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12 Years a Slave
By Saul Turner
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Icon presents a flm by Steve McQueen
Written by John Ridley (screenplay), based on “Twelve Years a Slave” by Solomon Northup
Starring: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Lupita Nyong’o,
Sarah Paulson and Paul Giamatti
Running Time: 134 minutes
Rating: MA15+
Release Date: January 30th, 2014
With two features under his belt (Hunger and and sold into slavery in the Southern States, stripped
Shame), Steve McQueen has quickly established of his family, his riches and even his name. The rest
himself as a talented director of dark human drama. of the flm follows his experiences as a broken man,
His latest work, 12 Years a Slave, sears itself onto being handed from owner to owner and sufering all
one’s retinas with a unique visceral intensity. Set the evils of this practice.
in the social inequality of pre-Civil War America,
12 Years is the flm’s timeline in the life of Solomon Through tragedy after tragedy, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Northup. He is a successful and free black musician persists for freedom as Northup, and that is the
living in the Northern States during the heyday of most glaring detraction from this flm. Not the
the slavery industry, who enjoys a comfortable life performance of Ejiofor, but the character of Northup.
with his family. This is until he is coerced into joined While his situation is an uncommon introduction to
a travelling troupe and is subsequently kidnapped a man enslaved (but still more Roots than Django
6 Independent Media Inspiring Minds
12 Years a Slave
By Saul Turner
Image Source
Icon presents a flm by Steve McQueen
Written by John Ridley (screenplay), based on “Twelve Years a Slave” by Solomon Northup
Starring: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Lupita Nyong’o,
Sarah Paulson and Paul Giamatti
Running Time: 134 minutes
Rating: MA15+
Release Date: January 30th, 2014
With two features under his belt (Hunger and and sold into slavery in the Southern States, stripped
Shame), Steve McQueen has quickly established of his family, his riches and even his name. The rest
himself as a talented director of dark human drama. of the flm follows his experiences as a broken man,
His latest work, 12 Years a Slave, sears itself onto being handed from owner to owner and sufering all
one’s retinas with a unique visceral intensity. Set the evils of this practice.
in the social inequality of pre-Civil War America,
12 Years is the flm’s timeline in the life of Solomon Through tragedy after tragedy, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Northup. He is a successful and free black musician persists for freedom as Northup, and that is the
living in the Northern States during the heyday of most glaring detraction from this flm. Not the
the slavery industry, who enjoys a comfortable life performance of Ejiofor, but the character of Northup.
with his family. This is until he is coerced into joined While his situation is an uncommon introduction to
a travelling troupe and is subsequently kidnapped a man enslaved (but still more Roots than Django
6 Independent Media Inspiring Minds