Page 12 - GAMES
P. 12
Independent Media Inspiring Minds

Photo: indiegames,

button, the Ai for these transports and requestion- deserving of mention, with all the income in your
ing of more ships is dutifully taken care of. empire easily taken care of, but not dumbed-down.
As is with these games of conquest, dealing with
Another very important point about 4x games, the other teams is key. With animations of the other
user interface (ui) needs to be very streamlined so race speaking and the lists of available interactions
complex orders can be given with ease; something comes the decisions that will change the whole
that Stardrive has done very well. Aside from the match. non-aggression pacts, trade agreements or
initial learning process, the menus are effcient and fat out war can be opted for, with the other teams
for the most part informative. the economics bar is general mood towards you represented by the
three measurements: anger, fear and trust. While
the available options for diplomacy are limited, the
intent of the other team cannot be counted upon.
though some teams are more incline to war than
others, so it will come to your doorstep, wanted
or not.

Which leads on to one of the main elements of
Stardrive, and space-sim games too. Ship build-
ing. Pre-made designs are available to choose
here, but the personal customisation with the in-
depth ship designer is where some of the best fun
is to be had. in the beginning, especially with lim-
ited technology researched, options can be slim
theres only so much tinkering to be done with a
Photo: indiegames,
corvette-class ship. But when you begin to design
Continues on page 15
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