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Editor’s Note FICTION ®
Welcome to the 7th issue FICTION

of The Australia Times:

Fiction Magazine —

the last for 2013!

‘And as the old year took a bow and
Vol. 1 No. 7 Reflections
joined the setting sun, Vol. 1 No. 7
it comes around again like a refrain...’ December 2013
—Josh Pyke December 2013

What a year it’s been—and with the end of the For now, we have some great stories for you.
year in sight it is time to celebrate, but also time to This month, in our frst themed edition, TAT
look back and see how far we’ve come. Fiction invited our writers to explore the idea of
‘Refection.’ The result, I think you will fnd, has
It’s been an exciting year here at TAT, with many been fantastic. So please sit back and enjoy!
changes since we kicked off back in May. June
saw the launch of the Fiction Magazine (along From all of us here at The Australia Times, we
with ten others), with a second fction magazine wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a safe,
Unearthed Fiction following in August. Since Happy New Year.
then, the TAT line-up has grown to a list of almost
30 titles, with more magazines to follow in 2014. Til next time, happy reading!

We have writers and contributors joining us from
all around the country, and I can’t wait to see Meg Hellyer
how TAT continues to grow next year. Bigger and
better things are afoot! Editor

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