Page 9 - BOOKS
P. 9
MJ Carey Miss Justineau to like or even
The Girl with love her. What Melanie doesn’t
all the Gifts know is that all of the children
are subjects to be observed and
Melanie is of particular interest
I never thought I would say I because she is so much more
enjoyed a Zombie novel but intelligent than any of the other
here I am saying it The girl with members of her ‘cohort’. This
all the gifts is terrifc. The ‘girl’ is would usually be viewed as a
Melanie who spends her nights good thing, but it makes her of
in a cell and is only taken out to special interest to a researcher,
go to school. To do that, frst she Dr Caldwell.
is strapped into a wheelchair
so completely that she can’t The characters, in particular
move her head at all. There are Melanie and Miss Justineau
others like her, but the numbers are well drawn and while
in the room are going down, as sympathetic, are both very tough it, which is partly because
some of the children are taken and strong in their own ways. MJ Carey is a pseudonym and
away and don’t always come I’m about half way through now, loads of people are having fun
back. There are several teachers and thoroughly engrossed. An trying to fgure out who it really
and Melanie has a favourite, unexpected read for me, as is. (I’m not telling!)
Miss Justineau, and Melanie, I would never have picked it
desperate for affection wants up except for the buzz about Paperback, $30
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9
MJ Carey Miss Justineau to like or even
The Girl with love her. What Melanie doesn’t
all the Gifts know is that all of the children
are subjects to be observed and
Melanie is of particular interest
I never thought I would say I because she is so much more
enjoyed a Zombie novel but intelligent than any of the other
here I am saying it The girl with members of her ‘cohort’. This
all the gifts is terrifc. The ‘girl’ is would usually be viewed as a
Melanie who spends her nights good thing, but it makes her of
in a cell and is only taken out to special interest to a researcher,
go to school. To do that, frst she Dr Caldwell.
is strapped into a wheelchair
so completely that she can’t The characters, in particular
move her head at all. There are Melanie and Miss Justineau
others like her, but the numbers are well drawn and while
in the room are going down, as sympathetic, are both very tough it, which is partly because
some of the children are taken and strong in their own ways. MJ Carey is a pseudonym and
away and don’t always come I’m about half way through now, loads of people are having fun
back. There are several teachers and thoroughly engrossed. An trying to fgure out who it really
and Melanie has a favourite, unexpected read for me, as is. (I’m not telling!)
Miss Justineau, and Melanie, I would never have picked it
desperate for affection wants up except for the buzz about Paperback, $30
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9