Page 7 - Garden Vol 1 No 2
P. 7

GARDENER by David Moad Rivers of Yarrambat Garden Centre

There are heaps of varieties of potatoes available great time to get the family involved in the garden
this time of year. Just choose a variety that best - my kids love “bandicooting” for potatoes. It’s like
suits your cooking style, or experiment with a few digging for gold, from the tiny and tasty young
if you have space. new potatoes to competing for the biggest or
Some of the many great varieties are: most unusual shaped spud they can find.

 Otway Red: Great for mash, salads and baking Garlic and onions are also easy to grow and now is
 Nicola: Excellent for boiling and salads a fantastic time to start planting. With garlic, use
 Sapphire: Good for boiling, salads, roasting only “certified” cloves from your garden centre for
 Kipfler: Excellent for boiling and salads planting. People often try and grow garlic bought
 Desiree: Excellent for roasting, baking, mash from the supermarket. Bad mistake! The majority
and salads. of commercially grown garlic has been sprayed
 Pontiac: Excellent for boiling and mashing with chemicals to prevent shooting, so they just
don’t grow!
Remember to wait until the frosts have finished
before planting. Potatoes need good drainage so Just break off the garlic cloves from the parent
you will need to raise the soil level in your vegie “bulb” and plant about 10cm apart, with the top of
garden. Plant the seed potatoes about 30-40cm the clove just below the surface. June/ July is the
apart and cover with soil. When the leaves are perfect time to plant garlic and shallots, which will
about 25cm tall, place extra soil up the stem. This then be ready in December/ January. This
helps protect the new potatoes from sun. It’s easy gardener’s rule makes it easy to remember: plant
to know when to harvest potatoes as they will start them on the shortest day of the year and harvest
to die off some weeks after flowering. This is a on the longest day.


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