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shifting the camera angle from an isometric of the Orcs before it was destroyed and became
top-down perspective to a third person, behind- the Outland. This expansion lets players grow up
the-shoulder one. Player characters in Smite are to level 100 and promises to revamp the current
based on mythological fgures from the world’s player character models, something that users
various ancient religions, including prominent have been wanting for a long time.
Gods such as Zeus, Thor and Anubis as well as
more obscure ones such as Bakasura, Xbalanque Release date: TBA or Soon™ in Blizzard speak
and Zhong Kui. Game types include a Conquest
mode, the standard 3-laned MoBA affair, as well BayONETTa 2
as a 5v5 arena mode, an All Random All Mid, Platinum Games, Wii-U
Domination where players compete for control
over three points, 1v1, 3v3 and a new match of Controversially planned for exclusive release to
the day every day. Smite is currently in open beta Wii-U, Bayonetta 2 will put players back into the
and any progress that players make will carry on gun-heeled boots of the series’ titular character,
through to the released game, so there’s no need albeit with shorter hair and a new outft. The
to wait to start playing. keenest of fans were allowed their chance to
play a demo of the game on the show foor of
Release date: 25/03/2014 E3 in 2013, which showed off a ludicrously fast

paced sequence set atop multiple jets speeding
and careening through a city landscape – an
example of the intense set-pieces that Platinum
Games are renowned for pumping into their
projects. Bayonetta’s sex appeal persists in this
title with torture attacks returning, as well as
the ‘less clothes for bigger combos’ from the
previous title.

Release date: TBA 2014

Kojima Productions, PS3/PS4/X360/Xbox One
Warlords of Draenor (2014)
Part one of Metal Gear Solid V, Ground Zeroes
will be the frst game in the Metal Gear Solid
WORLD Of WaRCRafT: series with Big Boss and Solid Snake voiced
WaRLORDs Of DRaENOR by Kiefer Sutherland rather than series veteran
Blizzard Entertainment, PC David Hayter, in a move that’s received a mixed
reaction from fans of the long running series.
Although not having a release date at the point Set directly after the events of Metal Gear Solid:
of writing, based on previous expansion release Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes is the frst game
trends we can expect Warlords to be out as late to run on head developer Hideo Kojima’s Fox
as September 2014, going by the fact that the Engine, the power of which was shown off at E3
Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria expansions 2013. Kojima, as always, has left many details
were both released one year after the prior of the game’s story unknown, so fans should be
expansion’s last raid (Icecrown Citadel and prepared to expect the unexpected. This is the
Dragon Soul respectively). Warlords of Draenor man who tricked the world with Metal Gear Solid
sees players of the world’s most successful MMO 2’s lead character, after all.
go back through space and time to an alternate
version of the planet of Draenor, the homeland Release date: 20/03/2014

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