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The Truth about the Harry Quebert Afair

Joel Dicker

This book has an interesting pedigree.
Joel Dicker lives in Switzerland and “
it has been a big hit in
wrote this huge tome in French. It has
been a big hit in France and has now been France and has now
translated into English. The translation been translated into
is brilliant, in that you aren’t aware of it english.
being a translation. That is how it should had disappeared 30 years previously. ”
be, but it isn’t always the case. Anyway,
to the story. It’s what I would call literary Marcus is thunderstruck, and just cannot
crime. The main character is Marcus believe Harry could have done it, but the
Goldman, a young writer who hit the evidence is stacked against him. Marcus
big time with his frst book. He became decides that instead of writing his next
famous overnight and has been living a book, he must try and fnd out what real-
gloriously glamourous life. But now it is ly happened to the young Nola, much to
time to follow up his success with a new the frustration of his publisher. But then
book, and man, is it proving difcult. As the publisher sees the potential bright
his writer’s block worsens, he keeps fob- side of the situation and decides that
bing of his agent and publisher, getting the investigation would make a brilliant
himself into more of a panic. While he is book.The plot is complicated and very
in this state, his mentor from college, the clever. There are plenty of twists and Paperback, $33
brilliant Harry Quebert, himself a writer turns as it becomes a story about a writ-
of a fabulously famous book, is arrested er writing a book. It is an absolute ripper
for the murder of a young woman who of a read. I loved it.

Indipendent Media Inspiring Minds 5
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