FRINGEWORLD 2017 – Daddy for Beginners with Luke Bolland (4.5 Stars)

Review by Kieran Eaton

When you see the words ‘dad’ and ‘comedy’, it can be worrisome – but have no fear as Perth Headliner, Luke Bolland does a solo show with his usual funniness. This funny-man fires gags consistently throughout this father-based themed show. Bolland is a friendly guy who lets his comedy material do the talking.  This child at heart father describes his honest opinion of being a dad and this frank opinion allows for the biggest laughs.

Bolland crafts jokes with ease, getting laughs from various angles and is still aware of the varied audience to handle the different responses. You get idea that Bolland has always enjoyed being a bit of a goofball but this gives him an existential crisis when he was about to have his first child because his father – who he looked up to was not like this. This guide to fatherhood thus feels at the same time a personal growth story.  This father of two realises there are lots of people out there who are just all talk and the most important thing is love. From his performance where even though he describes his frustration with his little ones, he still comes out with his emotion to want these children to have a happy childhood.

However, life is an emotional roller-coaster and Bolland explores this with earnest detail. He knows that sometimes they just scrape by and that is ok – as he survived living in Gosnells. Now this Gen Xer lives in Beckenham he feels slightly safer and a bit more adult, yet his two girls keep him in touch with his inner child. Daddy for Beginners with Luke Bolland is a feel-good show about keeping it real – it’s a joy to watch.


When: 7th – 15th February 2017 | 8:10pm

Where: Noodle Palace | Fringe Central | PERTH

Tickets: $16 – $21

Info: Duration 55 minutes | Recommended 15+ | WA Artist
