The Augmented AV Poet- 5 stars


Image courtesy of Cy Gorman

I wasn’t at all sure what to expect from The Augmented AV Poet, walking inside the always mysterious and delightful Butterfly Club in Melbourne’s CBD.

Now it’s easy to understand why Cy Gorman’s music has been nominated for JJJs Hottest 100 on several occasions, as he adds a colourful mix to the music pot. That’s before you see a live show. The way he blends projections and acoustic sound makes for the perfect parcel, sending his audience on an immersive audio/visual voyage. Wrapped in ribbons of honest and heartfelt storytelling. His visual attention to detail is as well crafted as the melodies he plays on piano, and the authenticity of his voice is refreshing.

There is something very powerful about an artist who creates a world that takes an audience away from the moment they step inside the theatre. I could barely sip my wine I was so engrossed in the pattern of the lights projected onto the rips and tears of the white sheet covering the back wall, and the stories they were telling.

His stint at The Butterfly Club is now over, and Cy is working on some big things. He is a part of a project called Augmented Organism, which will take Cy to Finland. You can learn about, and donate to the project here: