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Gone are the Mako driving sections on unexplored and improved ship and (some) new crew
planets. Instead, you scan planets for resources, members to tackle the newest danger in the
which you use to research upgrades for your galaxy. Whilst the Reapers are still a real threat, a
weapons, armour, squad mates and ship. more immediate one has manifested in the form
Occasionally, you'll receive a distress signal from of "The Collectors", who like to collect things.
one of these planets and you can land to Specifically, they like to collect humans. They have
investigate, which results in a short mission for been launching Blitzkrieg attacks on human
some extra XP and credits. Whilst the exploration colony worlds and clearing them out before
process has been streamlined, there is something anyone has time to react. Of course, being the
to be said for all of the different worlds and savior of the galaxy, it's up to Shepard to sort it all
environments you got to drive around and explore out. The Citadel, nor The Systems Alliance are
in the first Mass Effect. Even if there was nothing in doing anything about the Collector attacks or the
them. The sense of scale is notably absent, Reapers, so in steps a mysterious figure, "The
although, the change will allow you to retain Illusive Man", who sits at the head of a pro-
valuable hours of your life for wasting on other human organization that funds your entire
things. operation (shown on this issue's cover).

Instead of lugging around an inventory full of One of the first things you do is fly around and
every known weapon in the galaxy, hundreds of get your squad together, which is a mix of old
equipment upgrades and armor, each of the faces and memorable new ones. After getting all
characters has default weapons that their class can of your available allies, you then have the option
use. Sometimes, there is a superior weapon. to gain their loyalty by helping them out with
some of their problems that may be distracting
The story picks up two years after the events of them from the main mission, which is a pretty
Mass Effect and due to some unexpected events in serious thing, as the whole game is based around
the prologue, the crew of the Normandy are now the fact that your ultimate goal to stop the
living all over the Galaxy. You are assigned a new Collectors is a suicide mission. Loyalty missions

Mass Effect 2 feels a lot more cinematic

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