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Wolf Creek 2

By Saul Turner

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Roadshow presents a flm by Greg Mclean

Written by Greg Mclean and Aaron Sterns
Starring: John Jarratt, Ryan Corr and Shannon Ashlyn

Rated: MA15+
Running Time: 104 mins

Released: February 20th, 2014

It’s hard to review this flm without ruining the and expands upon the exploits of the psychotic pig-
experience for others because few horror flms, shooter and true-blue outback legend, and any of
let alone Australian horror flms, can elicit as those unlucky enough to have an accent and cross
much self-aware exuberance and awe-inspiring his path.
cinematography as Wolf Creek 2. The original exists as
a modern R-rated and fercely Australian exploitation The opening scene of the sequel is a perfect example
hit. Writer-director Greg Mclean’s shocking and of showing the audience what they’re in for. If you
lovable villain, Mick Taylor (John Jarratt), fnally don’t like the frst ten minutes of Wolf Creek 2, it’s very
returns to terrorise tourists and audiences alike. unlikely you’ll like the following ninety. The opening
Set in the searing heat and sunburnt vistas of the scene establishes the stellar cinematography,
outback in Western Australia, Wolf Creek 2 continues surprisingly witty dialogue and of course, obscene

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