Page 9 - Games
P. 9
Game: 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
Genre: Sport
Release: April 17 2014
Console: PS3/Xbox360
In a nutshell: One of EA’s fagship
sporting game genres, this year’s
FIFA rendition promises further im- Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
provements of the small but impor- Genre: MMORPG
tant game mechanics that help keep Release: April 4
the game fuid and as lifelike as pos- Console: PC
sible. With a huge variety of game
modes and both online and offine In a nutshell: Almost two years
playability, the game is sure to keep after its frst announcement and
hardcore soccer fans appeased until months of both closed and
the actual competition gets under- open beta testing, TESO has
way on the 12 June. fnally launched around the
world – with PC gamers being
the frst to get a taste of the
Game: Trials Fusion fnished and highly polished
Genre: Time-Trial Racing product. Anticipation skyrock-
Release: April 18/April 24 (PC) eted as each day drew closer
Console: PC, PS4, Xbox360, to release for the frst MMO
XboxOne based in the Elder Scrolls uni-
verse. The game promised to
deliver an incredible online ex-
In a nutshell: As the sequel to the perience that still manages to
popular Trials Evolution, Trials Fusion keep the core series gameplay
brings back all the incredible level and unique style intact, with
designs and ramping diffculty levels, both action-RPG styled game-
and improves upon its already solid play and a wildly customizable
foundation. Take a bike and make it character and class system.
go from A to B while navigating through an obstacle course and All this, coupled with the fabu-
lous Elder Scrolls questing and
scoring that elusive gold medal. It sounds so simple on paper, but the gameplay elements thrown into
degree of fnesse required to successfully do so is what has made this the mix, makes for an MMO
game series a bestseller on both console and PC. experience like no other.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9
Game: 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
Genre: Sport
Release: April 17 2014
Console: PS3/Xbox360
In a nutshell: One of EA’s fagship
sporting game genres, this year’s
FIFA rendition promises further im- Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
provements of the small but impor- Genre: MMORPG
tant game mechanics that help keep Release: April 4
the game fuid and as lifelike as pos- Console: PC
sible. With a huge variety of game
modes and both online and offine In a nutshell: Almost two years
playability, the game is sure to keep after its frst announcement and
hardcore soccer fans appeased until months of both closed and
the actual competition gets under- open beta testing, TESO has
way on the 12 June. fnally launched around the
world – with PC gamers being
the frst to get a taste of the
Game: Trials Fusion fnished and highly polished
Genre: Time-Trial Racing product. Anticipation skyrock-
Release: April 18/April 24 (PC) eted as each day drew closer
Console: PC, PS4, Xbox360, to release for the frst MMO
XboxOne based in the Elder Scrolls uni-
verse. The game promised to
deliver an incredible online ex-
In a nutshell: As the sequel to the perience that still manages to
popular Trials Evolution, Trials Fusion keep the core series gameplay
brings back all the incredible level and unique style intact, with
designs and ramping diffculty levels, both action-RPG styled game-
and improves upon its already solid play and a wildly customizable
foundation. Take a bike and make it character and class system.
go from A to B while navigating through an obstacle course and All this, coupled with the fabu-
lous Elder Scrolls questing and
scoring that elusive gold medal. It sounds so simple on paper, but the gameplay elements thrown into
degree of fnesse required to successfully do so is what has made this the mix, makes for an MMO
game series a bestseller on both console and PC. experience like no other.
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 9