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Welcome to another month of Books.
I’ve been busy at two book seller conferences recently. One
independent book shops around Australia and the other was What’s Inside?
for the Leading Edge Group which is made up of over 180

the Australian Bookseller’s Association whose member stores
cover all types. Independents, chain stores and campus book- FictiON
sellers’ can all be member of that association. The Truth about the Harry Quebert Afair 5
The industry has been going through some tough times, as has
all retail. Add the specifcs of Ebooks and online shopping to The Young and Prodigious T.S.Spivet 8
the equation and book selling is not easy. However the mood The Goldfnch 11
of both conferences was upbeat, and it is always good to awardS
catch up with interstate friends and to talk over our issues. The Miles Franklin Award 15
One of the best things about the conferences is hearing HuMOur
authors talking about their new books. A highlight for me was Sh*t Asian Mother’s Say 16
Favel Parrett, there talking about her August release When a teeN NOvel
the Night Comes. It is her second book and after the huge The Whole of my World 16
success of her frst, Past the Shallows which was short listed Middle readerS
for the Miles Franklin in 2012 which I absolutely loved, I can’t
wait to get stuck into the advanced reading copy I received. You choose 18
Shaun Micallef had us in stitches in the closing session and FOr tHe SMall PeOPle
we all left the conference feeling re-energised, which is surely Magic Beach 19
the point of a conference. wHat i’ve BeeN cOOKiNg aNd eatiNg
The books reviewed this month cover a range, and we have Real Vietnamese Food 20
also have a guest reviewer. I’ve been cooking some Vietnam- Feature autHOr
ese food this month and I put forward my 10 favourite books Nicole Hayes 22
for toddlers. The author answering fve quick questions is
Nicole Hayes, whose frst book, The Whole of My World is
for teenagers.
Heather Dyer
I hope you enjoy May BOOKS.

Editor BOOKS magazine

Indipendent Media Inspiring Minds 3
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