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reviewed by Michael Liparota money to warrant not one, but remarkably subtle. Jamie Foxx
fox presents film by Marc Webb three sequels being green lit. absolutely kills it as Electro,
produced by Avi Arad and going big and broad in all
Matt Tolmach The Amazing Spider-Man 2 the right ways, despite a
written by Alex Kurtzman. Roberto
Orci and Jeff Pikner, based on the (2014) is the frst of these se- rocky start as the woefully
comic by Stan Lee. quels to be released, continuing stereotypical movie nerd Max
starring Andrew Garfield, Emma the story of Peter Parker (An- Dillon (think of Jim Carrey’s
Stone, Jamie Foxx, Sally Field and drew Garfeld) and his journey pre-Riddler dweeb in Batman
Dane DeHaan from everyman to full-fedged su- Forever, but placed into an other-
music by Hans Zimmer perhero. In foreign markets, the wise realistic modern day setting).
cinematography Daniel Mindel flm is marketed as The Amazing Andrew Garfeld remains reliable
editing by Pietro Scalia and Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro. If as Peter, progressing from sullen
Elliot Graham the subtitle comes across as gild- teenager in the frst flm to cocky
running time 142 minutes ing the lily somewhat, it’s be- yet respectful hero in the second.
rating M
release date April 17th, 2014 cause the flm is so overstuffed Emma Stone shines in her Gwen
rating 2.5/5 with plots and subplots that Stacy subplot, but feels like she
characterise it as the ‘rise’ of just is treading water for most of the
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) one character is completely dis- flm until she is allowed to kick it
was hobbled from the start by the ingenuous. Electro (Jamie Foxx) into high gear. Dane DeHaan is
demands of the studio. It was a is actually one character that given a thankless role and man-
hasty reboot, orchestrated by has the least overall effect on ages to craft a lot of emotion
Sony to prevent the rights to the the narrative, at least compared out of scenes that require him
character from reverting back to to Peter’s mystery plot, Gwen to transform from smug rich boy
Marvel Studios, and last minute Stacy’s (Emma Stone) Oxford to shrewd man of action without
reshoots nearly sank the flm in drama, Aunt May’s (Sally Field) any buffer in-between.
the press before anyone from the nursing woes, Harry Osborn’s
public laid eyes on the fnished (Dane DeHaan) debilitating With a lot of trimming, the flm
product. To combat the negative sickness, and three or four other could be a home run for Webb
buzz, Sony’s marketing machine happenstances that take prece- and co., but as it is being bogged
went into overdrive, releasing dence over Electro himself. down by a lot of dead weight,
enough footage to allow nearly the result is merely passable. It
twenty-three minutes of the flm to Webb crafts a frustrating flm that is still a marked improvement
be cut together from trailers and is sometimes compelling, often over the original The Amazing
clips alone. Despite the mixed boring, alternating nearly scene Spider-Man, but not quite at the
reviews, the flm made enough for scene between tone deaf and level of its predecessors.

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