Page 4 - GAMES
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Independent Media Inspiring Minds

A Welcome from the Editor

gAmES magazine is about picking apart the big and geeks become the norm, we get to see more
stories, looking back on older titles you may have and more of these amazing people emerge, fying
missed or should be playing and of course, reviews the fag high. We should all be proud to be geeks!
and information on the latest games and hardware.
not long now until the next generation on consoles
the gaming community is bigger and more diverse destroys our wallets! im quite looking forward to
than it has ever been in its 30-odd years of life hearing what Sony will be doing for vita integra-
and wed love nothing more than to hear about tion with the PS4. there are rumours foating about
what you guys have to say. Agree or disagree with that there will be a PS4 bundle available that comes
something we say? Perhaps youve got something with a vita; if thats the case, microsoft may have
on your mind! let us know! to offer a bit more than just a controller that has the
words day one edition printed on it.
more indie titles fresh off the grill for you this month!
having survived the punishment of the Steam Sum- theres nothing quite like a console launch; im
mer Sale, Jock has two great games that he wanted frothing at the mouth just thinking about having
to tell us all about. the two big companies at eachothers throats once
again! it breeds innovation and great value, which
As you will no doubt know if you read on, i at- is awesome for consumers!
tended PAx AuS in July and had an absolute blast.
its so great that we have such a strong gaming oh, hi. So, how are you holding up? BECAuSE
community in Australia, but i wish that it was more i m A PotAto!
pronounced, instead of only coming out whenever
a big event is on. its a slow process, but as nerds tom


tom mclean has been playing games and writing
his whole life. over the past few years, he decided
combining the two would be a lot of fun and has
been doing it ever since.

When not writing for tAt, he can be found behind
the mic podcasting, on the couch watching mov-
ies or more likely, in his computer chair, gaming

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