Page 12 - Garden Vol 1 No 2
P. 12


Fruit Trees by Andrew Clark Harmony Garden Centre

I prefer the "vase-shaped" method when pruning We recommend either spring or summer pruning
any stone fruit . Its final shape should resemble a for Apricots and Cherries so that fungal disease is
wide-angled V shape similar to a wine goblet. The minimised. This practice is also being adapted at
aim when pruning a newly planted tree is to select orchards for peaches , nectarines and plums to
three or four branches at least 50cm above the improve cropping, although we generally still
ground and each pointing in a different direction prune these in winter, bearing in mind plums don't
(aiming to grow away from the trunk) . Choose the require loads of pruning.
best side branches and cut the main stem back to
above the level of the highest side branch selected Be sure to remove any decaying fruit, leaves and
and remove any growth crowding the middle of your pruned branches and burn, as these harbour
your stone fruit. Prune the outside shoots to an over wintering pest and disease. On fruit trees pest
outside bud all at about the same level. If your tree and disease are on the hit list of things to consider
is young and doesn't have enough side branches and winter is the time get to it use the following
cut the main stem back to approximately 1m and sprays
select suitable branches the next year. This is a
better option than using inferior branches, good Pest Oil- This is an improved reformulated form of
pruning and training can help prevent later injury white oil which contains UV inhibitors which
from weak branches splitting from the weight of reduces burning effects of the traditional oil
excess fruit. sprays. Used on stone-fruits, apples, pears and
ornamentals for the control of scale, aphids, spider
During the early years of the tree's life, it is mite and mealy bugs.
important to develop a framework that is
sufficiently strong and capable of bearing the Bordeaux- The best Bordeaux sprays are Kocide or
weight of crops borne. In order to reinforce the a new liquid copper. These have been formulated
tree, formative pruning should be carried out. to ensure maximum penetration, unlike most
copper based sprays and are less likely to clog
Formative pruning of most fruit trees should be your sprayer (like most copper spray will do).
carried out during the dormant winter months for These sprays control most fungal diseases and are
the exception of mainly Cherries and sprayed whilst the tree is dormant (now) and then
Apricots. With summer pruning; undesirable shoot again at pink bud stage. Try and spray when rain
growth can be removed as soon as growth starts. is not expected within at least 24 hours. Beware
Summer pruning can also be used to direct leader that the spraying at pink bud stage timing is
growth outward to the desired growing points important, this is when the buds start to swell
instead of waiting until the dormant season. however prior to it opening and you just see a
hint of pink in the tip of the bud, normally around
the second week of August.

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