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popular at ffteen pounds a go and sales of souve- had to lay cinder roads and paths, which roused
nir postcards were going well, too. He rigged up some interest from the Planning Agencies, who in-
another tarpaulin and got a couple of local women sisted he needed to apply for a change of use for
in to do teas and coffees and was quick to catch the land, which was zoned as ‘agricultural’. When
on to requests for water and started to sell bottles Davey showed the pale faced young man from
of ‘water from the Holey Tree source’, which almost Planning and Building Control his shotgun, though,
got him into trouble with the local Trading Stan- he quickly withdrew. Davey later insisted that the
dards, who insisted that only the Pope could desig- gun was never loaded and, anyway, he was only
nate the tree as Holy, until Davey pointed out that showing him the gun as an ‘interesting antique’.
his was a tree with a hole, a holey tree, and that Fortunately no one enquired whether he had a li-
he wasn’t making any other claims. He wasn’t so cense for said ‘antique’.
lucky with the water supply company who said that
he no license to extract and sell water. He argued A museum offered to buy the tree trunk, or at least
that the source was only his kitchen tap, but they a slice showing the portrait, and Davey negoti-
wouldn’t listen. ated a good price. He spent a whole evening slic-
ing a segment off the end of the tree and was
Still the numbers of visitors continued to grow. The relieved to see that the image persisted through
car park feld was getting pretty churned up, as to the remaining trunk, like lettering through a
was the path the pilgrims, (he was starting to think stick of rock, though maybe not quite so perfectly

of them as such), were taking around the tree. He detailed.





(Global Environmental Outlook)

GEO will have a strong environmental focus.
Initially, attention will be concentrated on Biodiversity
(species loss and conservation), Biogeochemical
Cycles (the nitrogen cycle and overuse of fertilizers)
and Climate Change (evidence and impacts of
a changing world).
We are looking for articles to draw attention to
environmental work at a local level and would also
welcome articles on other ecological topics.

Writers wishing to submit articles to TAT GEO
Should Contact:

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