Page 9 - Games Vol 1 No 1
P. 9

A much cleaner HUD and tighter view during combat

and more about being an experience." And boy, at the right time? It really gives you a feel for
did they get it right. Shepard's personality outside of having
conversations and keeps you paying attention, lest
The game was re-designed to draw in new you accidentally miss the button-press for pushing
players. You could quite easily grab this one someone out of the way of incoming gun fire.
without having played the first game and enjoy it
as a stand-alone title. In the first ten minutes, the Right-click to intervene this cutscene with a
changes slap you in the face. The combat system Paragon Action. The choice is yours.
is the first thing you'll notice. The game feels so
much like a 3rd person shooter, you'll remember
playing the first game and laugh at how foolish
you were for putting up with what you will now
call "clunky" controls and mechanics. The cover
system is vastly improved, you can direct your
squad's movements on the fly and ammunition is
introduced to all of your weapons, replacing the
"Fire until it overheats" mechanic.

Paragon/Renegade decisions are now also
integrated into "real-time", in that often while you
are interacting with other characters, you have the
chance to interrupt whatever they are saying or
doing with a Paragon or Renegade action. The
options will flash on screen at the appropriate
time, giving you a few seconds to react. Do you
take the easy way out and choose Renegade, or
do you keep on talking and make the Paragon call

9 Independent Media Inspiring Minds Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9
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