Where’s My Pony: You are invited to a pop-cabaret party while the world burns in the background.

These are scary times. Donald Trump might actually become president, nobody under 30 can afford a house and if you don’t have a booty like Nicki Minaj you’re actually going to have to work instead of twerk. If “the age of entitlement” is indeed over, then Carla Conlin is ready to throw it a cabaret-style farewell party to end all parties.

Wearing the modern day armour of a fabulous gown and wielding a glass of champagne, Carla explores what it takes to make us happy.  This heroine of Gen Y lays her life on the line as she seeks the truth behind the facebook posts and the idea of the happily ever after.

Drawing on Frank Sinatra, Disney and the NY cabaret scene for musical inspiration, Carla cleverly uses lyrics to explore the theme. Taking a mix of new and well-known songs, she up-cycles and repurposes them to tell some hilarious cautionary tales that will leave you laughing with recognition or squirming in sympathy.

Equal measures biting social commentary and wild pop-soaked cabaret party, Where’s My Pony tears up the inter-generational social contract and throws in in the air like confetti. It suggests that if we are all going to die in debt, we may as well max out our credit cards on excellent champagne, shared with friends, against a background of excellent music.

Carla teams up again with Matthew Carey (The Sound of Music, Grease) as musical Director, having written and performed sell out shows at successive Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Cabaret Fringe festivals, including a sold out season of Where’s my Pony.



Show Details: Where’s My Pony?

Dates: 23rd – 27th November

Time: 7 pm

Cost: $25-32

Venue: The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne

Tickets: thebutterflyclub.com