Page 11 - GAMES
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INDIE sLICE: starDrive
Jock Read Hill
Ever wondered what it would be like leading giant very comprehensive, they do link you to online vid-
star feet of samurai space-bears in to mortal com- eos and instructions that will get you on track eas-
bat? Either way heres your chance. ily. the frst task in starting is to choose your team
and a random galaxy to play in. Eight races are
released recently by Zero Sum Games, Stardrive currently available, each with endearing graphic
is a 4x (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) animations and fully customisable racial traits.
game. for those who havent encountered them once happy with your choice, pick how many op-
before, it is a usually complex style of game involv- ponents will be in your galaxy and off you go.
ing empire building, entering in negotiations, war
and trade with other teams. for those who have en- in games where empires grow from humble begin-
countered 4x games before, Stardrive is very much nings, one of the biggest hurdles in getting smooth
in the realm of Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares, gameplay is micro management. having your frst
which is considered one of the benchmarks for this colonisation effort starve to death because of food
genre. in fact, a lot of inspiration has been drawn transportation mishaps can leave you feeling less
from it, and thats not a bad thing at all. and qualifed for the position of overlord. While
such management is necessary, once the galaxy
true to most 4x titles, it has a reasonably diffcult becomes more explored, diplomacy and war with
learning curve. Whilst the in game tutorials to as- other races can make it all really diffcult to handle,
sist you on your path to galactic domination aren t even with the game paused. But at one push of a
Continues on page 12
Photo: indiegames,
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11
INDIE sLICE: starDrive
Jock Read Hill
Ever wondered what it would be like leading giant very comprehensive, they do link you to online vid-
star feet of samurai space-bears in to mortal com- eos and instructions that will get you on track eas-
bat? Either way heres your chance. ily. the frst task in starting is to choose your team
and a random galaxy to play in. Eight races are
released recently by Zero Sum Games, Stardrive currently available, each with endearing graphic
is a 4x (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) animations and fully customisable racial traits.
game. for those who havent encountered them once happy with your choice, pick how many op-
before, it is a usually complex style of game involv- ponents will be in your galaxy and off you go.
ing empire building, entering in negotiations, war
and trade with other teams. for those who have en- in games where empires grow from humble begin-
countered 4x games before, Stardrive is very much nings, one of the biggest hurdles in getting smooth
in the realm of Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares, gameplay is micro management. having your frst
which is considered one of the benchmarks for this colonisation effort starve to death because of food
genre. in fact, a lot of inspiration has been drawn transportation mishaps can leave you feeling less
from it, and thats not a bad thing at all. and qualifed for the position of overlord. While
such management is necessary, once the galaxy
true to most 4x titles, it has a reasonably diffcult becomes more explored, diplomacy and war with
learning curve. Whilst the in game tutorials to as- other races can make it all really diffcult to handle,
sist you on your path to galactic domination aren t even with the game paused. But at one push of a
Continues on page 12
Photo: indiegames,
Independent Media Inspiring Minds 11