Page 25 - GAMES
P. 25
Photo: tom mclean
this technology is absolutely amazing, and save After being wowed by the latest and greatest
for a little disorientation once the headset was tech, we headed to the main tent. As we entered,
removed, it was perfect. im really excited to see there was a massive area on the right flled with
where it goes in the future, as dev support is grow- beanbags and people sitting on the foor; chat-
ing every day and there are even peripherals be- ting, playing dS or watching Adventure time on
ing released that strap you to a unit and allow you a solitary screen. on the left, more merchandise
to run on the spot. i couldnt think of a more perfect than you could poke a stick at, with a line that
way to play a frst-person-shooter, not to mention wrapped around the whole merch stand several
how ft i would be! times (i picked up a commemorative shirt on the
Continues on page 26
Photo: tom mclean Photo: tom mclean
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 25
Photo: tom mclean
this technology is absolutely amazing, and save After being wowed by the latest and greatest
for a little disorientation once the headset was tech, we headed to the main tent. As we entered,
removed, it was perfect. im really excited to see there was a massive area on the right flled with
where it goes in the future, as dev support is grow- beanbags and people sitting on the foor; chat-
ing every day and there are even peripherals be- ting, playing dS or watching Adventure time on
ing released that strap you to a unit and allow you a solitary screen. on the left, more merchandise
to run on the spot. i couldnt think of a more perfect than you could poke a stick at, with a line that
way to play a frst-person-shooter, not to mention wrapped around the whole merch stand several
how ft i would be! times (i picked up a commemorative shirt on the
Continues on page 26
Photo: tom mclean Photo: tom mclean
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 25