Page 13 - FASHION
P. 13

Dressing stars from the likes of Miranda Kerr and audience who come to view content as ads. In a ever-
Megan Gale and selling three collections a year to changing digital world, it is interesting to hear that
24 countries including Australia, it is without a doubt Perry does not think this will make or break a brand,
that Perry has made his mark at home and abroad. especially not a high end one.
And he isn t afraid of the Global Financial Crisis, he Perry admits he gives of certain arrogance about
believes it doesn t afect his clients, People still have him, but he puts this down to his personality and
money, and they are just tighter with how they spend willpower to strive for success. It is refreshing to
it. hear someone speak about the little importance he
A self-confessed selfes taker, Perry understands places on what the general public thinks of him, a
the importance of social media, but does not think characteristic many endeavor to hold, I don t care
it is the defning aspect as to whether a brand is what people think about me, and I ve always felt that
successful or not citing Twitter as being almost way.
dead . He does however embrace the fun side of A truly inspiring, witty and ambitious individual, it is
Instagram and its efectiveness in collecting statistics without a doubt that Perry will hold his throne as one
on what is currently trending highly amongst fashion of Australias top couture designers for many years to
lovers throughout the season. Facebook however is come.
unworthy in Perry s opinion, almost desensitizing the

Independent Media Inspiring Minds 13
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