep you happy
and grooving, even when times
are tough. If you aim to eat the
rainbow at every meal you will be
feeling great!
My Favourite
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
B Vitamins
Bright and sunny B vitamins! These
are vital nutrients for your brain and
aid in conversion of amino acids into
neurotransmitters that affect mood
(think serotonin and dopamine.) Good
sources of B vitamins include meats,
egg whites, leafy green vegetables, and
garbanzo beans. A fantastic source is
liver. Pate anyone?
Tryptophan and
Selenium is an antioxidant nutrient that
is essential for DNA synthesis, thyroid
hormone metabolism, and protection
from oxidative damage. Selenium is
highest in Brazil nuts, a great snack
to keep on hand. Other good sources
include seafood such as tuna, halibut,
and shrimp. Vegetarian options include
shiitake mushrooms, lima beans, and
brown rice. Try a tuna and pickled
shiitake mushroom nori roll.
These amino acids are precursors to
neurotransmitters associated with mood. They
also aid general growth and development
throughout all phases of life. Tryptophan can
be found in seeds and nuts, especially pumpkin,
but also chia and sesame seeds. Edamame
and fermented soybean products are also a
good source. Tyrosine is packed in seaweed
and spirulina, cheeses, and meats. A spirulina
supplemented shake with chia mixed in would be
a great start to the day.
Polyunsaturated Fats
This category contains the fats Omega-3’s and
Omega-6’s. Both are needed for ideal living,
but due to so many processed foods containing
soybean oil, many people are overloaded with
Omega-6. These fats, particularly Omega
3, assist with cellular communication in the
brain. Flaxseeds, walnuts, seafood, and grass-
fed animal products are the best. Cruciferous
vegetables (brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale,
cabbage) are filled with Omega 3. Sprinkle a
ground flaxseed-walnut mix over a bed of kale
and top off with a nice lemony salmon filet.
When you eat meals that cover all your bases,
nutritionally. You will feel sated and reap the
benefits of the food-mood connection.
Cruciferous vegetables
Spirulina Smoothie
Tuna and
pickled shiitake roll
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Yoga Poses to SUPERCHARGE your
focus and determination this month!
Top 5
ith the help of Danny Massouras,
Shaolin Kung Fu Shibok and yoga
enthusiast, we have picked the
Top 5 yoga poses to keep you
focused and determined this month. Danny
uses these yoga poses to regain focus, thus
spurring more determination and resilience
during his martial arts training. Physical strength
is handy, however, it’s useless if you’re missing
focus. Maintaining certain stances and postures
for long periods of time creates a significant
challenge, not only physically but mentally.
Many masters stress the importance of
breathing because it is a way to concentrate
to the task at hand without really focusing on
the challenges that arise. This slight distraction
creates a buffer between mind and body
that enables you to push yourself harder and
longer. Deep-breathing exercises usually go
hand-in-hand with reaching a meditative state,
something you can draw upon in order to
eradicate mental clutter before undertaking a
challenging task.
By participating in yoga (or even martial
arts) classes, you’re not only strengthening
your body, but invigorating your mind. If you
can successfully complete these Top 5 poses,
the mental strength and determination you
mustered up to do so can easily be transferred
into your day-to-day life. Being able to hold
onto your inner peace when out in the thick
of the twenty-first century storm is a gift that
should not be taken lightly.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Cobra Pose
Start this pose lying prone, preferably not on a hard surface. Make sure your
feet are firm on the ground, toenails facing down. Place your hands under your
body, keeping them in line with your shoulders while holding your elbows close to
your body. Hold your pelvis to the floor firmly, and as you inhale deeply, start to
straighten your arms and continue to follow the flow your breath creates in your
chest, so you are lifting yourself up from your sternum. While this is happening
ensure that your shoulder blades are lying firmly against your back; that way you
are naturally extending your body and not putting any pressure on your lower back.
This pose can be held from between five to ten breaths, and return to prone position
by lowering yourself down slowly.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Side Plank Pose
The side plank pose is great for upper body strength and improving balance and
coordination. This is a modified, more beginner friendly pose, and one of my
favourites! The plank pose in itself is a fantastic core strengthening exercise and
is the position you will be starting in. Start to shift your weight onto your right
arm, and as you do this carefully roll onto the outside of your right foot and place
your left foot on top of it. Now you can raise your left arm up into the air while
straightening your right arm out until both your arms form a straight line. Gaze up
to your left hand, breathe deeply, and hold this pose for at least three breaths and
then return back into the plank pose, the same way you got into the side plank only
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Salamba Sarvangasana
Supported Shoulder Stand
This is a challenging pose, so it is recommended that you remember to breathe
and practice it first with a partner or a trained instructor. While lying down flat on
your back, keep your arms against your sides, palms flat on the ground and have
both legs completely extended. Now bend your knees, making sure the soles of your
feet remain flat on the floor. If this pose is new to you, this is where your partner
can intervene and ensure that you’re doing the pose safely. Inhale, and use your
abdominal muscles to lift your hips and legs up, off the floor. Bring your knees
towards your face by slowly curling your body, then lift your hips until your body is
at a 90 degree angle with the floor.
You are using your shoulders and elbows to support your neck and back, and, to
hold your balance in this pose so ensure that your shoulders remain on the floor at
all times. Bend your arms, and keep your elbows shoulder width apart. Make sure
your elbows are not sticking out to the sides as this will not evenly support your
body weight. Keep your shoulder blades firmly flat against your back. Place your
hands on your lower back, with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling and when
you are comfortable, start to lift your thighs straight up, but keep your knees bent.
Strengthen your core by drawing your tailbone towards your pelvis, and then you
can proceed to straighten your legs completely by lifting yourself up through the
balls of your feet.
Relax your throat and make sure you leave some space between your chin and your
chest. Bring your shoulders, hips and feet into a straight line and aim to hold this
pose for twenty breaths, a challenge like this will require great focus and mental
clarity! Make sure both your head and neck always stays in line with your spine, and
never turn your head while in this pose. To release, exhale and slowly move your
legs over your head, maybe having your toes touch the ground behind your head.
After lowering your hands to your sides, start to roll your spine down one vertebra
at a time, you may bend your knees as you do this for further support. Be mindful
about keeping your head firmly on the ground when you are moving your legs
up and down, often untrained core muscles may rely on your head for support, a
potential strain that your neck doesn’t need.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Plow Pose
This is a fantastic pose for improving circulation to just about everywhere in your
body. With a healthy blood flow comes an enormous cascade of positive bodily
effects such as improved cognition, digestion, and immunity. This pose can continue
on from the Supported Shoulder Stand, where you proceed to exhale and move your
legs over your head until your toes are touching the ground in front of you. Slowly
release your hands from your back, so they are now palms down and stretched out
on the ground. Holding this pose for one hundred breaths would be ideal however
anywhere from one to five minutes will suffice depending on how far you wish to
take it.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Fish Pose
One of our very own Health Editor Marissa’s favourites! This one is excellent to use
as a breathing tool, as the shape you will be in opens your respiratory system up
and makes breathing exercises much easier. Start this pose in a supine position,
keep your arms by your sides and bring your feet together. Place your hands flat on
the ground underneath your buttocks and press down firmly. As you inhale deeply,
follow your breath and lift your upper body and head as you curve your spine
naturally. By now the crown of your head should be resting gently on the ground,
and both of your shoulder blades will be pressed into your back. Ensure that most
of your weight is off your crown, and evenly distributed through your elbows and
legs to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck. Try and imagine how a fish would
propel itself; without limbs, fish must rely on their core strength for mobility. Hold
this pose between fifteen and thirty seconds, while maintaining a steady breath. On
your final exhalation, slowly lower yourself back onto the floor and give your legs a
good stretch by bringing your thighs up to your stomach after you have returned to
supine position.
Many agree that an aesthetically pleasing physique does wonders for
the psyche. However, the road taken to achieve said physique is often an
unhealthy process, but doesn’t have to come at the price of neglecting
our piece of mind. By adopting mindful exercises that not only
stimulates our body but our souls, such as these yoga poses we begin to
sow the seeds of a healthy, holistic existence.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
How Does That
Make You Feel?
© Matryosha, Written
in Slumber, Flickr
s a former psychology
student, I found
that people often
associated studying
human behaviour with the
Freudian image of a client lying
on a couch talking while the
psychologist asks ‘and how
did that make you feel’ as they
scribbled away on a notepad,
nodding knowingly. As a result
of this stereotype I would often
get asked in a condescending
tone ‘how does that make you
feel’ or ‘so what am I thinking?’
because apparently when I
started studying psychology, I
magically received the power
to read every ones thoughts.
That’d be nice (in some
instances) but that certainly
wasn’t the case. In university
these stereotypes annoyed me
but lately I’ve noticed myself
asking friends the same, ‘how
does that make you feel?’ when
they are telling me about their
new diet or their attempt to
remove processed foods from
their life. I also ask this question
of myself and I encourage you
to do the same thing.
Why, you may ask? Well I
believe that focusing on how
we feel is critically important.
When asking friends how
removing processed foods
from their diet made them
feel for example, the response
is often along the lines of ‘I
felt really good,’ ‘I didn’t get
bloated,’ and ‘it was easier
than I thought’. Or at times
when people are resistant to
change I hear ‘it’s too hard,
‘I couldn’t possibly give up
bread,’ ‘I can’t be bothered,
and ‘it’s in everything, they’d be
nothing left for me to eat’. I bet
you could add more excuses
to that list, either your own
or from someone you know.
For years I was concerned
about calories,losing weight,
limiting fats, etc. How I felt
definitely wasn’t my main
focus. Now, however, my
focus has changed. I’ve given
up checking the scales (my
weight has increased a little
but I’m ok with that), my diet is
much higher in fats (the good
kind) and I no longer count
calories (although I do keep a
food diary at times). Instead
I choose to focus on how
food makes me feel. Do I feel
energized? Have I experienced
bloating or discomfort? Will
eating this food help me
achieve my health goals or
could it potentially give me a
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Keep a food diary: while I
don’t recommend counting
calories, by keeping a
food diary you can record
your meals along with
any emotions, cravings
and symptoms. Fill it out
during the day or before
you go to bed.
Be honest: the diary is for
your own eyes only (unless
you choose to share with a
health coach or naturopath
and they usually don’t care
if you discuss your bowel
Decide in advance: When
dining out decide what
you will have before you
go. Check the menu online
or make a conscious effort
to pick a meal without
obvious allergens.
Just breathe: take 3 deep
breathes before each meal or
take the time to say a prayer.
Consciously chew: If you
wolf your meals down you
place extra stress on your
digestive system and you
won’t feel as sated.
Before you order ask
yourself ‘how will (insert
food here) make me feel?’
Or, if it’s too late instead ask
yourself ‘how did that make
me feel?’
Wait for it: You may feel
great an hour after eating a
certain food but sometimes
you may not experience the
symptom/s until a few days
later. This is where your
food diary comes in handy.
Stress triggers: despite
having a perfect diet if
you are experiencing
extra stress (i.e. by over
exercising/working, not
sleeping or being involved
in unhealthy relationships)
then your digestion may
suffer as a result.
I guarantee that if you make
lifestyle changes based on
how your body reacts to foods
you will feel better. Sometimes
when you start doing work to
reconnect with your body and
fine tune your intuition it can
be frustrating. You may feel
overwhelmed by being “on,
“conscious,” or “mindful” at all
times. Not to worry, you can
start small. I encourage you
to begin by crowding out. By
increasing the amount of fruits,
vegetables, and nutrient-dense
foods and drinks you consume
you will have less room for pies,
chips, and lollies. Rest assured
that every choice you make
impacts your health and every
little bit helps.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Don't Suffer
In Silence
Connect with your loved ones
© 23am.com,
Laugh, Flickr
fter being diagnosed with a general anxiety
disorder, I have days where I feel so dark and alone
that I have no idea where to turn. Of course I DO
have people to turn to, but when I am in one of these
spirals I don't remember this. I have however learned a
few coping skills that I wanted to share with you.
Catch your
I hear so many people
say "Why can't I do
what I used to do?".
I totally understand
this feeling! When
I was a young
teenager I was up for
anything, nowadays
I suffer panic to the
point of borderline
agoraphobia. It is so
easy for me to think "If
Beyonce can do all of
this stuff, why can't I?"
STOP these thoughts.
Squash them flat. If
you catch yourself
making comparisons
to your old self you
can replace the
thought with "I used
to be able to do that,
and I will be able to do
that again with time."
If you catch yourself
making comparisons
to someone else,
replace your thought
with "they may be
able to do that, and I
will be able to as well
but just not at this
moment." A good idea
is to write a goals list
of activities you would
like to accomplish, e.g
go to a restaurant full
of people without a
care in the world. This
way you can rate your
progress and have
something to strive
Get out in
the elements.
I would suggest
walking as this is
going to get your
blood flowing
and release some
endorphins. If you
cannot walk then
simply get outdoors.
Read a book. Watch
some clouds, have a
cuppa - do anything
you can think of to
get you outside. Take
a blanket if it is cold.
The soothing elements
of mother nature will
make your suffering
seem less intense.
yourself with
I have a HUGE self-
support system. I
listen to hypnotherapy
audios, meditate, write
in my journal, create
gratitude lists, listen
to lectures, jam to rad
90s music, do stretches
at home, watch funny
Youtube videos or
start a tickle fight
with my dog. Anything
you can do that is
super easy and gives
you immense joy or
helps you release your
suffering is perfect.
In times when you do
feel alone, you can
instantly turn to your
self-support system.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Move your body in nature
© Hernan Pinera, Walking
Barefoot, Flickr
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To book an appointment visit our website
or call Caitlin on:
0433 319 609
Mobile Service
We come to you!
Here are 5
simple steps
to focus on
your health
Exercise regularly
© Army Medicine, Downward
Facing Dog, Flickr
Inspiring MindsIndependent Media
Sleep More
Sleep is so important for our overall
health and wellbeing. It is the time
when your body recovers from the
day and rejuvenates and is fully
recharged for when you wake up.
More sleep will make you healthier
and happier almost straight away!
Go to bed as early as you can and
wake close to sunrise. Think 10pm
sleep and 6am wake up to get your
8 hours (but do what works for
your body and lifestyle…as long as
you sleep more).
Drink more water NOW! This is one of the
easiest and cheapest things you can do
for your health.Our bodies need water
to quench our thirst, but also to function
properly. Water is essential for flushing
toxins out of our systems. Water aids in
the removal of waste from the body as it
naturally softens our waste. Water is also
essential for our kidneys to function to
remove toxins from our urine and blood.
Water helps our skin look bright and
increases energy. Just a few benefits
from a long list. Make sure you have a
(reusable) bottle handy and drink up
morning, noon and night. (Little tip: try
to drink mostly during the day, so you
don’t interupt your sleep to get up for
the bathroom in the middle of the night.)
Get active
Getting active is simple, can have a
massive impact on your wellbeing,
and may increase your lifespan! The
many benefits of being active include a
healthy weight (when combined with a
healthy diet), stronger bones, improved
heart health, increased circulation,
reduced risk of many diseases, stress
management, and improved focus.
Getting active will help you sleep better
and support your overall wellbeing.
Exercise doesn’t have to be hard or cost
a lot. Why not try a daily exercise routine
in your bedroom? Try a yoga app at
home or check out this month’s Top 5
for inspiration. Park farther away from
your office or get your mates together
for a sports game in the park. Just make
sure you move your body whenever and
however you can! Given all the benefits,
why not?
Keep water nearby as a
reminder to drink up
© Greg Riegler, Glass
of Water, Flickr
Stop the
We are bombarded with chemicals in our
daily life. The food we eat, the skincare
we slather on our body, and the cleaning
products we use can all be riddled with
chemicals. Over time this exposure can
lead to skin irritation, hormone disruption,
illness or worse. Eating as nature intended
with fresh produce and whole foods
will reduce your exposure to chemicals.
For natural beauty swap your skin and
body care such as shampoo, conditioner,
moisturiser, deodorant, and makeup
products for natural alternatives. All these
products have direct contact with your
skin and going natural will reduce your
exposure and help the environment. Clean
naturally by swap cleaning products for
homemade alternatives. If you do buy from
the store look for environmentally friendly
or eco products that are derived from
natural ingredients.
Nurture a
Healthy Mind
A healthy mind is often overlooked yet
it is such an important part of being
healthy. You control the way you look at
life and a positive approach will make
a huge impact on your health! Be kind
to yourself and use positive self talk.
Reward any achievement. Be present.
Mindfulness is such a great tool to help
you see where you need to work on
your health and why you may not be as
healthy as you would like to be. Think
healthy. Think positive and believe
in yourself and your strengths. If you
believe you can get healthy and stay
healthy, then you can.
Get adequate sleep
© Tony Alter,
Sleeping, Flickr
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
of Self-Massage
Self Massage
Self-massage is a term used to
describe the practice of massage
techniques in order to release
personal muscle tightness. This
technique is becoming increasingly
popular among fitness enthusiasts
and the general public. There
are many types of self-massage
techniques available, but the use
of a foam roller or trigger point
ball are the most efficient and
successful. Self-massage helps to
release muscle tightness and can
be extremely effective in curing all
sorts of musculoskeletal pain.
I’m sure by now most of you have
either seen or used some sort of
foam roller, whether it be at the
local gym, fitness club or in your
physiotherapy clinic. But what is all
the fuss about rolling on a piece of
foam and what does it actually do?
How does it work?
In order to understand how
self massage techniques work,
and why they are so effective,
you’ll need to have a basic
understanding of muscle fascia.
Each of your muscles are made
up of many bundles of individual
fibers that are held together by
fascia. Imagine your fascia is a
web of connective tissue that
bonds your entire body from your
head to your toes.
Often lumps and bumps appear
within the fascia. These are
referred to as “knots” or Trigger
Points. These occur for a number
of reasons including training,
flexibility, movement patterns,
posture, hydration and stress.
When these adhesions occur this
restricts the muscles' contractions,
creating a weak point in the
muscle; which in turn makes the
muscle more susceptible to strains
and tears.
Originally published on the http://www.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
When these trigger points are
released and the fascia is able
to function properly again, you
can expect to see an immediate
improvement in mobility.
There are several different
techniques that help to restore
optimal health and length to your
fascia. Two of the most popular
techniques are the use of a trigger
point ball or a foam roller. By
using either of these tools you can
apply precise pressure to your
trigger points, which will help to
release tension.
The most effective method to
use a foam roller or trigger point
ball is starting at the bottom of
the muscle and slowly rolling up
to the top of the muscle. During
this process the muscle is being
stretched and the muscle fibers
are being realigned to their natural
direction of pull. When you find a
tight or tender spot in the muscle,
pause for 30-60 seconds. Try to
relax and you should feel the pain
start to alleviate over time.
The trigger point ball is particularly
good for use around hard to reach
areas i.e. your shoulder blades and
releasing deeper trigger points.
This type of self-massage can
help relieve pain caused by many
common musculoskeletal injuries
including, knee, hip, shoulder and
back pain.
Self- massage is designed to
stretch out your superficial, skeletal
muscles. However, it is not an
effective way to treat your deeper
or core muscles. These muscles
will need specific exercises and
treatment from a Sports or Physio
Therapist. Self-massage should
always be done in conjunction
with a regular treatment from a
professional therapist.
Check out these simple moves to
try at home.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
for Our Youth's Mental Health
he youth of today are
living in an exciting
technological age. This
advancement, however,
is seemingly coupled with new
cultural pressures to achieve
in a more competitive world.
Our children now have so much
visual and mental stimulation
due to computers, smart phones,
social media and access to
insurmountable information unlike
any other generation. Their minds
are constantly active in a highly
stimulating way 24/7! A mind that
is constantly stimulated and in
over drive will tend towards stress,
anxiety, and has a higher potential
to develop mental disorders. The
mind needs time to cultivate a
sense of stillness and relaxation to
be able to release tensions that
arise daily.
Our “young people are now said
to carry the greatest burden of
mental illness with 75% of all severe
mental disorders occurring prior
to the age of 25." Right now 1-in-4
young Australians is living with a
mental health condition.
Yoga’s role in Mental Health
Yoga is a scientifically-proven
method to aid the healing of
mental afflictions. It creates greater
bodily, mental, and emotional
health and stability. Yoga is a
tool we use to understand as well
as experience how inextricably
linked the body, the mind, and
emotions are. What goes on in
one absolutely affects the others.
Methods of healing need to directly
work with not one, but all three of
these aspect of our being to create
wholeness in our experience.
© Scott Johnson, 2014
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
When we practice yoga we are
consciously moving our body,
using our breath, and focusing
our minds. This allows us to come
into a deeper, more sensitive
relationship with body, mind
and our emotional state. This
knowledge and understanding
in turn allows us to more deeply
know who we are as unique,
individual beings and understand
ourselves in relation to others
and our place in the world.. Over
time, yoga awakens inherent
wisdowm inside us to know how
to appropriately address our
own unique needs for a fulfilling
experience of life.
How does Yoga actually work
on the Mind?
Yoga takes us out of our
over stimulating day-to-day
environment giving us time to
slow down and focus our minds on
our physical experience, keeping
us present in our actual situation
instead of our minds being
disconnected from our bodies
out there somewhere thinking,
planning, strategizing, and often
worrying. Yoga gives the mind a
way to a relax by focusing it on
the body and the breath, evoking
a calming effect on the nervous
system which is all too often in
over load.
© Scott Johnson, 2014
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
When we practice yoga we start
to bring health, sensitivity and
nourishment to our bodies. Our
brain, organs, tissues, and cells of
the body are positively affected.
Yoga actually increases levels of
the feel good brain cell chemicals
like serotonin and dopamine, which
are responsible for feelings of
relaxation and contentedness. Yoga
is also proven to stimulate the
parasympathetic nervous system
which, when activated, enters the
body, and in turn the mind, into a
state of restoration and healing.
We can begin to work on mental
wellbeing by using the body in
yoga as a gateway to effect the
functioning of mind and how we
feel. Because what we do with our
bodies, and how we do it affects
our minds!
How can Yoga Help?
Yoga is not a panacea that can
instantly put asunder all our
youths’ mental and emotional
problems. But yoga as a
technology for development of the
whole being does work if given
proper attention and appropriate
time. This ongoing release of
tensions in the body-mind complex
by teens will contribute to less
mental disturbances in our youth
over the years.
The benefits of youth doing yoga
work in two ways simultaneously:
Instant Benefits: After yoga class
kids experience the instant
benefits of yoga first hand:
• Reduced feelings of stress,
anxiety, nervousness, general
• Body feels “good’, it has been
used and exercised.
• Increased bodily sensation and
• Feeling of more control and ease
in their experience
• Sense of connecting more to
feelings happiness and joy
• More of a positive outlook.
• Calmed nervous system, clearer
mind and more relaxed state of
Long Term Benefits: Seen as the
kids get access to ongoing, regular
yoga and mediation through their
• More body sensitivity, mental
clarity and ease, emotional
stability and strengthened
character. So when problems
arise they have a stronger
coping mechanism and ability to
face difficulty
• Cultivation of deep self-
awareness and ability to self-
introspect and reflect on what is
the core cause of suffering and
difficulty when outer problems
• Greater sense of connection to
Self and interconnectedness
with others and the world
around them.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
• Deeper connection to own
needs and desires. An inner
knowing/wisdom of how to
fulfil those need and natural
appetites appropriately in a way
that will nourish the self and not
cause harm.
What can we do to Help?
As parents, families, and educators
of children I suggest we encourage
our schools to run more in-school
yoga and mediation programs on
a regular basis. If authority figures
and our education systems value
Elke Avis is the founder of Free Girls Yoga a non-prot
organization offering yoga and health education to girls
in schools and through the local community.She has
been practicing and studying in the yoga tradition for 14
years and teaching yoga since 2008.Elke is a graduate of
Trika Institute’s 7 Year Yogic Studies Program in Berkeley,
CA, and a participant in a 4 year fulltime in resident yoga
teacher training program with DHARMA INC. in the
mountains of Northern Thailand. She now lives on the
Northern Beaches of Sydney with her family enjoying
offering the practice of yoga to the community.
these modalities, then it will teach
our children to value them as well.
Let’s encourage and support
out youth to take time out of
their busy schedules and get off
computers and smart phones to
cultivate their inner selves through
yoga, meditation and mindfulness
techniques. If they do this more
often they will actually be better
able to focus, study and achieve
their goals, and be less likely to
be over come in the process with
stress, burn out and increase the
potential for mental illness to arise.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing:
Summary of Notes. 2007.
Available at: https://www.youthbeyondblue.com/footer/stats-and-facts
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Gut Reactions
Part 1
o you or your child have digestive problems? Are
you trying to cope with the embarrassing and
uncomfortable symptoms of IBS or do you see your
toddler not digesting their food properly and suffering
with pain? These symptoms are not normal and it’s best not to
ignore any problems as they can worsen over time and lead
to deeper issues. There are ways to support the body back to
functioning normally again.
We are what we digest
and absorb!
Think of your digestive tract as a long
tube from your mouth all the way to
the other end which is the barrier
between you and the outside world.
When stretched out flat, it is the size of
a tennis court. The digestive tract has
its own eco-system of microbes and can
operate independently from the rest of
your body. It is an amazing and complex
organ, but, when things go wrong it can
affect all parts of your body. The gut is
where your nourishment comes in, where
pathogens are kept out, and interaction
with the immune system and blood
stream occur.
Digestive problems are a sign that
the gut lining is inflamed. Although
inflammation is one of the body’s
mechanisms used to heal naturally,
it is designed to be temporary. If
inflammation becomes prolonged it
then causes damage to the cells that
it is supposed to be healing. If there
is chronic inflammation, food can’t be
digested or absorbed properly. Poor
nutrient absorption affects every cell in
your body. If left untreated, inflammation
in the gut can cause a host of problems
that you would not guess even began
in the gut, such as skin conditions
like psoriasis, eczema or rosacea.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine,
stated ‘All disease begins in the gut’. The
gut is the gateway to your health.
What can go wrong?
The most undiagnosed condition in
people today is leaky gut. Our medical
way of treating symptoms means we
don’t get to the root cause. Let’s have
a look at the life cycle of a leaky gut
so you can see what happens and how
it creates your symptoms. You will see
in the chart below the different stages
that happen over time. The length of
the cycle will be different for everyone
depending on genetics and personal
environmental factors.
Inspiring MindsIndependent Media
staGe 1
staGe 2 staGe 3 staGe 4 staGe 5 staGe 6
Immune System
Symptoms aect the
whole body
• Chronic Stress
• Toxin Overload
• Food Particles
• Medications
• Pathogens
• Gut Microbial
• Poor Diet
The body will be
under greater strain
when not absorbing
adequate nutrition
which only leads to
further inflammation
The immune system
is stimulated by the
undigested food,
pathogens and toxins
that should not have
entered causing
Digestive Issues:
• Gas/belching
• Bloating
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Nausea/vomiting
• Abdominal pain
• Foul sour smelling
bowel motion
• IBS
• Indigestion/reux
Adrenal Fatigue
Hormonal Imbalances
Frequent colds/flu’s
Skin Conditions like
Joint pain
Food intolerances/
• Celiac Disease
• Thyroid Disease
• Type 1 Diabetes
• Rheumatoid
• Psoriasis
These conditions
cause further
inflammation and the
cycle begins again
The life cycle of a Leaky Gut
An inflamed gut leads to
Leaky Gut
Imagine your entire digestive tract
is a long tube that is covered on
the inside with shag carpeting.
Now imagine the shag carpet
fingers being covered in a fine
mesh netting which acts as a
filter. This filter keeps all the
large undigested pieces out and
allows in very small, properly
digested particles. These well-
digested particles go directly
into the blood stream to be
carried off to all parts of your
body’s cells for nourishment.
Sounds simple right? But what
happens if you have inflammation
in the sensitive lining? You can
harm the fingers of your shag
carpeting and the mesh net.
Damage can occur to your mesh
net and tears appear, allowing
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
staGe 1
staGe 2 staGe 3 staGe 4 staGe 5 staGe 6
Immune System
Symptoms aect the
whole body
• Chronic Stress
• Toxin Overload
• Food Particles
• Medications
• Pathogens
• Gut Microbial
• Poor Diet
The body will be
under greater strain
when not absorbing
adequate nutrition
which only leads to
further inflammation
The immune system
is stimulated by the
undigested food,
pathogens and toxins
that should not have
entered causing
Digestive Issues:
• Bloating
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Nausea/vomiting
• Abdominal pain
• Foul sour smelling
bowel motion
• IBS
• Indigestion/reux
Adrenal Fatigue
Hormonal Imbalances
Frequent colds/flu’s
Skin Conditions like
Joint pain
Food intolerances/
• Celiac Disease
• Thyroid Disease
• Type 1 Diabetes
• Rheumatoid
• Psoriasis
These conditions
cause further
inflammation and the
cycle begins again
The life cycle of a Leaky Gut
larger food particles, toxins,
and pathogens to get into your
blood stream. Not good! Anything
getting in that is not supposed to
will meet the immune system and
stimulate a response.
To be more technical the shag
carpeting hairs are called villi,
which also have tiny hairs
called microvilli on top as well.
The mesh net is referred to
as tight junctions; the spaces
between the villi that hold them
all together. Someone with food
intolerances has damaged
their microvilli resulting in the
inability to digest and absorb
particles like fructose and
lactose which in turn creates
further inflammation. Someone
with Celiac Disease has lost
their entire shag carpeting,
reducing the ability of
absorbing nutrients.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Above is a diagram that shows
how the cells of the lining open up
and become more permeable. The
symptoms you present will depend
on the level of damage in your gut.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
How disease goes
from inflammation to
Environmental factors play the
largest role in which side of the
autoimmune spectrum you end
up. Our genetics also play a role
but are greatly affected by our
lifestyle habits. Epigenetics is the
study of external or environmental
factors that turn genes on and off
and affect how cells read genes.
Combine your genes and lifestyle
with a leaky gut and you have the
perfect storm for an autoimmune
The best way to start healing is
the 4R protocol.
REMOVE stress, toxins,
certain foods and unnecessary
medications to lower inflammation
REPLACE inflammatory foods
and nourish the body with an anti-
inflammatory diet
REINOCULATE the probiotics in
the digestive tract
REPAIR the lining of the digestive
tract so it is healed and sealed to
support proper functioning
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
The underlying cause of so many
different bodily dysfunctions
is inflammation. For example,
excessive chronic inflammation of
the pancreas turns into diabetes
and inflammation of the arteries
turns into arteriosclerosis. The
consensus now is that the common
denominator of all disease is
inflammation. At some point you
had and most likely still have
inflammation regardless of what
your ailments are. We will discuss
this more in the next article when I
share the steps needed to support
the body in stopping this process.
But for now let me leave you with a
favourite recipe of mine to combat
Annas Anti-Inammatory Smoothie
250mls unsweetened Almond Milk (homemade is best)
1-2 fresh Medjool Dates, pitted
2 tsp Flaxseed Meal
1cm slice of fresh Turmeric Root (or ground)
½ cm slice of fresh Ginger Root (or ground)
Dash of grated Nutmeg (or ground)
Dash of Cinnamon
1 tsp Coconut Oil
Combine all ingredients in a high powered
blender and whizz till smooth and creamy.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Anna George is a health coach in
Melbourne. “I am on a mission to help
teach other mums how to get both of
their own and their childrens gut health
back on track. I show mums a new way
of looking at food and how to cook real
whole foods that nourish their whole
family”. For more information contact
Almonds contain an amino acid called
arginine which soothes inammation.
Flaxseed meal provides Omega 3 fatty acids.
Turmeric root is the golden jewel for
reducing inammation due to its curcumin
compound. Find it at your local fruit and
vegetable grocer.
Ginger root is great for digestion and
belly bloat and supports the reduction of
Coconut oil is antimicrobial, cinnamon helps
blood sugar regulation and nutmeg is good
for blood pressure.
Green leafy vegetables are
full of magnesium which
soothes inammation.
Berries contain avonoids
which combat inammation.
Choose organic!
Cacao powder (aka
chocolate!) can reduce
inammatory markers.
Notes on anti-inammatory benets: Other ingredients
to try with anti