Page 6 - Business Vol 1 No 1
P. 6

BUSINESS WRITING Continued from page 5
Tone Persuasive Writing
The tone in writing helps to form a connection
with the reader. A positive tone provides the Persuasive Writing focuses on the reader’s needs
reader with a sense of confidence and is achieved by using more “you” thinking and “you” language.
by the words used. It achieves this by:
 Use a tone that is professional and friendly.  using words that appeal to the emotions of
 Tone is using a positive style of writing even if readers.
the message is a negative one.  considering the “benefit” to the audience.
 Tone is writing etiquette – thinking about how  creating attention and interest immediately
the message will be received without the use of  stimulating a desire in the reader for the
visual cues. product or service.
 Negative words can create a negative tone and  providing facts or opinions on why something
the result will be a negative response from your is good or bad.
reader.  giving examples of a understanding of the
 Use language that provides a “can do” and problem/ situation.
attitude.  being aware that readers are thinking - “What’s
Tips on how to improve your tone in it for me?”
 Use positive language even if the message is  the use of more “you” than “I” language –
negative – “There was an 80 per cent pass rate.” “How this will benefit you is…” rather than “We
not “There was a 20 per cent failure rate.” can help by…”
 Address the reader by name, but always start  outlining action immediately.
off on a formal note.
 Ask for action, do not demand it. A Free Subscription to The Australia Times
 Use simple, straight-forward language - Write provides many benefits. Alerts when items of
the way you speak in a business environment. interest are published as well as discount at
participating businesses. Click to Subscribe.

About Anne Lane ___
Anne is a senior training consultant and has Her professional experience is diverse, having
proven experience in the corporate and political worked as a police officer in Victoria Police, as
arena, having worked and trained as a consultant senior adviser to the Deputy Premier, Victoria and
in human development, communications and as a public relations consultant.
media. She holds degrees in the English, Writing
and Politics fields and has completed a Master’s in Anne M Lane BA MEd AIMM ILP Fellow ___
Education (Leadership and Management). Form1Lane Business Training ___

She has a strong commitment to the Email:
establishment of learning programs within the ___)
work environment. Mobile: 0418 537 365 ___

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