Page 3 - Gourmet
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A Welcome Note

From the


The GOURMET magazine is all about celebrating
food in all its glory. From where produce comes WHAT’S INSIDE?
from, to swish restaurants, delicious recipes and
general food musings, we plan to cover it all.
We aim to create a discussion about the role food FROM THE EDITOR 4
plays in our lives. Whether it be sharing a meal
with friends, to sitting down watching a cooking A NOT-SO-GINGERY GINGERBREAD 8
show with your family or dining out on a special HOUSE!
occasion- food is a big part of our culture.
We want this online space to be somewhere
where everyone can share their thoughts, tips and CHRISTMAS STOLLEN 15
tricks and ideas about food and cooking. You will RED VELVET CHRISTMAS CUPCAKES 18
find recipes, restaurant reviews, food ideas and
information about new ingredients and food pro- THE BEST POULTRY STUFFING EVER! 22
grams that you may never have heard of before! It
is all very exciting. CHRISTMAS IN CINNAMON 23

We welcome all sorts of feedback and sugges-
tions and if you’d like to get involved and share Editor:
your foodie knowledge with Australia, please get
in touch with us. Amy Foyster

Thanks and happy eating! Contributors:
Amy Morgan Kristie Giblin
Ingrid Pich Liz Anderson
Til Heggie

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