Page 9 - FILM
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The beauty of the “giant monster” flm genre is that In amongst all the mayhem are the citizens trying to
said monster can be revamped every couple of years survive. Ford is separated from his wife Elle (Elizabeth
to come back and wreak havoc all over again. And Olsen) and son Sam (Carson Bolde) and they spend
with CGI technology getting bigger and better every the entirety of the flm trying to get back to each
year, the creatures return looking more realistic than other. While government scientists Ishiro Serizawa
the time before. (Ken Watanabe) and Vivienne Graham (Sally Hawkins)
try to solve the monstrous problem from the safety of
Godzilla has arguably been considered the most their headquarters.
popular city stomping creature in flm history. The
lizard-like behemoth made his debut in the Japanese It was a risky move handing over the rights to Edwards,
flm Godjira (1954) and unlike other blockbusters, who had only several director credits to his name. But
incorporated anxieties that were relatable to people with the success and depth of his low-budget sci-f
at the time. With the WWII Hiroshima and Nagasaki flm Monsters in 2010, it seemed like a risk worth
bombings still fresh in the minds of the Japanese taking. Unfortunately, Godzilla falls short on the
population, Godzilla was used as a fctional symbol human aspect of the story. Almost every actor in the
for nuclear energy and its efect on humanity. And flm has a history of powerful performances, but fails
contrary to the later adaptations, was not out to to deliver here with a fat screenplay. Even Godzilla
destroy our beautiful cities, but more so to protect himself disappoints with his delayed appearance and
them from other evil forces. Humans, unfortunately, the fact he is more of a supporting act rather than the
just happened to get in the way. main attraction. In the 2005 adaptation of King Kong,
the beast himself was the heart and soul of the story,
In the recent revival of the franchise, director Gareth leaving a lot of audience members reaching for the
Edwards (Monsters ) attempts to stick to the original issues. With Godzilla, the lack of personality leaves
core of Godzilla. The flm kicks of with a disaster little for the audience to work with. But as expected,
ripping through a Japanese power plant, reminiscent the CGI and special efects are spectacular. The fght
of the Fukushima meltdown in 2011. Scientist Joe scenes between Godzilla and the MUTOs are visually
Brody (Bryan Cranston) is left with no choice but to incredible, and the buildup of Godzilla’s ‘throat power’
leave his wife, Sandra (Juliette Binoche), to die. This got everyone in the cinema extremely excited.
in turn, leaves him a single father to young son, Ford.
Due to the fact that there have been over thirty
Jump ahead ffteen years, and Ford (Aaron Taylor- Godzilla adaptations, this surely won’t be the last
Johnson) is now a Lieutenant for the military and Joe we see of the giant lizard. And with the recent
is a borderline reclusive man, hell-bent on exposing announcement of a sequel in the works, lets hope
that the power plant ‘accident’ was not an accident at that Edwards can bring back the charm and warmth
all, and that something much more explosive is being that he created in his previous work, as it is clear that
kept secret. From his persistent eforts, a ferocious he has the potential. If it’s a popcorn blockbuster that
radiation-born creature known as a MUTO (Massive you’re after, then this flm is highly recommended. If
Unidentifed Terrestrial Organisms) is unleashed to it’s character development, emotion and depth that
wreak havoc on the world. Godzilla then arises to you’re seeking, steer clear.
defend his territories, which surprisingly span from
Tokyo, Hawaii and then onto San Francisco.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9
The beauty of the “giant monster” flm genre is that In amongst all the mayhem are the citizens trying to
said monster can be revamped every couple of years survive. Ford is separated from his wife Elle (Elizabeth
to come back and wreak havoc all over again. And Olsen) and son Sam (Carson Bolde) and they spend
with CGI technology getting bigger and better every the entirety of the flm trying to get back to each
year, the creatures return looking more realistic than other. While government scientists Ishiro Serizawa
the time before. (Ken Watanabe) and Vivienne Graham (Sally Hawkins)
try to solve the monstrous problem from the safety of
Godzilla has arguably been considered the most their headquarters.
popular city stomping creature in flm history. The
lizard-like behemoth made his debut in the Japanese It was a risky move handing over the rights to Edwards,
flm Godjira (1954) and unlike other blockbusters, who had only several director credits to his name. But
incorporated anxieties that were relatable to people with the success and depth of his low-budget sci-f
at the time. With the WWII Hiroshima and Nagasaki flm Monsters in 2010, it seemed like a risk worth
bombings still fresh in the minds of the Japanese taking. Unfortunately, Godzilla falls short on the
population, Godzilla was used as a fctional symbol human aspect of the story. Almost every actor in the
for nuclear energy and its efect on humanity. And flm has a history of powerful performances, but fails
contrary to the later adaptations, was not out to to deliver here with a fat screenplay. Even Godzilla
destroy our beautiful cities, but more so to protect himself disappoints with his delayed appearance and
them from other evil forces. Humans, unfortunately, the fact he is more of a supporting act rather than the
just happened to get in the way. main attraction. In the 2005 adaptation of King Kong,
the beast himself was the heart and soul of the story,
In the recent revival of the franchise, director Gareth leaving a lot of audience members reaching for the
Edwards (Monsters ) attempts to stick to the original issues. With Godzilla, the lack of personality leaves
core of Godzilla. The flm kicks of with a disaster little for the audience to work with. But as expected,
ripping through a Japanese power plant, reminiscent the CGI and special efects are spectacular. The fght
of the Fukushima meltdown in 2011. Scientist Joe scenes between Godzilla and the MUTOs are visually
Brody (Bryan Cranston) is left with no choice but to incredible, and the buildup of Godzilla’s ‘throat power’
leave his wife, Sandra (Juliette Binoche), to die. This got everyone in the cinema extremely excited.
in turn, leaves him a single father to young son, Ford.
Due to the fact that there have been over thirty
Jump ahead ffteen years, and Ford (Aaron Taylor- Godzilla adaptations, this surely won’t be the last
Johnson) is now a Lieutenant for the military and Joe we see of the giant lizard. And with the recent
is a borderline reclusive man, hell-bent on exposing announcement of a sequel in the works, lets hope
that the power plant ‘accident’ was not an accident at that Edwards can bring back the charm and warmth
all, and that something much more explosive is being that he created in his previous work, as it is clear that
kept secret. From his persistent eforts, a ferocious he has the potential. If it’s a popcorn blockbuster that
radiation-born creature known as a MUTO (Massive you’re after, then this flm is highly recommended. If
Unidentifed Terrestrial Organisms) is unleashed to it’s character development, emotion and depth that
wreak havoc on the world. Godzilla then arises to you’re seeking, steer clear.
defend his territories, which surprisingly span from
Tokyo, Hawaii and then onto San Francisco.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9