Page 9 - FILM
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Blood is the only source of life for the undead beings and brooding in black sunglasses, while Swinton is
that haunt the night. Vampires are scattered across the tiny and haunting in white leather with giant frazzled
world, searching for another taste and another drop. blond locks, there is so much life in these creatures.
In a dark, dirty side of the world, a white haunting
fgure is met with a fragile and withering other. There Sitting in a world that could only come from the mind
is no life but more soul and love in the meeting of of Jarmusch, the story never trails into insignifcance
Eve (Tilda Swinton) and Marlow (John Hurt), two and only tells an intimate love story of the two and
vampires on the brink of starvation, hoping that this their somewhat slow venture through the streets
package of blood will bring Eve what she needs. of Detroit. They avoid the dragging life of the living,
only to visit a local music scene. The soundtrack does
On the other side of the world, Detroit, a dark, all but lift this flm into the skies, a gift delivered by
handsome and broody fgure, Adam (Tom Jozef van Wissem.
Hiddleston), is found in a backwards apartment using
what would seem to us as outdated technology: An appearance from the frightfully stunning Mia
an old television and phone and various machines. Wasikowska as Eve’s sister, Ava, brings a fresh attitude
Using his overcomplicated contraption, he talks to a loving tale of two, along with Adam’s human
to Eve through her simplistic iPhone camera. An zombie friend Ian (Anton Yelchin). The human is
instinctual need to be together brings Eve to Detroit food to them so a relationship between vampire
and into the ruins of Adam’s life, erasing the vast time and human is impossible. Any connection between
they had spent apart. This is the greatest love story them is forced and uncomfortable and completely
of time as it is. Although this flm lacks a story, it adds detached from the reality of the situation.
humour through action such as Adam’s attempts to
fnd blood through a visit to a doctor he pays of. This This flm does not climax or bring you to any emotional
is the sweet high that the vampires taste once they destination, but rather focuses on the subtleties and
down their tiny but blissful drink. There is much more gifted presentation of the human spirit. Jim Jarmusch
under the surface. is a true artist, creating a unique experience only for
this time. A dark, twisted look at the life of a vampire
Jim Jarmusch (Deadman, Broken Flowers) brings over a short amount of time is all you need. Spend
together a beautiful pairing in the two lead actors, some time with these creatures of the night and all
complimenting each other in every way. From the will be well for us zombies.
incredible height and stature of Hiddleston, dark

Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9
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