Page 7 - GAMES
P. 7


Jock Read Hill

Welcome to mandagora island, home to the evil one taking place on a particular map, and then
military group ClAW led by Commander Baron. set off to rampage about the place with up to four
here they made the mandrake project, where liv- friends online or through local co-op with the use of
ing tissue can be regenerated. you were killed and xbox controllers.
brought back by this, now time to put ClAW in its
place. And thats all the story you need. mercenary Kings is currently in early access, which
means that it isn t fnished. While the very cartoon
Brought to you by Tribute Games, mercenary sprites are incredibly well animated and the fow
Kings is an animated 2d shooter that has taken of the game is easy to see, not all the missions
much from the Metal Slug. for those who havent are in place and whether or not the game gets
had the pleasure of the series, it is a very detailed rebalanced remains to be seen. on the plus side,
sprite action-shooter primarily focused on a quirky you can participate in helping Tribute tweak it as
sense of humour and extreme carnage; they had feedback is encouraged. there is currently about
you shooting space-nazi-zombies before it was 60 missions to go through with at least another
cool. mercenary Kings hasnt quite trodden down 40 promised for the fnished product, which is an
that path. in place of the usual arcade-style linear acceptable amount when you consider what the
set pieces, there are main maps where the action main hook of this adventure is guns. lot of guns.
takes place. instead of trekking through these in set And shooting them in to blatantly evil henchmen.
order, you choose from a variety of missions, each repeatedly.
Continues on page 8

Photo: indiegames,

Independent Media Inspiring Minds 7
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