Review by Kieran Eaton
Zach and Viggo: Thunderflop crashes and bangs just like thunder – it’s loud and may scare you! Don’t let it terrify you, though, these two entertainers do comedy in a mesmerising way – admitting that their brand of comedy is hard to describe. That’s what makes it special.
Zach Zucker is American and is an intensely amazing showman, while Viggo Venn is Norwegian and brings randomness to a whole new level. They bounce off each other with ease and it is hard to keep up with them at times! Both display an amazing amount of high energy that makes this absurdist show work to the max. When they use their bodies, it is stylish and seamless, and both parties are equally comfortable wearing lycra and using larger than life props that slightly satirise every kind of possible act that is in FRINGEWORLD 2017.
Thunderflop opens with some good old-fashioned audience participation. The duo get certain members of the crowd to become fictional characters that will be used throughout the show. The strange interactive scenes that follow bounce with high-octane energy, and any awkwardness just adds to the hilarity – every step of the journey is captivating. It appears each show gets a different outcome, depending on what the participants do. Both performers read the crowd so naturally that it almost seems like it is staged! This night it ends on a wedding, yet this crazy duo made it seem like it could have just been an idea on the fly.
Zach and Viggo: Thunderflop will take you to a dream-like world where perceptions and reality are smashed, leaving you in stitches.
When: 20th January – 4th February 2017 | 10:10pm
Where: Noodle Palace | Fringe Central | PERTH
Tickets: $17 – $21
Info: Duration 60 minutes | Suitable 15+