FRINGEWORLD 2017 – Naked Girls Reading (4 stars)

Review by Amanda Lancaster

So how exactly do I explain this show: Naked Girls Reading? The title kinda tells you everything and nothing all at once really. Provocative in title, yet as simple and straight-forward as you can get, this show is quite literally naked women reading.

Greeted by popular and well known hostess  Ms Ruby Slippers, who some of you may have had the pleasure of seeing host the show Expose: Volume II. We are given a small introduction to the wold of Naked Girls Reading.
Once a small idea started by an American husband and wife duo, the show is now a global phenomenon with reading chapters world-wide. Each night has a different thematic basis, and varying array of content, yet the performative aspects remain the same. Out come a bevy of beauties selected from across a variety of different adult entertainment industries who then, inevitably disrobe and arrange themselves on the large couch in front of the audience.

Once the initial titillating aspect of being permitted – in fact encouraged –  to look upon gorgeous  ladies in their all-together passes, we then get down to the real reason we’re all there. The reading of course! Each lady takes turns throughout the performance reading aloud sections of literature coinciding with the evening’s themes that they themselves have found important, interesting, empowering, and indeed even humorous.

Believe it or not, as the evening progresses it becomes easy to find yourself more than a little engrossed in the words and spoken performances of the talented group, so much so that you at times you often forget that this is all being orally woven together by some of the most fantastic examples of the female form you’re ever likely to encounter again.

After years of popular sell out shows and an ever growing world-wide fan base, it’s obvious that the perfect way to  bring people’s interest back to the joys of literature is by having naked girls read  it. A definite recipe for success, come an experience the utmost in intellectual stimulation performed by the utmost in feminine aesthetics.


When: 6th – 12th February 2017 | 10:30pm

Where: The Shambles | Fringe Central | PERTH

Tickets: $16 – $26

Info: Duration 60 minutes | Suitable 18+ | WA Artist
