Page 11 - FICTION
P. 11
By Purnima Nandy
‘It’s that time of the year again... the time of refec- ‘But honey, we must see the bumps as well. The
tions...’ bumps are all the things that went wrong this year
and all the moments when we did something bad,
‘Like the refections I see when I look into the little hurt someone or had somebody hurt us.’
stream behind our house and see myself looking
back, Mum?’ ‘Mum... I don’t want to see that, it makes me sad...’
‘Yes honey, it’s exactly like that... but there’s a trick ‘I know darling. That’s why I said one needs cour-
to it. When we look into the stream we need to age to look into the stream. All those bumps remind
be true to ourselves and look really hard at all the us that although bad things happened or times
ripples and bubbles and bumps in the stream, be- were tough, they never last and we learn so much
cause they are visible only to us.’ from them! Like when you got mad and yelled at
Daddy for not taking you to the movies but later
‘That’s a brave trick to do Mum.’ you realised that Daddy was sick and you apolo-
gised... remember?’
‘Yes it’s a brave trick, but if we can do it with all our
heart it’s a beautiful refection to see. ‘Yes... I would never do that again.’
The ripples and the bubbles show us all the good ‘Of course you wouldn’t. You see, although it is that
things that have happened in the last year... all wonderful time of the year when we have parties,
the little joys, the successes, the moments that have wear lovely clothes and welcome the new year,
touched our hearts. Think of when Gramps bought it is also a time to look into the stream of the past
you your favorite bike, and when Sally and Joe and be thankful and grateful. So honey... happy
took you for the picnic by the sea.’ holidays!’
‘Oh yes! And also when we baked cookies for the ‘Happy holidays Mum! Oh are the muffns done?
sale, and went on that holiday to meet Auntie Lucy, This story has made me so hungry.’
and when I won frst prize for the painting competi-
tion at school! Oh Mum you’re right, this is fun!’ * * * *
Purnima Nandy
PURNIMA NANDY is a contributor for The Australia Times. She has written for the TAT Travel and TAT
Fashion magazines.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11
By Purnima Nandy
‘It’s that time of the year again... the time of refec- ‘But honey, we must see the bumps as well. The
tions...’ bumps are all the things that went wrong this year
and all the moments when we did something bad,
‘Like the refections I see when I look into the little hurt someone or had somebody hurt us.’
stream behind our house and see myself looking
back, Mum?’ ‘Mum... I don’t want to see that, it makes me sad...’
‘Yes honey, it’s exactly like that... but there’s a trick ‘I know darling. That’s why I said one needs cour-
to it. When we look into the stream we need to age to look into the stream. All those bumps remind
be true to ourselves and look really hard at all the us that although bad things happened or times
ripples and bubbles and bumps in the stream, be- were tough, they never last and we learn so much
cause they are visible only to us.’ from them! Like when you got mad and yelled at
Daddy for not taking you to the movies but later
‘That’s a brave trick to do Mum.’ you realised that Daddy was sick and you apolo-
gised... remember?’
‘Yes it’s a brave trick, but if we can do it with all our
heart it’s a beautiful refection to see. ‘Yes... I would never do that again.’
The ripples and the bubbles show us all the good ‘Of course you wouldn’t. You see, although it is that
things that have happened in the last year... all wonderful time of the year when we have parties,
the little joys, the successes, the moments that have wear lovely clothes and welcome the new year,
touched our hearts. Think of when Gramps bought it is also a time to look into the stream of the past
you your favorite bike, and when Sally and Joe and be thankful and grateful. So honey... happy
took you for the picnic by the sea.’ holidays!’
‘Oh yes! And also when we baked cookies for the ‘Happy holidays Mum! Oh are the muffns done?
sale, and went on that holiday to meet Auntie Lucy, This story has made me so hungry.’
and when I won frst prize for the painting competi-
tion at school! Oh Mum you’re right, this is fun!’ * * * *
Purnima Nandy
PURNIMA NANDY is a contributor for The Australia Times. She has written for the TAT Travel and TAT
Fashion magazines.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11