Girls win with new web-series Dee-Brief


Who rules the world? GIRLS!


Well perhaps not yet, but there’s been a big win for independent filmmakers and female friendships with the media release of the new series, Dee-Brief.


Unveiled under the fairy lights at a media night last Friday, at Two Birds Brewery in the trendy back streets of Williamstown, Dee-Brief gave early viewers a sneak peek to something unusually spectacular – an all-female independent, dramedy web series.

Creator and Producer Jessica Pearce depicts the story of two best friends in their late twenties as they move in together and try to navigate their way through life and, more importantly, the friendship they have with one another.

Director Sarah Hickey reflected on the moment when she turned to Pearce and suggested they do away with the script and do improv, for real. The whole series is improvised acting or ‘circumstantial comedy’ as Hickey calls it, which accounts for the incredible relatability. Mind you, a lot must be credited to the fantastic chemistry between the two leads Dee (Alexandra Hines) and Kate (Chloe Martin).

The result is captivating and extraordinarily relatable – honest and magic moments are caught on camera, as many entertaining events unfold.

The brilliance is the exploration of complex, raw challenges, and the support and joy particular to female friendships. Relationships are complex at best, but Dee-Brief has now put it to film in a truly enjoyable way for all types of audiences.

Dee-brief had me at ‘independent’ and ‘dramedy’ – and if the media night was much to go by, I can’t wait to follow the events of Dee and Kate.

This series is a win for female leads, friendships, independent filmmaking and all the good stuff. Well done ladies, an extraordinary job and utterly hilarious.

You can watch the Dee-Brief series online now –