There are a couple of small theatre companies operating in the Bayswater area, one of them is Stageworx which is run by Trish Carr, who is a graduate of Deakin University’s theatre program after it moved to Burwood. The other is Fab Nobs who specialise in the production of musicals.
9 to 5 rewinds us to the 80s when technology, by modern standards is extremely backward.
Carbon sheets are used to make copies of your teenage novel and ledger books are hardcovers with lined pages to record accounts which can now be digitally filed on computers. The average worker faces a gruelling 9 to 5 shift five days a week, and the workplace consists of a larger office of employees, mostly women, in the typing pool, supporting a male hierarchy. 9 to 5 is essentially about the oppression of sexual harrassment, but in a lighter, comic strip coloured genre. Rachel Tigel plays a stereotypical role of an office tart, Doralee, who is misjudged but ultimately leads a revolution against her suppressive superior, a cartoonish Franklin Hare junior played by Ash Cooper.
This is an interesting collective of young people with an interest in amateur theatre alongside those who have a lot of experience, which can be extremely hard to gain, due to the competition in auditions. Auditioning in itself is a craft. Of particular note is Bethany Girardi who plays Maria. Her dancing and poise is notable in the chorus, honed through her involvement in children’s theatre, and credits of the past include The Producers and Funny Girl (MDMS), and Snow White in Snow White. She also manages her own performing arts school.