Page 8 - FICTION
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direct my prayers to him to allow me to see that weeks, years on end. I look out of the window and
girl again? These are the questions the answers to watch the world go by, not moving, indeed afraid
which I am still searching. to move, so accustomed have I become to see-
ing things from this vantage point. In my deluded
With time, I grow to accept having one’s existence periods, I imagine that I can infuence the train’s
tied up with the train. The desire to leave the train course and destination just by wishing for it hard
now appears to be no less preposterous and un- enough.
natural than the idea of a foetus trying to make
its way through the world, a walking miscarriage. Lately, I’ve been seeing vaguely familiar land-
Existence outside would be so precarious and hap- scapes. Is the train taking me to the place whence
hazard, without protection from the elements and it commenced its voyage and will my journey then
other vagaries of fate. The train gives me solid cov- be over? Will there be someone waiting for me
er, carries me forward, brings certainty to my life. when the train pulls into its last station, someone
that knows where and when my train will make its
There may be things in the unexplored compart- fnal stop? Perhaps it will be the Master Scheduler
ments that would make my journey more meaning- himself and he will then explain to me the purpose
ful and fulflling, things that would allow me to grow of my voyage and why my journey took this par-
as a person. For all I know, treasures and tools, ticular route.
placed there especially for me, might be waiting
for my discovery. I live in a train. Although I have food, warmth, a
place to sleep, sometimes a feeling comes over
But lulled by the rhythm of the train upon the me that I have nothing at all, but I quickly push it
tracks, I remain seated in my seat for hours, days, away.

Boris Glikman

BORIS GLIKMAN is a writer, poet and philosopher. The biggest infuences on his writing are dreams,
Kafka, Borges and Dali. His stories, poems and non-fction articles have been published in various
e-zines and print publications. Boris has appeared a number of times on the radio, including
Australian national radio, performing his poems and stories and discussing the meaning of his work.

He says: “Writing for me is a spiritual activity of the highest degree. Writing gives me the conduit to
a world that is unreachable by any other means, a world that is populated by Eternal Truths, Ineffable
Questions and Infnite Beauty. It is my hope that these stories of mine will allow the reader to also catch
a glimpse of this universe.”

Boris welcomes feedback and can be contacted by email at

You can fnd more of his writings in his blog:

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