Page 21 - FICTION
P. 21

The whole enterprise very nearly went pear-shaped The wood supply? Well, that’s the truly amaz-
when Davey was accused of repainting the portrait ing thing. It never did run out. Perhaps that was
with creosote to restore the ‘Jesus’ factor, but he the true miracle of the ‘Holey Tree’, though some
was able, just, to talk his way out of it by saying do say that sometimes, at the dead of night, they
that he was merely applying colourless preserva- hear the sounds of a truck delivering something at
tive to maintain the wood and prevent any further Davey’s yard. Davey says nothing, of course. He’s
deterioration. He knew he’d have to be more care- as cantankerous as ever, but no one in the village
ful, though, in future.
would want to shut down a business that’s brought
so many extra visitors.
And that’s about the end of the story, really. What’s
that? Oh, yes, he’s still in business. It’s true that the We planted twenty more oaks this year around the
number of visitors has dropped off a bit recently, village green. Don’t suppose any of them will turn
but the sales of the crucifxes are still going strong, out to be miracle trees, but I guess it’ll be another
especially the internet sales.
three hundred years before anyone knows.

Independent Media Inspiring Minds 21
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