Page 8 - GAMES
P. 8
Independent Media Inspiring Minds

Photo: indiegames,

At the outset you choose your character by picking While there action is solid in mercenary Kings, it
a name, gender and one of four colour palettes. (the is rarely intense, despite the array of weaponry.
guy s default name is unsurprisingly King and the girl Enemies are more of a decoration than hard threat;
Empress. name her Queen and feel a bit cheeky mildly aggressive treasure boxes that tend to respawn
why don t you.) After that, you descend to the home when you are a screen away, which can be frustrat-
base and get on with the business of fnding the gun ing when you are on a hostage rescue mission, back-
vendor and seeing what is available. With a certain tracking to check those screens. the most dangerous
amount of materials and cash, all parts of the gun thing about these enemies is the careful and some-
stock, barrel, sight, etc. can be modifed, with each times devious placement of them in the level design.
part changing the appearance and performance of most trouble sent you way can be easily avoided by
the gun; an awful lot of effort has gone in to this a simple one button roll or jumping out of the way.
system and it s animations and it shows. With this the case, most missions usually turn out to
be weapons testing grounds with a time limit on it.
Each mission gives you a certain reward, mostly
cold hard cash, but you also get materials from Provided that you are not looking for an in-depth
looting enemies. Each completed mission gets you experience, mercenary Kings does a perfectly in-
closer to the key mission of each rank. When you offensive job of being violent, charming and very
have completed that a promotion is netted and more entertaining with friends. it would pay to keep in
gun parts become available to make. An acid fr- mind that it is still and early access game, and
ing shotgun? Sure. A machine gun that spews fre those who are not fans of the genre might want to
bullets? Why not. Some of the weapons that can wait until the fnished work is available. [7]
be created out of the massive amounts available
almost make you feel sorry for these ClAW fellows. the early access version of mercenary King is
until youve fnished reloading that is. available on steam.

8 Independent Media Inspiring Minds
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