Page 14 - FASHION
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Tahnee-Jae Lopez-Vito

Sometimes it’s not easy playing the fashion feld – so many dates,

so little time. It’s hard to keep track. So here’s a roundup of the top events

happening around the country in April to help you sort out
the important details.

Like a designer dress on a 50% off sale rack,
these events are a must go!

Australian Indigenous Fashion Week (AIFW)

Australian Indigenous Fashion Week (AIFW) is back, The folks at AIFW also know what it means to take
after dominating headlines last year with their search inspiration straight from the catwalk, with a Trade
to fnd the next Samantha Harris, in the hope of rais- Fair also being held as part of the event. You’ll be
ing the number of Indigenous models and designers able to meet 40 exhibitors hailing from different
in the Australian and international fashion industry. parts of the country, and even buy some amazing
art, fashion, accessories, furniture and homeware
Celebrate the designing talents of Aboriginal and Tor- on display.
res Strait Islanders from April 11 to April 12 at Sydney
Town Hall in Sydney. Modelled by Indigenous beau- Tickets are available from TicketBooth.
ties, the showcase will include traditional, contempo-
rary and collaborative work from a range of emerg- For more information, head to the
ing and established Australian designers and artists. Australian Indigenous Fashion Week website

14 Independent Media Inspiring Minds
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