Page 26 - GAMES
P. 26
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Sunday). Pushing further on, there was a console queuing up, you were allowed to play for 45 min-
freeplay area where you could borrow games and utes with as many friends as you wanted to; they
play with up to four people on one of the dozens even allowed you to wait until there was a section
of tvs that were set up. Adjacent was a classic free so you could all sit together. i didnt jump on
console area with everything from Pong consoles, myself, but a group of my friends were regulars.
to the Jaguar, to a nintendo 64.
the one thing i can take away from the expo was
We passed a pair of Journey Cosplayers playing how much of an amazing community exists within
giant Jenga and just when we thought that they the Australian geek world. PAx wasnt just a place
couldnt pack any more into the place, the rear to go and see keynote speeches and cool tech, it
section appeared before us. Close to a hundred was a place where you could absolutely relax and
separate tables had been set up and people were be yourself; something that is all too uncommon for
playing every board game and tabletop game you people with geeky interests. there was no judge-
can think of. there were beginner and advanced ment from anyone and everyone was so damn
games of dungeons & dragons, magic and War- friendly! i even struck up several conversations
hammer and a dozen trestle tables piled high with with strangers and had a good chat, something id
everything from card games to complicated, fve- never be able to do at any other kind of festival.
hour-long group games. We ended up spending
plenty of hours playing games, winding down from i was absolutely blown away by the entire event
a big day of walking around and seeing every- and im very much looking forward to next years
thing on offer. event. PA have vowed to come back and make
it bigger and better and that excites me because
the fnal section of the expo was home to hundreds bigger means that even more people will be able
of computers that were set up to play some of the to experience the amazing event and feel as warm
best lAn and multiplayer games around. After and fuzzy as i did.
Photo: tom mclean
26 Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Independent Media Inspiring Minds
Sunday). Pushing further on, there was a console queuing up, you were allowed to play for 45 min-
freeplay area where you could borrow games and utes with as many friends as you wanted to; they
play with up to four people on one of the dozens even allowed you to wait until there was a section
of tvs that were set up. Adjacent was a classic free so you could all sit together. i didnt jump on
console area with everything from Pong consoles, myself, but a group of my friends were regulars.
to the Jaguar, to a nintendo 64.
the one thing i can take away from the expo was
We passed a pair of Journey Cosplayers playing how much of an amazing community exists within
giant Jenga and just when we thought that they the Australian geek world. PAx wasnt just a place
couldnt pack any more into the place, the rear to go and see keynote speeches and cool tech, it
section appeared before us. Close to a hundred was a place where you could absolutely relax and
separate tables had been set up and people were be yourself; something that is all too uncommon for
playing every board game and tabletop game you people with geeky interests. there was no judge-
can think of. there were beginner and advanced ment from anyone and everyone was so damn
games of dungeons & dragons, magic and War- friendly! i even struck up several conversations
hammer and a dozen trestle tables piled high with with strangers and had a good chat, something id
everything from card games to complicated, fve- never be able to do at any other kind of festival.
hour-long group games. We ended up spending
plenty of hours playing games, winding down from i was absolutely blown away by the entire event
a big day of walking around and seeing every- and im very much looking forward to next years
thing on offer. event. PA have vowed to come back and make
it bigger and better and that excites me because
the fnal section of the expo was home to hundreds bigger means that even more people will be able
of computers that were set up to play some of the to experience the amazing event and feel as warm
best lAn and multiplayer games around. After and fuzzy as i did.
Photo: tom mclean
26 Independent Media Inspiring Minds