MICF interview with Blake Everett

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Image courtesy of Blake Everett

Find out why Blake is the ‘King of Nothing’ but an absolute jester of a comedian…

The Australia Times (TAT): When did you first start comedy?

Blake Everett (BE): I started around Grade 3- with a friend- we were both big fans of the The Umbilical Brothers. We had an act called the Bionicle Guys which was a tribute to The Umbilical Brothers. We’d just get up in school talent competitions.

In Year 8 I did Class Clowns- which is a part of the Comedy Festival. That was my first stand up gig to an audience that wasn’t my school- and it was horrible. It was really bad. I wasn’t funny. I put that video on YouTube- I don’t know why. Someone commented- “the funniest thing about this is your shirt”. It was a Scooby Doo shirt. It was a funny shirt. So I took the video down. Then I did Class Clowns again in 2012, and I got to The National Finals- my fourth gig. That was my humble beginning, and my peak also. It’s been a downwards spiral since (laughs).

TAT: Why do you like comedy?

BE: I don’t. I wake up every morning and think ‘why did I get into this when I could just work at Coles with my mum’…. I enjoy entertaining people. Even when I was at school- that’s what I enjoyed doing- making my friends laugh, and then taking it to a stage- there’s more people to make happy.

TAT: What are your days like- do you have a job?

BE: Not at all, I’m very unemployed. But that’s by choice. I finished Year 12 in 2015 and decided that I didn’t want to go to UNI I just wanted to focus on comedy. That’s my passion, that’s what I really wanted to do, so I’ve devoted all my time. Also acting- I make children’s pantomimes with Make Believe Theatre.

TAT: How do you come up with your material?

BE: Just observe every day life. I’ll observe something and think ‘that’s what makes it funny- but what makes it Blake funny?’

TAT: Who are your favourite comedians, famous and Melbourne based?

BE: Internationally-Bo Burnham, James Acaster- he’s doing three shows in the Festival, and Ross Noble. Locally- big fan of Stuart Daulman, Rose Callaghan, Jacqueline Mifsud, Sam Taunton and Luke Kidgell. I could go on for hours, there’s too many…

TAT: Describe your comedy style…

BE: Funny. My comedy style is unique- it’s a blend of stand-up, musical comedy and sketch. So my shows are like a variety hour- but 50 minutes.

TAT: “Comedians are damaged people” discuss…

BE: No. You see that a lot- there was an article in The Herald Sun recently saying comedians were more likely to be depressed. I think it comes down to the individual person. Yeah sure- there are some damaged people in comedy but dentist suicide rates are 100% higher than any other profession. Tabloids love to connect the idea of funny people being sad. It’s not true- I’m the happiest guy out.

TAT: Do you have a favourite moment on stage?

BE: I’ve had a lot of good gigs. There aren’t many gig that stand out as being bad. One of the best gig I did was during the comedy festival last year. At The Windy Mile in Diamond Creek- Luke Kidgell runs a room there. It was just packed- possibly a couple of hundred people- mostly university students which is my target audience. It is one of the best gigs I’ve done.

TAT: Do you like audience interaction?

BE: Yeah absolutely- I love audience interaction. With my shows, especially last year,  I just had too much material- which is the biggest brag for a comedian, but I didn’t have time for audience interaction or improv. My show was going 10-15 minutes over every night so when I did Fringe I said it was a 90 minute show so I had more time. There’ll be a bit in this show.

TAT: Do you feel like it’s you on stage or a character?

BE: It’s me. Absolutely. Some of the things I say might not be 100% me, but I’m myself. I’m a friendly persona on and off stage.

TAT: Tell us about your show…

BE: I tried to create a show that was more moral based, so the idea is it doesn’t matter if you are the King of Nothing- as long as you are doing what you love. Which I am with comedy. That’s where it started, and since then it’s just got real loose. It’s lots of nonsense and funny bits that don’t necessarily connect but I guess that’s what I do. It’ll make since when you see the show. The moral is about 30 seconds of the show.

TAT: Why should people come and see your show?

I’m the future of comedy. If you don’t come and see my show- I’ll give up, and who’s to blame? People who didn’t see my show. In 20 years when the big names of today are are thinking ‘I’m going to start retiring, or doing more ABC Radio stuff’ you’ll be like ‘I wish there was a really great comedian by the name of Blake Everett around, it’s a shame I didn’t see his show 20 years ago and he gave up. So that’s why you should see my show, and also- it’s very good.

TAT: What’s your favourite object?

BE: My bed. As a comedian, it’s the best tool I’ve got in my arsenal. Every moment I’m not on stage I’m in bed. Right now- just a bit of limbo. Love my bed, can do everything from there.

TAT: If you were to be a superhero, what would be your name and power?

BE: It kind of is my name in the comedy scene- ‘The amazing heckler comeback guy’ and my power is- I’m just real good at coming back at hecklers.

TAT: Is that really what people call you?

BE: No, not at all. I call myself that, but it hasn’t caught on yet.

TAT: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

BE: Numbers. Got to love that addition.

You can make sure the future of comedy keeps doing comedy by seeing his show:

When: 10th-22nd April (except 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th)

Where: Tasma Terrace, 6 Parliament Pl

Tickets: $25

Information: Venue is not wheelchair accessible

Links: https://www.comedyfestival.com.au/2022/shows/king-of-nothing