Blueback at Spare Parts Puppet Theatre

By Vivienne Glance

The worlds of land and under the sea are beautifully brought to life in this return season of Blueback, a Spare Parts Puppet Theatre classic. Adapted by Peta Murray from the Tim Winton children’s story of the same name, it follows the life of Abel Jackson from boyhood to fatherhood, and his deep connection to his home by the ocean. Touching on themes of love and loss, this wonderful production enchants and questions how we relate to the sea, its perils and its gifts.

Director, Phillip Mitchell, will be ‘In Conversation’ with Peta Murray at Spare Parts Puppet Theatre on 8th July after the 6.30pm show, discussing themes and issues raised by Blueback so be sure to catch that if you can.

Blueback is on from 4-18 July, details on the Spare Parts Puppet Theatre website: