Big Bash review

By Jess Fagan


The final at Manuka Oval got off to a very slow start for a Big Bash game. The Sixers lost a couple of early wickets and boundaries were hard to come by, leaving the crowd of just over 11,000 a little subdued. But if the game took a little while to get going, the thrilling end more than made up for it.


With the Perth Scorchers chasing 148, it came down to the final ball, fittingly bowled by superstar Brett Lee in his last game of professional cricket.

Lee claimed two quick wickets to be on a hat-trick, but couldn’t quite get the fairytale ending. The Sixers missed a run-out opportunity and the Scorchers managed to get a single and claim the title for the second year in a row.


The side from Perth dominated early on, but a superb 77 from Sixers captain Moises Henriques managed to steady the ship and get his side back in the match.


But by far the biggest cheer was reserved for Brett Lee.


The crowd went wild when he knocked off Coulter-Nile and Sam Whiteman in the final over. It looked as though he might even be able to get Sixers over the line, but in the end they fell just short.


Lee was quick to congratulate the Scorchers after the game. He said he was still shaking after the dramatic final ball, but he was ready to move aside after spending the last few months playing with such a great group of guys.


His team-mates were full of praise for the popular star. Henrqiues pointed out that he’s had a fantastic career, but was also such a humble man and good human being.


But in the end, it was the Scorchers who re-affirmed their dominance of the Big Bash League. Both teams who played in the final will now represent Australia at this year’s Champions League tournament.


Image courtesy of Sydney Sixers